Johnston Center for Integrative Studies

Johnston Center for Integrative Studies

Today some 200 talented and passionate University of Redlands students live and learn together in th To Save the Planet

“In ‘69, we started something...”

The Johnston educational experiment started in 1969 and is based in the notion that students should have ownership of their education. At Johnston, we honor the individual path and the collective process. That means that students, faculty, and staff learn from each other, and we learn best when we learn together.

In the sophomore year, each Johnston student maps out a plan that brings together classes from multiple departments, experiential learning, and cross cultural experiences to fulfill an educational vision.

At Johnston, learning does not stop when class ends. Informally, Johnston students and faculty can be found debating philosophy, listening to music, or reading favorite quotes on Bekins porch. Faculty and staff have offices in the dorm buildings. We share a coffee house, living rooms, and meeting spaces. Students have closer relationships with their professors in Johnston—some work next door to student rooms!

[Title of this post is an excerpt from “The Johnston Song” words and music by Andrew King ‘00. The photo features Johnston’s orientation team in 2015, by M. G. Maloney ‘03.]


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00