Effie Moss

Effie Moss

Let’s build a life and business you love ❤️ Jump in and join the mission to empower you to be the very best you can be.

Build a Business You Love was founded to help entrepreneurs build a business which enables you to leave a footprint on the world, whilst balancing life, family and often full time jobs. This page and its associated groups were founded to provide you with lots of support and advice when building a business you love. From Products to Service, Working with Suppliers, Pricing, finding your perfect cus


Every year we start a huge debate in my home, normally around Mid November ..

“When shall we put up the Christmas tree?”

My hubs always declares anytime before mid December is too early 🙈

Alice and I can’t put it up early enough 🥰

It’s a fun discussion, a bit spikey around the edges as we try to find a compromise - though in reality I’ll pop it up as soon as I can get the boxes down into the living room 😎

Even though I no longer have a baby in the house, there is still something magical when the twinkly lights are lit and the gnomes are all over the house .. something changes in your spirit .. hope, aspirations and a sense of family - there is kindness in the air - possibly even singing ❤️

And it got me thinking ..

Maybe just maybe putting up the Christmas tree means a little more than getting the boxes down from the loft and remembering you “might” have too many baubles 🎄💫

Maybe we need it to stake stock, standstill and just for a moment bask in a little magic 🌟


Something to ponder and reflect on 🥰❤️

This past week I had the privilege of reading Human Design charts for 4 children, in addition to their big people.

It struck me that for the first time we can bring up our children in a world where we can work with their personal magical map to help us understand their make up and how their gifts could potentially be nurtured and a thriving, loving environment created for them.


Spending our adulthood trying to undo the things that feel misaligned, so as to get back to who we really are.

This isn’t about “reading the future” it isn’t about telling people who they must be, it isn’t another system to label people with.

It’s about helping us all to understand the gifts we hold, the potential we can harness and how we can thrive in an ever changing world ☺️🌟

How to find your purpose: Very Cool Podcast 03/11/2023

Happy Friday 🥰 Sooo episode 5 dropped a few days ago and I had meant to share .. ☺️

Many of us at some point in our lives will ask the question “What is my purpose” .. I know I have!

It’s my favourite episode so far ❤️

Thank you as always for the gift of your time 🙏🏻

How to find your purpose: Very Cool Podcast Hello :)A huge welcome to episode 5 of my podcast ☺️Have you ever wondered “What is my purpose?” I have ! Infact it has plagued me for many years .. listen i...


It’s easy to say “I’ll do it later” or even “one day” ..

It’s far harder to say “I choose me, I choose this dream that I have”

And it’s even harder to choose it during a time in your life when you feel everything is changing within and around you ❤️

There is much joy, power and strength in our second season and for that I salute you all .. for choosing your dreams, to choose “another life” and for keeping going 🥰❤️


She is still in there ❤️
Maybe it’s time to find her 🌟


Where do I begin ❤️🥰


Happy Thursday 🥰 Sooo episode 3 dropped a few days ago and I had meant to share .. ☺️

It’s quite nice and short and I start to explore the story of you and the many many gifts you have to light up this world with ❤️

Thank you as always for the gift of your time 🙏🏻


When I first saw this quote it stopped me in my tracks. As the years pass on by, the truth in this becomes more and more apparent ❤️


I do love a good challenge 🥰

This past year I noticed a level of “stuckness” I hadn’t experienced before .. it was both strange and incredibly frustrating for somebody who loves momentum ❤️

Sooo I began to give myself little challenges to move myself - literally move myself - I walked, I danced my way through the summer, I read 100 new books and I completed my human design certification 😎

Now I am walking across Mexico virtually - 98 miles to receive the most beautiful medal 😁

Each challenge has fine tuned my focus, given me moments of stillness to reconnect with my creativity and find my inspiration again.

Energy reallly is everything .. so it got me thinking .. “What if your business growth is made up of lots and lots of small focused challenges” 🤔

A little like the couch to 10k but without so much sweating 🤗

The idea has started to really grow on me .. especially if there is something tangible AND pretty at the end of it ❤️

What do you think?


Happy happy weekend 🥰❤️


This photo is 10 years old and was taken for OK Magazine 🥰

It’s a shoot I remember sooo clearly .. Miss Alice then 3, decided that she didn’t want to be in the photos and we literally had to bribe her ❤️

I have SO many stories I can share about building an amazing independent business and how to scale it ❤️

These last 10 years have shown me that it all counts .. that every chapter holds a learning that will help us in our next chapter and so forth 🥰

I’m proud of my story .. all of it .. including the really hard parts .. I hope that on the days you are ebbing and flowing that you take a moment to feel proud of yourself too.

I can’t say this enough .. you are uniquely you, with gifts that only you can express, in a chapter of your life that is meaningful for you 🌟

Keep taking those small steps ❤️
Much Love
Effie x


A Huge thank you to everybody who has listened in on episode 1 🥰❤️

I feel like I’m about to pop with the amount I want to talk about 😂

Episode 2 has arrived 😁 I would be ever so grateful for the gift of your time 🙏🏻


Ps: If you do listen (it’s 14 mins) please don’t forget to subscribe and like the video


When I first saw this beautiful chart something literally welled up inside of me ❤️ I didn’t know what I was looking at, but it felt precious, as if I was being told a big secret I didn’t quite understand 🌟

This beautiful chart is also known as a bodygraph and it hands me the outline story of your life journey .. every shape, line and tiny number hidden in the shapes, gives me the plot outline for your life and soul journey.

When somebody asks me about their purpose, this is where I look. When I am asked about business and partnerships, relationships and parenting, this is now my first port of call.

Exploring somebody’s chart is sacred - I always say that “I am looking under the hood” it literally holds your blueprint 🥰

Being WHO you are is a journey of a lifetime ❤️

I’m excited to be sharing more with you all soon 😍


Hello 🥰 I hope you are all well .. The first episode is here ☺️ I would so appreciate the gift of your time 👇🏻



I hear the words “Imposter Syndrome” a lot - often when somebody is describing a courageous step they are wanting to take ❤️

Imposter Syndrome is just a way in the moment to explain how you feel - “I feel uncomfortable” .. “I feel unsure” .. “I feel scared” .. 🌟

How we experience these feelings is different for all of us. .. in those moments when things feel uncertain .. you are surrounded by growth moments ..

What if “Imposter Syndrome” is simply that .. a moment to grow from the exact point you have currently planted yourself ❤️

I prefer “growth moments” .. after all isn’t that what life and business are made up of? Many many imperfect moments 🥰❤️


Helooooo 🥰❤️👋🏻 Sooo I’m a tad nervous to share and it’s taken quite some pondering as to whether I wanted to rebrand the handmade association.

I just felt that with all of the updates shortly coming it was time to thank the previous chapter and move onto a new one ❤️

This might be a bit left field .. however I wanted a brand which was fun and engaging and could diversify into different areas, such as teaching, books, podcast etc ..

I also want to teach through the lens of Human Design as it is such a transformative system and I KNOW it will create so many “ah ha!” moments for so many people ☺️🌟

Sooooo I thought I would share what I have been working on 🥰

Plus look! I can add tiny hats to the logo 😂

Here’s to a new exciting chapter
Effie ❤️


Heloooo 🥰 How are you? I have missed everybody .. it has been a little while since I have popped up to say hi 🤗👋🏻❤️

Life has been a brilliant whirlwind and pretty transformative for me, there have been moments of confusion and moments of unbelievable clarity.

I have almost finished my Human Design Certification, which is huge! It has become such a significant part of my life and I have been happily helping my family and clients with it. (More to come soon!)

It’s such a beautiful way to understand your incredibly unique story. More than anything it helps you to see that who you are is perfect - every bump, every scratch, every “imperfect” moment is part of the story of who you are and how you show up in the world.

I am soo ready to get back to teaching again and supporting you all 🥰

And I have a new “very cool” podcast and a new magazine interview coming up soon too 😁

Do people even say “cool” anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️

Im writing a book - this could take a tiny while 😎

But more than anything I can feel that it’s time to begin again ..❤️

I’ll see you soon!
Much love
Effie 🥰


There really is SO much courage and strength in your story ❤️

There are moments in your life when things fall perfectly into place.

There are chapters in your life which will teach you.

There are seasons in your life which will shape you.

The story of your life is made up of millions of tiny moments, every moment asking you to have courage to step into who you are.

We spend so much time breathing somebody else’s air - what if just for a moment, we chose to breathe our own ❤️

I think that’s why business, especially independent businesses are so important. They are fully ours, an expression of who we are, our way of “breathing our own air”

Keep going ❤️
Here’s to your story


A gentle reminder 🥰❤️ We often forget why we started, especially on the days when it feels hard.

