When someone tells you, you're not good enough.

When someone tells you, you're not good enough.

Don't ever let someone tell you you're not good enough, you're not worth it, or you suck! People are harsh they speak without thinking. think about it..

People don't think before they talk they tell you that you're not good enough and you are left to decide do I want to continue to be myself or change to be what everyone else wants. If you chose the second you that means you just want everyone to be the same no individuality or anything everyone exactly the same.

Rascal Flatts "Why" - Su***de Prevention, Awareness, and Hope 11/05/2017

Check out this video on YouTube:


Rascal Flatts "Why" - Su***de Prevention, Awareness, and Hope Su***de is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. With God, every day matters, every person counts. And that includes you. You are created, celebrated,...


Sometimes we hurt so much we don't feel like life is worth it. The main reason being we let people get inside our heads and then we proceed to over think things.


There's an old saying out there and it pretty much says that if you can't see the light you should get out of someone's shadow. Be yourself. And maybe you can finally see the light.

Don't care what people thinking and you can take the first step.

Realize that you are awesome and special in every way. You can learn to walk.

Understand that no matter what happens no problem is ever to big to get around. And you can run a marathon.
