Reiki Healing Sessions- Adice & Counseling --Speciality in Relationships/Love/Twin Flames-Healing Se All is inside you and having respect for all things.
There are universal laws that are true whether you believe them or not. You can read all the books in the world but if you do not experience your Self you will not understand and grow as souls. Only you can do the work of your soul which is to find out who you are. Don't look at things as good or bad, right or wrong. everything has purpose, even if you don't understand what that purpose is. What y
ou call bad can be a blessing for your own souls growth. We are here to experience life, we chose it before being born. Make choices from your heart not your ego mind and you can feel the Sacredness ...the Oneness...the Source. And what a beautiful connection we are blessed with. Open your minds and heart to true Forgiveness and Gratitude....I highly recommend starting with Breathe....focus and balance "Within" Before judging....look at yourself. everything and everyone in your life is a mirror and reflection of what you hold inside your mind and heart. Some bad things happen, so great ones can come in. Each person is responsible for their own life PERIOD!!and the Sub conscious, if not in tune with the Higher Self, can cause events to happen that u may not have wanted...Clear out the clutter within .....