Author A. Mallory

Author A. Mallory

A group of present day orphans discovered within them, the power of the aura. With those powers, the


She got George and I at a dang tea party šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


George is still hanging strong.with me.


It's Dickens Fair time šŸ˜‰


The young ones must learn where the dishes go


If only it could be.

Timeline photos 18/02/2018


Today I saw a lot of random acts of kindness. Maybe with all the love in the air, people felt more love for others. The funny thing is, I also so that people didnā€™t know how to react to it lol. Keep loving, , theyā€™ll get use to it šŸ˜‰ Happy Valentines Day, from Mr. Ex Ray


Donā€™t let them bring you down too. Do your best, to do whatā€™s right. Thatā€™s


Something strange happened to me today, and it opened my eyes. It opened my eyes to something that Iā€™ve been trying to do for others, but now I know truly how much of an up hill battle it will be. Perception. How we look at one another day to day, and how certain situations make us feel about one another.
You see today I was walking down the streets of Oakland, wind blowing, cold gray sky and me not liking the cold, I was rather bundled up. Big black puffy jacket, black beanie, black gloves. My depression was kicking in pretty hard, so Iā€™m sure I didnā€™t have anything that remotely resembled a smile on my face. Basically, I didnā€™t look like anybody you would want to be friendly with at the time.
As I approached one of the high-rise condominium buildings in the downtown, a woman walked out of the front door of the building, a few feet in front of me. Upon seeing me, I noted that she had no expression, one way or another, upon her face. Which was a good thing. To me this said that she was neither afraid nor overly relaxed upon seen me walking down the street. And yes, she was a little white woman. And in my experience, in the past dressed as I was, walking downtown Oakland, little white women tend to show fear as I pass them. Thatā€™s why, what happened next was so eye-opening to me.
As we passed one another, I noticed a change in her body language. Her face begin to soften into a smile, now mind you all this was happening within a few seconds neither one of us broke stride as we walked by. But as I said before, her face begin to soften into smile, her body language begin to relax and then I saw it. She was holding something in her right hand, she held it up slightly, and nodded her head as she passed.
What was it? What was it about my appearance, that would make this woman do such a thing? Now yes we all know Iā€™m a devilishly good looking guy LOL. But in my current frame of mind, looking like I was already mad at the world, not even my good looks could make someone react this way. So what was it? And thatā€™s when it hit me. We were holding the same fu***ng cup.
You see, the cup we both had in our hands, was this black and white Starbucks cup. For those of you who know, this cup allows you access to one free coffee or tea for the entire month of January, at Starbucks. Now donā€™t get me wrong, the cups not free. Itā€™s basically a prepaid card. You pay for the coffee in advance, then for the month of January you donā€™t have to worry about carrying any money. Just walk in, tell them what you want, and walk out. Now the only thing I can think of, is that once she saw this cup, in her mind it put us in the same club. Her love for Starbucks, overcame any preconceived notionā€˜s about seeing a stranger on the street and interacting with them. Whereas normally, she would not have looked at me and smiled, because she wasnā€™t going to do it before. She was just going to walk by, as was I. But when she saw the cup, somehow we were no longer strangers. It there for, no longer felt inappropriate or out of place to smile at someone she had never met. That in itself, is .
Truly, that is what I would love to see. I would love to see people walk down the street and see something like, a pin on someoneā€™s lapel or a face on someoneā€™s purse and have it feel like a club or a neighbor type feeling. Seeing Ex Rayā€™s face, could in someway help us all feel like it is OK to interact with one another. To feel like it is OK to make eye contact with someone walking down the street and smile or say hello.
Now donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not saying that such a thing should have you let down your guard. You never know where that person got Ex Ray from. You donā€™t know if they even know who Ex Ray is. Just like that woman had no clue where I got my cup from. But the fact that I was holding it, clutching it in the cold as I was, she felt that kinship because she was on her happy ass way to get a warm cup of coffee too. Seeing my cup, in her mind, tells her that I spent a good some of money, and made a sort of promised to a business saying, hey Iā€™ll be back every day for the month of January. But little does she know, my cup was a gift LOL, me and Starbucks arenā€™t cool like that but Iā€™ll go if its free. And at the same time, in excepting that gift, I did make that promise to Starbucks saying, hey Iā€™ll come into that store every day if I can just to get that free cup of coffee.
What I want to do, or should I say what I would like to do, is have Ex Ray be that promise. Have Ex Ray be that promise that we make to one another saying, hey I will do my best, day to day, to treat people with decency and respect. Iā€™m not saying that it will always work out that way, but I am say that I will try an treat you that way, until you give me a reason not to. That is The Ex Ray Way.
If you made it to the end of this story, thank you for sticking with me. In the world of videos, most feel as if they donā€™t have the time to read. But if youā€™re on social media right now, you do. Even when itā€™s written by a writer as bad as me šŸ˜‚.
If this story at all sounds like something you could get behind, please like and share so that others can start to see and learn about The Ex Ray Way, so that maybe, just maybe we can spread a little love and appreciation for one another in this world. Thank you for reading.


A system is a way of life. That system is always changing. Itā€™s up to you to decide how you help to shape This System. For me, is just a small ray of light, within the dark parts of our system.


A simple can change your day. Itā€™s the way I live, šŸ˜Š


I want to thank you guys for the personal and private attention that you are showing me for . But, thatā€™s not the Ex Ray Way lol. We want to be public and show that good people can stand together and not be afraid to say, you may not like it but Iā€™m still going to do whatā€™s right.


Leaving the house at 5am this morning, it was dark, and cold. Walking out into the night, the street lights cast an eerie glow in the clinging fog. The soundless night made me feel as if I hadnā€™t a friend in the world. No one would come, no one would care, if the night was to swallow me up and carry me away in the fog. Thatā€™s when I took out my phone and looked at my own ray of hope. My sliver of light in a sometime overly dismal void of darkness.
In this, I want to say to you, good morning and may you hold close your own sliver of light so that you may guide others through the dark.


They havenā€™t taken all the control away from us yet. We can still decide not to share the negative. Just like you canā€™t share the positive šŸ˜‚


, Iā€™ll try an do whatā€™s right, whether you like it or not.


You say that hate and negativity is everywhere. I say itā€™s not. I say that weā€™ve just been afraid to step forward with our positive voice. is my positive voice


Most of us are good people, but we get pushed to the side by negativity and hatred. Ex Ray is my way of standing up and saying, No the world is not full of negativity. Iā€™m here, and I know there are more like me. This is



Rain, Fire, earthquakes and more. Things can go bad real fast, and usually happens when we are at our most vulnerable. Here is one way to help take away some of that fear.
Remember, look out for one another, because we are all in this together. No matter what some may try to say. I see you as you see Ex Ray.


I haven't been working as Author A. Mallory for some time now, but my FB page as well as my book are still active. It's not that I've stopped my Aura books. It's just that I really have to get another project off the ground, before I can come back to it. But I've seen that people still stop in and some have even tried the book šŸ˜±.
I want to thank you all very much, and to say that part two and three will come one day. But for now, things need to get a little spicy. So with that said, I have to put A. Mallory to bed. And wake up, the other guy šŸ˜‰


I can't sing, I can't dance. I'm not a girl with a nice butt and I don't have six pack abs. In the world of instant gratification, being someone like me is hard. I'm a writer. Sorry, I can't give it all to you in five seconds or less. Take a few minutes. You might like it.


There is a power inside you. The power to accomplish your hearts desire. Desire is Gods way of letting you know that it's already yours. But you still need to work for it.

Mobile uploads 10/05/2015

Happy Mother's Day to all the hard working moms out there. Also I would like to remember the ones who have passed on, such as my own loving mother. I miss you mom.


Lol this is why I can never get anything done at home. She's being nice now because the camera was on, but she can scream


What happens when an aura power, burns out of control? Here is a little peek, into Auras and The Book of Power....

Warm sea air and golden sunlight crept into the simple room that housed the orphans for the night. None of them thought that they would be able to sleep, with all the strange things that had happened to them, but exhaustion and fatigue proved them wrong.
Eric was the first to wake, even before the sun had decided to pay them a visit. While sitting in the dark and unnaturally quite room, he instinctively reached for the bandages over his eyes. It was mostly to make sure that they had not slipped off as he slept, revealing his unnervingly white eyes. The scary eyes that now replaced the scary scars. The scars that had reminded him every day of what being a self-centered spoiled brat can get you, not to mention putting otherā€™s lives in danger. Eric also reached for his bandages everyday, hoping that his injuries were gone, and that the accident which caused them was all just a bad dream.
Finding his bandages still firmly wrapped around his head, Eric opened his eyes and looked around the spacious meeting room. Seeing his friends in a pitch-black environment was always a wondrous thing to him. Unlike anyone he knew, Eric was able to see anything living just fine in the dark. That was because all living things possessed an aura, which in darkness gave off a wonderful glow. Eric decided that this would be a good time to try on the soft, black leather band that Cole had given him.
Cole had told him that if he wanted to know if his sight had been restored by Grace's dress or his own power, then he would need to cover his eyes with something else in order to test it. Plus, the black leather would make him look a little manlier than the silky green piece from Graceā€™s dress. Eric smiled to himself as he removed the cloth from over his eyes. It was the first time he had heard Cole even attempt to make a joke. Eric was pleased to learn that once he secured the leather strip around his head, covering his eyes, he was still able to see just as clearly as he did without it.
For a few moments, he watched his friends sleep, not wanting to disturb the few peaceful minutes they all shared before venturing out into this new, unknown world. As he watched, he noticed that the pounding pulse of John's yellow aura would at times almost light up the entire room. Twitch's orange aura seemed to flicker out, only to pop right back up just as quickly as it had left. The deep-blue glow of the twinā€™s auras always seemed to be fighting against one another for control, yet at the same time, blending in perfectly with one another. Eric wasn't quite sure what to make of it because he had yet to see what power Regina's aura would grant her. Then there was the soft green glow of Grace's aura. Her light always seemed to encircle that of the others.
Almost as if it were trying to keep them all together. As Eric watched and found comfort in the purity of his family's colorful glow, he noticed a shocking change in Grace's aura. The warm green glow changed in a flash from green to black. The black-colored aura was thick and deep, and it seemed to cut right through the other auras, mixing and separating them from one another like a smoky fog.
Eric suddenly felt weak and unable to look away from the tentacle-type lines of dark energy. A black cloud rolled over all the other auras in addition to his own. Eric felt cold and alone in a room surrounded by his closest friends. His chest was starting to hurt and he found it increasingly difficult to breath. Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore of the dreaded feeling, a flash of yellow shot through him like an eruption of fireworks in the sky.

Mobile uploads 28/04/2015

She has her sitting box, sleeping box, and her hiding box. Who needs a cat bed.

Mobile uploads 28/04/2015

On all three major platforms Yay! Why show the pictures of all three, with the same book? Because it's something my mother and sister would have done. But they're not here to support me, but I still know they would have.

Mobile uploads 27/04/2015

Enjoy you day.

Mobile uploads 26/04/2015

Do you see the face?


This is just crazy.

Mobile uploads 26/04/2015

Would you help your friends move?

Mobile uploads 25/04/2015

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