

At HB Health Hub we are all about overall health and wellbeing.

helderbarroso.com is dedicated in bringing you the fitness goals you want, while experiencing the lifestyle you choose. Our satisfaction lies in you achieving your goals, our focus lies in us making that achievable whilst putting your health first.


No one person has all the answers, but asking questions challenges the status quo, helps connect with core values and beliefs, and is a catalyst for individual improvement.

After all, the better the questions we ask, the better the answers we get.


People do crazy things for fame, and a long list of these wild feats can be found in The Guinness Book of World Records.

However, some categories that the book used to monitor either proved so dangerous or so reprehensible that they’re no longer recorded.

One of those categories? Sleep deprivation.

Depriving yourself of sleep is certainly bad for you personally – but it can also make you a threat to society, especially if you regularly operate a motor vehicle.

All it takes is getting less than seven hours of sleep per night, and your chances of becoming involved in an accident increase appreciably.

But that’s not a whole lot of sleep loss, right? True.

However, it’s enough to make your body try to catch up on rest by entering a microsleep – a bout of sleep that lasts only a handful of seconds.

A microsleep only differs from normal sleep in duration. So, during those moments of microsleep, you have no control of your motor functions, which means you’re no longer doing what you should do when behind the wheel: attending to the task of driving.

Even if your speed is relatively low – say, 30 miles per hour – it only takes two seconds for your car to drift into the next lane. So a two-second microsleep is more than sufficient to cause a major accident.

But sleeping while driving isn’t the only danger of sleep deprivation. In fact, driving while drowsy is as dangerous as driving while drunk.

Just consider this Australian study. Researchers split participants into two groups. The members of one group were given enough alcohol to make them legally drunk (so, until their blood-alcohol concentration barely exceeded 0.05). The members of the other group were deprived of sleep for a night.

The findings?

Well, the sleep-deprived participants, after going without sleep for 19 hours, were given a concentration test – and they did as poorly on it as the drunk group.

Keep this in mind next time you’re out late. You may not have had a drop to drink, but driving drowsy is comparably irresponsible.


A true student is like a sponge. Absorbing what goes on around him, filtering it, latching on to what he can hold.

A student is self-critical and self-motivated, always trying to improve his understanding so that he can move on to the next topic, the next challenge.

A real student is also his own reacher and his own critic.

There is no room for ego there.


Cocoa has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve insulin resistance and improved endothelial function.

A meta analysis found that the highest levels of chocolate consumption were associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease, and a 29% reduction in stroke compared with the lowest level of intake, an that’s despite the sugar and fat content of chocolate; reduced insulin resistance and reduced serum insulin levels were associated with the chocolate consumption.

There are various studies that also suggest direct cognitive benefit of cocoa ingestion as well as neruo protection. The flavanol epicatechin is believed to be the main source of benefit, but there’s a wide range of compounds in cocoa and it’s highly likely there’s synergism between epicatechin and other flavanols as well as other compounds found in cocoa, many of which are still being elucidated. Not all cocoa is created equal and the highest levels of beneficial compounds is found in cocoa that has not been “Dutch Processed” which is exposed to alkalization.

The vast majority of cocoa sold commercially has been Dutch Processed/exposed to alkalization. The exact dose for optimal effects is unclear at this time and research is ongoing. If you’re using high quality cocoa such as Chocolat Madagascar that has not been exposed to alkalization, should have you covered well.

Finally, a recent study (2108) finds dark chocolate (>85% cocoa) reduces muscle damage due oxidative stress during intense exercise.


The most important thing in life is to learn how to
give out love, and to let it come in.

We think we don't deserve love, we think if we let it in we'll become too soft. But a wise man named Levine said it right.

He said, 'Love is the only rational act.’


Interesting fact of the day.


I drank to drown my sorrows, but the dammed things learned note to swim.

Frida Kah

ITS NOT YOUR fault you want to drink. Alcohol is a powerful and addictive drug that's not only legal but enmeshed in our every day life.

It's almost impossible not to come across it as We grow up And most social occasions and celebrations involve drink.

Being both relaxing and pleasant to take, alcohol encourages habitual use. Alcoholism is common, even (in fact especially) in the medical community.

There's a joke that goes:

What's the definition of an alcoholic? Someone who drinks more than their doctor!


We don't wander around blind and confused.

We have to think the world we operate in makes sense based on what we happen to know.

It'd be too hard to get out of bed in the morning if you felt otherwise.

But the alien circling over Earth?

The one who's confident he knows what's happening based on what he sees but turns out to be completely wrong because he can't know the stories going on inside everyone else's head?

He's all of us.


Reward prediction error means just what the name says.

We constantly make predictions about what's coming next, from what time we can leave work, to how much money we expect to find when we check our balance at the ATM.

When what happens is better than what we expect, it is literally an error in our forecast of the future:

Maybe we get to leave work early, or we find a hundred pounds more in checking than we expected.

That happy error is what launches dopa-
mine into action. It's not the extra time or the extra money themselves It's the thrill of the unexpected good news.

In fact, the mere possibility of a reward prediction error is enough for dopamine to swing into action.


As adults, the painful feeling of isolation, also known as loneliness, signals that we may need to change our ways, to reach out more and try harder to engage.

Feeling of guilt or shame cause us to apologise and make amends, thereby restoring important bonds.

When we experience emotional discomfort, we feel a little bruised for a few minutes, hors, or days, depending on the intensity of the experience. But once we stop thinking about it, the feeling of hurt fades and even goes away.

Once time passes and memory fades, we can acknowledge and accept what we experienced, extract whatever lesson we can from it, and move on.


A recent editorial in the British Medical Journal (BM]) sums up how:

Like to***co, alcohol kills some users slowly through the diseases it causes. Unlike to***co, alcohol also kills quickly,
through injury and poisoning.' Alcohol causes more than 5 per cent of the global disease burden.

It's estimated that alcohol contributes to the death of around 30,000 people a
year in England, Scotland and Wales.

The big killers are cardiovascular disease, which leads to heart attacks and stroke.

Then there is liver disease and various cancers, as well as accidents, especially on the road; and deaths from su***de.


"You might think you want an expensive car, a fancy watch, and a huge house.
But I'm telling you, you don't. What you want is respect and admiration from other people, and you think having expensive
stuff will bring it.

It almost never does especially from the
people you want to respect and admire you."


If the events remains as they are, but changing the way we think about them changes our experience of them, could we become happy simply by changing our thoughts?


is fast becoming one of my favorite humans, I hope to actually meet him soon.

Solve for happy is a book I read a few months ago and I 100% recommended it for everyone

Here is a little exercise from the book:

What is happiness?

Start by simply documenting every instance when you feel happy.

Call it your Happy List.

Take a moment right now, pull out a pen 🖊
and a piece of paper, and jot down some of the things that make you happy.

The list can be nothing more than a string of short, declarative sentences that get right to the point, and complete the phrase

"I feel happy when____________”

Don't be shy. There's no reason to feel inhibited because no one ever has to see your list.

When you're done, go back and highlight a few items that, if you were forced to set priorities, would be at the top of the list of things that make you happiest.

Cultivate something that psychologists say contributes to happiness over the long haul
an attitude of gratitude, which happens when you acknowledge the truth about our modern lives and the fact that there is plenty to be happy after all.


Nobody goes to bed skinny and wakes up fat. Most of us gain weight so gradually we can’t really figure out how it happened. We don’t remember changing our eating habits or exercise patterns.

On most days we have very little Idea of whether we’ve eaten 50 cal too much or 50 cal too little. In fact, most of us wouldn’t know if we ate 200 or 300 cal more or less than the day before.


After becoming a parent almost 3 months ago a good friend gave me this book as a gift 🎁

This book single handed changed the way I viewed what dealing with a new baby is like.

For any parents I hugely recommend this.


From the book The Psychology of Money

This is something I will carry with me forever and pass on to my child.


I read this whole book 📖 in one week whilst away in Cyprus 🇨🇾

I was all in; the story of is fascinating and one of perseverance and resilience through cancer.