Nobody can do what you do, in the way you do it ❤️ Your business is uniquely for you 🥰

Enjoy the journey
Here’s to your beautiful story


It’s facial Friday 🤗 and my goodness is it needed 😁

A huge congratulations to everybody who has successfully sent their babies back to school this week and managed to take the obligatory “photo” 💪🏻🌟

We also celebrated Alice turning 13 .. I slept with a fan (summer came and went) .. kicked off a few full days of meetings and managed to give a Human Design reading yesterday ❤️

Happy Friday


Its taken me a long time to realise that I didn’t have to choose to do one thing for my career, my hobbies etc .. I could even eat dinner at lunchtime and breakfast at dinner IF I wanted to 🙌🏻🌟😁

How liberating is that 🤗 We all have our very own unique make up, we all have different gifts and interests and 1 life .. why would we waste it by spending so much time “choosing which one” when it could just as easily be “all of it” 🥰❤️🙌🏻


When I write these little snippets, often some stick out a little more than others 🥰

This is one of them .. A gentle reminder that you matter, the way you feel matters. It’s your internal compass forever guiding you ❤️🌟 Trust it and use it wisely 🙌🏻


Helloooo 🥰❤️👋🏻 Your daily reminder to take a moment to celebrate you, to give yourself a squeeze and a high five 🙌🏻 .. if this makes you uncomfortable, maybe it’s time to get comfy with being kind to yourself ❤️🌟


I gained clarity on something last week 🥰 Whilst on holiday, in the sunshine, listening to a podcast ..

Not everybody wants to be an “Owner” of a business, but most would like “Ownership”❤️

Which makes complete sense ..

I have LOVED business since I was a very little girl, always declaring that one day I would grow up and be a “business women” 😁

I did that .. I am still doing it .. I want to OWN my businesses ..

But not everybody does ..

My hubs for example - he wants ownership of his day to day - to be trusted and empowered to do his job - and he does it really well 🥰

I wonder how many people think they should be OWNERS, but infact what they really want is OWNERSHIP 🤔🙌🏻


I want to share something that pretty much blew my mind 🤯

It has changed everything for me ☺️🙌🏻

“Every thought, observation, belief you have, has a neutral meaning”

Which essentially means:

If you perceive a thought, observation or belief as good or bad .. it’s simply because of the meaning you have given it 🤔

Those meanings can be influenced by others, stories or by experiences .. but ultimately you get to decide based on the story you tell yourself 📒

We are pretty amazing complex humans ☺️ We get to create and live a great life, we get to build impactful businesses and help others to do the same.

Ultimately, you get to choose everyday the meaning you want to give to something 😱

Knowing that, has changed everything for me 🥰❤️


I had the surprise of my life when on holiday in the US this year 😀

My hubs insisted on taking us to visit Bucees whilst on a roadtrip to Daytona Beach ..

Well everything else had panned out, I thought “why not” until he told me it had “102 petrol pumps” 🙈😂

I have never seen anything like it in my life! It puts our expensive M25 services to shame ..

Not only was it HUGE, it had:

1. Affordable branded merch - There was much excitement over a branded cooler bag, pin badge and cup 🤔

2. SO much takeaway food and ONE of the only places we found which catered for vegetarians 🤷🏻‍♀️

3. It easily had 50+ members of staff on the ground who were all busy working to keep things moving - from fresh food prep to service staff

And it prompted a beach picnic - which was by far a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

I have marketed many businesses, I have seen many different strategies in play and every time it’s the old age ones which win over and over ..

🌟 Great Customer Service

🌟 Delivering great value - not just on price

🌟 Give people something good to talk about

🌟A magnetic Brand wins over and over

Two weeks ago if you had told me that I would be in awe of a petrol station I would have questioned if you had eaten 😜

But here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh! And I’m quite sure the lady down aisle 4 in Tesco’s, did smile at our Bucees cooler bag 😂


Sooo Threads has taken over my world for the past few days .. it’s pretty relaxed and fun at the mo 🥰❤️🧵👋🏻👇🏻


Happy New Day 🥰❤️

In the wake of a brand new app launching, I am reminded that even though some of us might rush over to play with a new shiny toy .. (it’s the projector in me)

It’s perfectly ok to wait and see what all the fuss is about too 🥰

If you need time to watch and observe or to add it to a to do list for “another day” then do it ..

You are uniquely you and nobody knows you better than you ❤️

Your own timeline is perfect 🌟☺️


“You’ll often tire of a message before your audience does”

And so in the spirit of knowing that, I realllllly want to stress how important and brilliant YOU are ..

No matter your aspirations
No matter the size of your business
No matter where you are right now or what ‘everybody else’ is doing ..

I am a huge believer in our own unique stories. I love the fact that we all bring something different to the table ..

But ..

The first step is always believing that you can .. that what you have to offer is important .. and having the courage to try.

If you are pondering something or worried about taking a leap of faith, take this as your sign to “close your eyes, take a deep breath and jump” ☺️❤️🎉🙌🏻


Helooo 🥰 I love love writing these little snippets I get to share on the grid 🌟

This in particular is something that I have been pondering for a while now.

