Open Door Ministries

Open Door Ministries

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Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Photos from Open Door Ministries's post 27/02/2014

To consider that the God of all the universe knows my name is such a humbling fact! To think that God knows what I'm going through and wants me to prosper and that He loves me despite all I've done all I can do is marvel at His wonder as I'm left speechless


God I may not always know what you're doing but I trust you always!


God give me the right things to say to the ones I care about and love give me the strength to do what needs to be done for the advancement of the Kingdom. Give me the leadership and guidance to go where you want me to go and above all give me the encouragement to go on When everything else seems like it's coming against me amen


should be writing again soon on here guys had alot going on lately but im back in the saddle and should have things going agin on a regular basis starting soon!!!!!


Today i stand on Gods word in saying that no matter what life may trough at me nothing can seperate me from His amazing love. You are always going to have people who hurt you talk about you and decive you and in those situations you have one of two choices to make you can either get upset about it and think on it until it drives you crazy or you can stand on the Word of God that says "they will hate you because they have first hated me" See even when situations like this come up in our lives in our school or work place we should be more like Paul and consider it all as joy because if we are doing something right for God they will talk about us "think on the good things of God"



Gods Word will be the foundation of my life. I am a salt to the earth and a light ounto the world. I shall rejoyce and be glad because today is the day that the Lord has given me. I will spread the Word of the Lord where ever i go and His praises will be in my mounth continually. God i ask that you help me to love others as You love me and teach me to love You with all my heart mind and strength.


i declare over my generation restoration, understanding and love. I know that God is a God of healing and right now that is what we desprately need. I pray for Jesus to give us a hunger for truth and a thirst for righteousness that we have never had before. May we learn to love one another as Christ first loved us! 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light!!!!!!!!!!


your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up never runs out on me and on and on and on and on it goes it overwhelms and satisfies my soul and ill never ever have to be afraid cause one thing remains your love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rain down God let your glory rain down on all of us as we praise your holy name!!!!!


To all my friends young and old God has putting on my heart today. I feel that God is about to start not just a revival but a revilution in our generation if we are willing to obey him! Let us today pick up our cross and follow Him we can do something that people have never seen if we just give it up all to him!


I am thankfull that I have a saviour that died on the cross for my sins so that I may have a life of abundance and peace


God i give you praise for who you are and what you have done in my life. you are worthy of all the praise that i have to give and i come to you as meek as i know how to right now Father. Lord i ask that you forgive and cleanse my sins that i have commited against you and ask that you will forgive others who sinned against me. Father i know that you are the giver of life and of peace and i speak right now life into every situation in my and the people around me life and ask that you bring peace into every situation because only you can. May I let You shine through me every where i go and people know that i am a child of Your's. Keep my path in Your holy path that you have set out for me again i praise You with all that i have Amen.


Let God be true and every man a lie


today i thought about something hard and that was are we living or just exsisting? If you stop and think about it we are just like any other species on this earth merely here to reproduce.... just existing. But something happens to you when u truely accept Jesus in to your life. In that one moment your life came from having no purpsose to a purpose of serving an almighty God who created you! Weather you are called to preach teach or evangilize makes no diffrance what matters is you are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ who died for you on a dirty cross for sins that you havent even comitted yet. The message of Jesus Christ is so powerful yet so simple, love God with all your mind heart and soul, and love thy brother as thy self. So what will it be today will you just merely exist or will you live for God? its your choise today


If my people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray then would I hear from heaven and heal thier land


Cant wait for God to move tonight at church :)


The best is yet to come in life look a Job he went through so much but still trusted God no matter what happend in his life... so why do we get so dicouraged when we have trials? We can stand on the word of God like it says in Romans 8:28 all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called acording to his purpose. Count it all as joy when trails come your way and praise God all the way through it :)


life is what you make it i have decided that from now on my life is 100 percent for God and do what he would have for me to do cause as long as i try to do it myself i always mess it up. I want to see a revieval happen in this city and for God just to move like he never has before


you know i've heard alot of people say that there are no miricles but lastnight i witnessed the greatest miricle of all someone giving thier lives to God enough said :)


i pray today for those who lost someone in the tragic September 11 attacks 11 years ago today. I pray a blessing over them all and ask God to heal their hurting hearts.


ok so today i want to talk about the main scripture that is on the page. 1 Timothy 4:12. So many times lately i've heard so many negative things about our generation that no one thinks we can do anything with our lives or our nation but today i want to encourage my generation to stand up on the Word of God and what it says! If we who are called by His name will humble our selves and pray he said that he would hear from heaven and heal our land! So my challenge for you today and everyday is to start pray first and fore most that souls would be saved and second to pray for our nation and the people who rule it to be lead by God to do whats right!


here is some lyrics God gave me guys i want some coments on it let me know what you think!

I've been living without you
for far to long
your more than a feeling
more than words in a song

come rescue me
come rescue me
all that i am and all i have to give
is right here at your feet
so come rescue me

in times of trouble
i know who to call
even though i may stumble
youll never let me fall

so come rescue me
come rescue me
all that i am and all i have to give
is right here at your feet
so come rescue me
come rescue me
all that i am and all i have to give
is right here at your feet today!


hey guys got an awsome topic today! Have you ever wanted something really and no matter what you did you never could seem to get it? Did you ask God for it or if it is in His will? The bible says in James 4:2 "you have not beacause you ask not." While it may be true that God knows our thoughts and our inner most desires He still desires us to tell Him about what we want. This does not mean He will give you a million dollars but if you ask for it and ask for his will to be done God will open a way for it to happen if it is. So lesson from today is to ask God for what you want and do not be discouraged if you dont get it because its all in His will!!! feel free to comment :)


hey guys ive got a bible verse that has been on my heart today and i wanted to share it

Romans 8:28 For everything works together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Don't let what you did in your past control your future you can still hold you head up high and praise God because no matter what you have done God can turn it around for you to help someone else!!


Read these lyrics they really speak to me hope they do to you too!!

You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all

So I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours


hey this is robby hammonds im starting up a bible study try to meet every week and just share about what God is doing in our lives. Hope yall can join me in fellowship.

-1 Timothy 4:12-


Open Door Ministries's cover photo
