

God loves you and created you to know him personally. God thinks you're so valuable that He wants to spend eternity with you! Remember God is coming soon.

Many soul's are being perished

Some ignore, some criticize about the facts in gospel but they don't know they are on their way to hell. But God loved us so much that God gave his only son(Jesus Christ) so that no one would be lost. Romans 10:9 says

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Jesus came to this

Videos (show all)

Must listen to this muslim brother
Jesus Paid It All
GOD IS LOVE | Choose Love
Chinese Christians, Starved for God's Word, Receive Bible
Gadol Elohai
What Choice Will You Make?
Because of Him
The Cup of God's Wrath