Everywhere I look there seems to be somebody telling us what we need to do to become “successful”

But! here’s the thing .. YOU are already successful 🤗 you are here showing up everyday pushing forward.

Of course we can push a little harder, we can learn new skills to be better at something, we can even want more ☺️

Your way is unique to you .. your knowledge, your lifestyle, your experience, your ambitions, your thoughts and desires.

There is nobody quite like you ☺️ Which stands to reason that there isn’t a business quite like yours ❤️

Soo learn and observe from others .. just be mindful that it’s OK to be different, to do things your way - we definitely need more heart and creativity in the world🌟❤️


Somewhere along the line we moved from “this will be fun” to putting immense pressure on ourselves.

Businesses are very much like babies 🙂

They need nurturing, trial and error and support before they can stand up on their own and support you ☺️

They need you to show up for them in every-way you can, to shout loudly on their behalf, to protect them and guide them.

Yet somehow we turn the tables and expect our businesses to hold us up, to support us ..

That’s when the pressure build up .. we are often asking something from our business when it just isn’t ready to give it just yet .. ❤️


There really IS so much strength in your life story, no matter the blueprint, the experiences, the ups and the downs ..

Every single part of your story has made you who you are in this moment ❤️

I choose to see strength in stories, no matter the narrative. The other day somebody commented that I always “had so many ideas, I was always trying”

In that moment I decided to claim that narrative with a huge YES! I DO have lots of ideas, I am always looking for different ways to do things - because that is the person I choose to be.

I have a defined head centre and ideas centre in human design and one of the areas of my chart reveals how I love innovation. So it makes complete sense that I am always thinking about new ideas , wanting to do something new 🥰

I only see strength in that story ..

Everyday you get to choose:

1. Take the unhappy moments with you into the future


2. Leave them in the past where they belong and CHOOSE to take the strongest parts of that narrative ahead with you.

We are ALL uniquely different. Our stories make us WHO we are. Don’t minimise them or hand the power of your story to somebody else.

It’s your story to tell - always remember that ❤️

Much Love
Effie x


Happy Happy Monday everyone 🥰❤️

I hope you had a brilliant weekend ?

Soo much pondering has been going on behind the scenes as I have been wanting to rebrand and relaunch my community for a while now 😍

We have sooo many people telling us WHY we need to do something or WHAT we shouldn’t do. Nobody really tells you HOW and nor should they - What works for one person wont necessarily work for somebody else, as we are ALL unique - We all have our own blueprint 🌸

What we need is community and experiences that allow us to embody all of these amazing teachings, to help us heal, grow and uplevel from where we are right now ❤️

7 years ago I used the phrase “build a business and life you love” and it’s still true today .. this is where I want to focus 🥰

Sooo changes and updates are coming ..

Happy Monday 😁


Somebody told me this week that walking away from something that doesn’t serve you is “the easy way out” 🙈

It takes SO much courage to stick up for yourself and stand in your power and choose differently ❤️

In both life and business, we get to choose every single day how we want to shape our lives, including who we surround overselves with ☺️

Remember! Your mindset is influenced by the 5 closest people around you. 💪🏻🌟

I shall step down from my Sunday soapbox and wish you the MOST amazing weekend 🥰🌟☺️


.. Smarter 😁 ..

I have tried to write this post a number of times as I wasn’t quite sure how to express what I have discovered these past two years.

I feel as if I have SO much to say that I might actually burst something 😂

Human Design has enabled me to explore every part of my human blueprint, the parts of me that naturally express who I am and the parts of me which have been moulded by my life experiences.

It has helped me to get super clear about my gifts and my purpose and the type of business I am meant to create. I know for example that I have a “gift” in building communities and I am most drawn to Product businesses, whilst also having a love for technology and sales ☺️ (What a mix!)

I have explored the themes of my life from ages 0-39 and then 40+ and I understand what the next chapter is meant to involve.

But more than anything I truly understand and believe in our uniqueness. One size simply can’t fit all - the reason why some things won’t work for you, but will for others, is due to the fact that we are all designed differently and once you understand your blueprint, you will have your very own treasure map for your life.

