Ghadeer Soudani

Ghadeer Soudani l Poet & Author of CLINCH THE MOON: A Collection of Original Love Poems l Now KINDLE BOOK:

Clinch the Moon: And Other Original Love Poems
by Ghadeer Soudani

Written from the wild and wondrous frontier of the heart, Ghadeer Soudani’s Clinch the Moon leads us into the depth and daring of raw passion! This eccentric collection of love poems will entrance the bold, as well as the timid, as it mixes and mingles with your own passionate yearning for a love that courageously dances beyond all boundaries.


Because you exist
I have met my whole
I'm a lost and found infant
Attached to the twine of your support,
Welcoming the rebirth of infatuation
Firing up victorious nights
By factual glossy animation
Composing glorious sights

Cuddle me, hold me
Give me your ultimatum
You attacked me, you provoked me
You challenged my imagination ....

~Ghadeer S


"Love Daringly, Boldly, Fearlessly; live each season as it passes ~ taste the fruits of LOVE and design each day in your own unique way." ~Ghadeer S


It's not the end that matters; it's how you get there that counts.


Tender Sensation
I saw you, I cherished you
I heard you, I panted you
I felt you, my mind pursued you
I knew you, I believed in you
I needed you, I fell into you
I wanted you, I traveled slowly beside you
I kissed you and it blew me away
I pictured you, I fancied you
I visualized you and it took my breath away
I desired you; you reformed my life
I loved you; you made our hearts inseparable
I am in love with you; I am departing in a wild passionate storm......


I care to swirl you peacefully in my sky

And veil you with the warmth of the clouds
Clouds that are curious to touch your hair
Causing lightning thunder and rain
Moreover, move your tender face
Admire and praise
Rise and pray
Cleanse your heart
You are on a trip of searching secret sound—
That dance between the warmness of your echoes,
Smoothed stylishly into your meadows

Listen to your heart
Walk by insight not by sight
Search for your strength to unite

_Ghadeer Soudani



To simplify my love for you
To include my words for you,
You are everything to me
You are the POWER that molds my survival
_Ghadeer Soudani


"Live Daringly, Boldly, Fearlessly; live each season as it passes—taste the Fruits of LOVE and design each day in your own unique way. " _Ghadeer Soudani


The more genuine you are, the more liberated you become. _Ghadeer Soudani


observe, think, consider;
and then choose
the better analysis.

_Ghadeer Soudani


Shine with a smile,
it confuses the darkness.
Speak with confidence
and you will reach your dreams.
Be committed to yourself,
and become one of the wonders
of the world.

_Ghadeer Soudani


Love’s happiest hour
nourishes desire
with a roller coaster
of fire.

_Ghadeer Soudani


"The sparkle of the thought illuminates the spirit; the inner eye explores its depth." _Ghadeer Soudani


Believe, achieve, endorse, elevate—
and you will rise to meet the summit
of your knowledge.
_Ghadeer Soudani


I am floating around you, I am dancing into you
Oh, my love, don’t ever question my affection—
Like an emperor dominating his kingdom
You killed all the men inside me and became my king ...

Ghadeer Soudani


Swim and fly, go up high
Evolve in the rage of multiple supply
Feel the clouds swimming in your wild eyes
Reach the stars with your soft cries....
_Ghadeer Soudani


I relax my mind completely,
I hear your voice repeatedly—
I dread no more.

_Ghadeer Soudani


"I am content, not because I think about you, but because I release my thoughts through you." _Ghadeer Soudani


Covering my emotions with a sheet of snow
I revealed my thoughts for your awestruck eyes to glow
Show me the fragrance I fear to touch
Passion my wonders and maintain my blush
Come closer, allow me to touch your voice
Come closer, allow me to sweetly drain and dose ....

_Ghadeer Soudani


"What doesn’t destroy us can make us stronger. Sometimes struggles help us develop strength." _Ghadeer Soudani


The more I value myself
the more I value others—
it is time to sing in harmony
with my own being.

_Ghadeer Soudani


Drag my shadow to collect your nature
Swim in my roaring remains
Tile upon my soft tissues
Relish all seasons to flicker in darkness
Wait, hold on, shush and settle down
Our love ripens whenever each season begins.

_Ghadeer Soudani


I’ll never feel alive until I hear the words
That tell me where you are and embrace me from afar
While you blind the moment with affection,
I enormously heed and fill your perfection
As it explodes like a bombshell in my heart ...

_Ghadeer Soudani


Feel my shells while teasing my vulnerability
Command your hostage to ease your instability
Hold captive my fears with foreplay, intuition
Create my existence in a world of visions— ~~~~~

_Ghadeer Soudani


"True, sensuous love flows like a blood-stream through the veins." _Ghadeer Soudani


Love may come
several times in your life…
If you miss it,
you miss the joy
of never having loved.

_Ghadeer Soudani


Mysterious flares light up your cave
And still… you come to me like a bear
Seeking shelter in my luscious affair—
It’s me here, it’s me there, it’s me everywhere
Don’t look at me… just stare;
Feel the heat that fills the air—
No wind can destroy the breaths we release
When we parachute from our seats

We ARE, my love
Yes, WE ARE connecting the cells .............

_Ghadeer Soudani


Submerge my faithful thoughts in a mine
Of Jade and Emeralds, touched with basil and thyme—
Preach to me while investing devotion,
Crawl within, modify my being
Undress my tree in a season of heat;
Breathe in my breath without counting the beats
Caramelize my spirit, sugar my heart—
Stand up and tell me
Never to fight;
Hold me in your beam
Unwind my serene ~~

_Ghadeer Soudani


"If loving you is wrong I do not want to be right; if loving you is right, I want to be righteous." _Ghadeer Soudani


Silencing the mind heals the soul !!


Move tenderly towards me
Slide toughly into my fearless world of hay and flame
Come closer to the event of unsustainable pleasure
And elevate my thoughtful anonymous brain
Your existence brings the whole world to my heart
It is our destined path to follow the sweetness
Of the unspeakable words of passion and grace—

_Ghadeer Soudani


"If happiness is your aim you must work on it to attract happy effects." _Ghadeer Soudani


"Focusing on your weaknesses is part of self-rejection. When you look at yourself every day, feel free to express what is deep inside you, value your strengths AND your weaknesses—you deserve to love and be loved." _Ghadeer Soudani