Coach Bex

Coach Bex

Daily motivational tips focused around your psychological health and holistic wellbeing. Advancing your knowledge and changing your mindset.

Parents Guide To Support - School Anxiety 07/01/2019

Parents Guide To Support - School Anxiety If you think your child might be anxious about school, here is our advice and information on where you can get help.

8 Things People With High-Functioning Depression Do Differently 19/12/2018

8 Things People With High-Functioning Depression Do Differently People with high-functioning depression have a leniency towards perfection, and often don’t rest until that standard is met.


Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there!


Focus on you!


Mental health awareness week!

I love that the stigma around mental health is slowly dropping. People are being more and more aware of how common it is and it’s being put out in the open to discuss.
This way people who are suffering have access to support and guidance, as well as being able to openly share their feelings with their loved ones.

It’s not just in your head. You can’t just ‘get over it’. It’s an illness and should be understood as an illness.

It’s okay to feel like this. But is it’s important to get the support and guidance if you are struggling. There’s so much support out there, you’re not alone!

Helpful techniques:
