Technica International Videos

Videos by Technica International. Technica provides innovative automation solutions and complete lines for relevant Industries in Midd

Other Technica International videos

Recap of our Court Opening Event!😍 Embracing a culture of happiness at Technica! We believe that a happy and vibrant workplace is one of the key elements that leads to success. Our passionate team not only excels in its work but also knows how to have fun together! #technicaculture #HapinessAtWork #teamspirit

Exciting News! Technica takes a monumental leap towards sustainability with our latest collaboration with SAAB RDS Watch as we unveil groundbreaking solutions that not only meet our energy goals but also pave the way for a greener, cleaner future. Together with SAAB RDS, we're not just reducing our carbon footprint, we're shaping a more sustainable tomorrow for generations to come. #Sustainability #Innovation #CleanEnergy #collaborationGoals #RenewableEnergy #GreenFuture

Unveiling Tomorrow's Factories: Empowering You with Technica's Digital Solutions! Step into a world where innovation knows no bounds. 🏭🌐 At Technica, we're not just dreaming of the future we're building it today with our cutting-edge digital solutions. Join us on a journey to witness the birth of #SolutionsOfTheFuture. From intelligent automation to seamless connectivity, we're rewriting the rules of industry, hand in hand with our clients. Ready to be a part of the revolution? Let's shape tomorrow, together. #solutionsofthefuture #FactoryEvolution #Technicadigitalsolutions

Embracing a Culture of Happiness at Technica! 🎉✨ We believe that a happy and vibrant workplace is one of the key elements that leads to success. Our passionate team not only excels in its work but also knows how to have fun together! We’ve built a close-knit community where everyone feels valued, supported, and motivated to do their best. As we continue our journey, we remain committed to maintaining this spirit of happiness and teamwork. Join us in celebrating the culture of joy and unity at Technica! #TechnicaCulture #HappinessAtWork #TeamSpirit

AI driven flexible depalletizing systems for switching SKUs challenge accepted! Thanks to our AI-driven vision technology and machine-learning algorithms, our latest advanced vision software allows the same robotic depalletizer to run multiple sizes and types of SKUs in any sequence with rapid changeover. Curious to know more? Our automation gurus are ready to help you! #ai #automation

Depalletizing automation at its best by Technica! In this application the robot can handle up to 45000 crates per hour to meet the production speed desired by the client. Reach us out for a customized depalletizing solution. #automation #smartsolutions

Saving time in each step of your production line means reducing cost. In this project, automating the depalletizing operations with a robot that can handle crates and pallets at the same time was key to save space, increase speed and save cost. Contact us team to know more about our smart depalletizing solutions. #smartsolutions

What to look for when it comes to depalletizing? • Speed • Maintenance • Versatility • Footprint • Price We create the right customized solution for your operations from conventional, robotic to hybrid depalletizing powered by AI. Reach our automation experts to know more about each type. #Depalletizing #technica #ai

40 Years of Technica
Sincere wishes received from clients and partners for our 40th anniversary! Thank you for contributing in our growth. #technica #40years

The iTLS solution solves inefficiencies and safety challenges in truck loading and unloading by integrating the latest technologies to support your workforce. Introducing this new robotic technology is vital to achieve a better efficiency, higher profit margin and lower carbon footprint by decreasing truck traffic. Watch the video to know more. #iTLS #technica

Our CEO Mr. Tony Haddad’s statement on the strategic partnership between Technica & Greyorange. #iTLS #industrialautomationsolutions

40 years of creating shared value to our community! Let’s stay united for our planet.

On our 40th anniversary, a big Thank you goes out to our customers who put their trust in Technica.

Dairy industry alert! Check out our empty jars depalletizer for the spreadable cheese complete line we have recently installed at one of our customers sites 👇

This year at Technica is one of a kind. We are turning 40. Thank you everyone for making these 40 years of success happen. Do not miss our chairman Mr. Tony Haddad's message for this special occasion.

Are you looking for an automatic solution to open shrink-wrapped packs? Our new patented solution allows you to automatically remove the film, while protecting the goods inside. Reach our team to know more about this new solution. #robotics #industrialautomation #industrialsolutions

Taking automatic truck loading/unloading to the next level. Check out our patented Atls solution for loose packages.