Sailing With Jesus

Sailing With Jesus

SAILING a SPIRITUAL Journey-Navigating through SEAS of THOUGHTS. WELCOME ON BOARD !Remember to invit SAILING WITH JESUS is a sensational SPIRITUAL VOYAGE.

So Meaningful that it must be shared among other hearts. Here's an Invitation 4 YOU to embark on this Spiritual Journey. Don't hesitate. HOP ON BOARD!ON JESUS SAILING SHIP; and start YOUR OWN Spiritual Adventure with Him. Why not invite your family and friends to enjoy a HOPEFUL LIFE'S LANDSCAPES. You may ask yourself: " Why should I come?"
Well, because Hebrews 6: 19 affirms : " WE HAVE THIS HOPE


God designs that the Sabbath shall direct the minds of men to the contemplation of His created works. Nature speaks to their senses, declaring that there is a living God, the Creator, the Supreme Ruler of all. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.

The beauty that clothes the earth is a token of God's love. We may behold it in the everlasting hills, in the lofty trees, in the opening buds and the delicate flowers. All speak to us of God.
The Sabbath, ever pointing to Him who made them all, bids men open the great book of nature and trace therein the wisdom, the power, and the love of the Creator. . 📚PP 48.3

📖Exodus 20:8
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. ..”