I can’t and nor will I ever make claims that Human Design has helped me to 10x my income 🙄 it has however helped me to understand how to apply my gifts, strategy and purpose in a way that helps me to thrive in this lifetime .. and sure that might involve a Penny or two 🥰

I have now “read” in excess of 100 different charts - all very very unique and all very very on point ❤️

A dear friend of mine even asked me to read the charts of his beautiful identical twin girls and WOW! It boggled my mind to explore their gifts and their differences 🥰

HD plays a super important role in living a life that I love (truly)❤️ and as a mum, it has helped me to understand my wonderfully spirited teenage daughter ☺️ One I had read Alice’s chart, there were sooooo many aha moments 🙌🏻

I briefly touched upon HD a few months ago and then entered my cocoon again to learn and experiment some more and perfect my ability to read charts and interpret them accurately. I didn’t want to dip back in and out again and so I knew that when I showed up, it would have to be with a really really good plan 🥰

I know you can grab your charts for free online and you can buy courses, get certified and pay for some very expensive readings etc .. however I want to do something a little different.

I want to combine my gifts of product, community, technology and teaching to help
You build and grow a business that is best suited to your blueprint, so that you can light up the world with your amazing gifts🌟🙌🏻

If you have read to the end, THANK YOU ❤️


I met a lady yesterday who told me that she kept melting down her jewellery as it wasn’t “perfect”

To which I replied “Please don’t deny yourself the before and after pic”

In other words, business is a journey .. you need the “warts” to remind you how far you have come.

Often we are seeking for perfection which can only be gained through trial and error and experience ❤️

Soo take those before and after pics!
Celebrate what you have achieved
And be in awe of how far you have come 🥰



Who remembers the brilliant “pivot - sofa”
Episode in friends 😁

It STILL makes me laugh today!

Yesterday I spent time with some amazing ladies where I chatted about business and marketing.

There seems to be a theme appearing around second chapters 🤔

The desire to pull up your big pants, take a leap of faith and “pivot”

Sometimes you are forced into those “pivots” by redundancy, Covid!, Closure etc .. and other times it’s a choice to simply “want a different life”

I have shouted “pivot” many times in my life and career and I can genuinely say I am happier and more fulfilled as a result.

I do love a good pivot 😎


It’s easy to say “I’ll do it later” or even “one day” ..

It’s far harder to say “I choose me, I choose this dream that I have”

And it’s even harder to choose it during a time in your life when you feel everything is changing within and around you ❤️

There is much joy, power and strength in our second season and for that I salute you all .. for choosing your dreams, choosing “another life” and for keeping going 🥰


I quite like Monday’s 😍

It’s a good day to set your intentions for the week and ensure that allll of the activity you have ahead will move the needle in your business 🤗

Today you get me with sunglasses 😎

Here’s to a great week ahead ..


As we dive into the weekend, this felt so relevant ☺️

I often say that we need to “slow down to speed up” and it’s soooo true ..

Take the time to fill up your cup, to laugh, have fun and to enjoy the life you are living. ❤️

Everything will still be waiting for you next week 🌟🙌🏻🤗🎉

Lots of love ❤️

Our Story

When we take the time to listen to another's story, we hear their truth. A truth, which has the power to change lives. The story becomes the call to every human being who has been given the privilege to show up in this world, to take action. It is also a reminder, that when life hands you lemons, you have everything you need inside of you to bounce back. Your story is your greatest gift to the world, it is YOUR story, filled with every single part of your souls journey as a human being.

This year I wrote my story, my book, The Long Journey Home. It has been hiding inside of me for many years. I wrote it initially to share with my daughter, Alice, to help her understand that when Life hands you juicy lemons, the ability to bounce back lies within you and only you. I want Alice to know, that nobody has the right to keep you small or to affect the way you live your life. I want her to stand in front of the mirror and know with absolute certainty who is looking back at her. I want her to see strength in her body and in her mind, I want her to trust her voice and use it with confidence and conviction. I want her to know that when she is knocked down, she has everything inside of her to lift herself back up. But ultimately I want her to understand that kindness matters above anything else. A kind word, a genuine smile, a gesture from the heart, they all have the ability to make this world a better place.

As I have written my book, it has become apparent to me that the very same words I want to share with my daughter, may resonate with you. I hope you will find your own joy and the courage to follow the path that is destined to be yours and when you need to find the strength to bounce back, you only need look inside of yourself.

This page is an exploration of everything I love and hold true. I have built businesses, I have and continue to build huge communities reaching millions of people a week, yet nothing matters more to me than connection. I am proud of my story and would love nothing more, than for you to be proud of yours too.

Much Love

Videos (show all)

Soo let me explain before you run for the hills 😎 For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Effie and I am a fracti...
The words we say to ourselves or use to describe what we do .. matter .. If thoughts create things, imagine how powerful...
Happy Thursday beautiful people 🥰❤️ I am sooo happy to be back in your feed again it has been a looong time 🤗  I am so e...
Good morning 🤗 A very Happy Wednesday 🥰 Soo it seems we have broken the form for next weeks event 😂🙈If you would like to...