Regardless of his doping years after he is still an incredible human.

Great book 📖


Did you go to the gym today without a plan?

How did you find it?

I love to walk into the gym with a purpose, knowing what I have to do based on an educated decision, not just about copying joe blogs on YouTube.


Another extraordinary human being

I am loving listening to these strong mentally and physically humans and it is giving me a drive at 41 that I haven’t had before.

Books 📚 are my mentors 🦾


Suppose you found yourself 2 miles from home without a ride. Although you could get home 3 x faster if you ran, most people would settle for walking. Running wouldn’t be worth the sweat and discomfort, and walking will get you there at a reasonable and painless rate. Each step brings brings you a little closer, and before you know it, you are halfway home and still moving forward.

It’s the same when it comes to losing weight/fat. It need not be sweaty, painful sprint. It can be slow, steady walk that begins with removing unwanted eating cues and swapping bigger plates for smaller ones, eating with a smaller spoon, spending time building habits so they work for you rather than against you. These comfortable steps will add up, and before long you will find yourself at home.

The best diet is the one you don’t know you are on.


Snippet from this amazing 📖

Every year, anywhere from 65 to 80 percent of all runners suffer an injury. That's nearly every runner, every single year.

No matter who you are, no matter how much you run, your odds of getting hurt are the same.

It doesn't matter if you're male or female, fast or slow, pudgy or ripped as racehorse, your feet are still in the danger zone.

Maybe you'll beat the odds if you stretch like a swami? Nope.

In a 1993 study of Dutch athletes published in The American Journal of
Sports Medicine, one group of runners was taught how to warm up and stretch while a second group received no
"injury prevention"coaching.

Their injury rates? Identical.

Stretching came out even worse in a follow-up study performed the following year at the University of Hawaii; it found that runners who stretched were 33 per-
cent more likely to get hurt.


Well i recommend you read this book 📕


consider these words by Dr. Daniel Lieberman, a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University;

“A lot of foot and knee injuries that are currently plaguing us are actually caused by people running and walking with shoes that actually make our feet weak, cause us to over-pronate, give us knee problems.

Until 1972, when the modern athletic shoe was invented by Nike, people ran and walked in very thin-soled shoes, had strong feet, and had much lower
incidence of knee injuries."

And the cost of those injuries?

Fatal disease in epidemic proportions.

What he was saying is the at if running shoes never existed, more people would be running. If more people ran, fewer would be dying of degenerative heart disease, sudden cardiac arrest, hyperten-
sion, blocked arteries, diabetes, and most other deadly ailments of the Western world.

That's a staggering amount of guilt to lay at Nike's feet.

But the most remarkable part? There's a good chance that Nike already knew it.

and are doing some amazing work to bring back to us shoes that allows to use our feet as we should.

Since 2014 I have been wearing these two brands and I do most of my daily activities in them.

Huge proponent of both brands.


I am on a streak of motivational audio books at the moment, after listening to book which was incredible I moved on to book which again was incredible and now I have just finished another incredible book by another crazy amazing human being on Rickson Gracie].

What a story… thank you for sharing it with the world.

intro on the book pretty much somes up Rickson Gracie]

Give it a listen on


We are also more prone to distraction and reflexive multitasking at this time. Don’t succumb to that.

Set 1-4 habits for completion in this part of the day.

These should be the habits that require energy and focus.

Setting a window for completion (e.g., 45 min of focused reading, work, etc.


When it comes to Biomechanics, Fat Loss, Mindset, Sleep, Digestion, Stress & Injury we have a professional team that is amongst some of the most experienced, highly-trained coaches in the country, and combine this with the supportive, caring touch we offer, and you’ll see why our clients rave about us.

We’ll be with you every step of the way to help you get the results you want… and our business is centred around our core values, which are:

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Studies have shown us that High Intensity Interval Training:• Produces significant increases in aerobic and anaerobic fi...
Are you enjoying my book 📖 reviews? Whatever your answer is, this is my thoughts 💭 on it! 😂😂#bookreview
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