I AM Mantra

I AM Mantra

✨Daily Mantras for Conscious Living.
✨Mission: Inspire. Empower. Uplift.
✨Receive to your email.
✨Specialized Coaching for the Evolving Human.

I AM Mantra is created by Nikita Gearing [all original content] What is I AM Mantra? I AM Mantra is daily offerings or Mantras for you to contemplate, reflect upon, meditate with and integrate into your daily life. The intention being to assist you to live a more Conscious, Connected, Present and Aware life. Why the title 'I AM Mantra'? The title ‘I AM Mantra’ has a few meanings. Firstly ‘I AM’ is


Today’s Mantra:
I AM safe to be seen.
I AM safe to share my gifts.
I AM safe to shine my light.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM relaxing into wellness.
I AM relaxing into joy.
I AM relaxing into feeling good.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM moving into my Soul-aligned life
where anything is possible.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
Everything I require for my highest health and greatest thriving
comes to me in perfect timing.
I AM supported by Life
and a loving Universe.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
Fear is dissolving.
Love is expanding.
I AM releasing fear.
I AM living from love.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM guided in each moment
and know exactly what to do.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM on a growth pathway.
I have a growth mindset.
I AM growing into my greatness.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM creating new experiences
and up-leveling my life.
It is safe for me to change,
grow and evolve.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM allowing myself to relax.
Relaxing is rebalancing,
replenishing and regenerating.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM living in my most peaceful,
joyous, abundant timeline.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

Happy Full Moon. We are also still in the energies of the Solstice.

This can be a good time for slowing down, for meditation and reflection, enjoying moments in nature and tuning into the subtle energies present at this time.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM centered in my Heart,
listening to my intuition,
and connected to my Higher Self.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

Today is the Solstice. The Summer Solstice is the time of longest light in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice is the time of longest night in the Southern Hemisphere.

This can be a good time for slowing down, for meditation and reflection, enjoying moments in nature and tuning into the subtle energies present at this time.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM feeling and healing,
changing and transforming,
persevering and staying focused
on my desired reality.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🦋 We are coming into the energies of the Solstice and Full Moon. This can be a good time for slowing down, meditation and reflection, enjoy moments in nature and tuning into the subtle energies present at this time.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM opening to new possibilities
for myself and my life.
If anything is possible, how would
I think, feel, act and behave
in my desired reality.

I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM Peaceful.
I act with awareness and
respond with kindness.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM loving all of me.
The more I love and accept myself
the more I attract people
and experiences that reflect
this love and acceptance.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.


Happy Father's Day to all those celebrating today.

Sending love to anyone
who has healing around their
relationship with their Father.


🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM attracting joyous and meaningful relationships that
are mutually beneficial and
mutually thriving.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM sending love to the parts of
myself holding any fear, anger,
shame, guilt or judgment.
Love heals. Love transforms.
Love liberates.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I shift my focus from
negative to positive.
I AM open to experiencing
the goodness of Life.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
What is meant for me will
always find its way to me.
I AM trusting my journey.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM releasing anything limiting
my optimal health and
financial freedom.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM open to solutions and
everything working out better
than I can imagine.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM divinely guided at all times.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
Slowing down is empowering.
Slowing down supports mental clarity,
emotional awareness, energetic alignment
and physical wellness.
I AM slowing down and moving
through life with greater awareness.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

Happy Pride Month. May we love ourselves unconditionally and accept ourselves fully as we are.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM celebrating my uniqueness.
It’s ok to be different.
It’s good to be different.
It’s wonderful to be different.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

Happy Pride Month. May we love ourselves unconditionally and accept ourselves fully as we are.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM moving from fear into love,
from stuck into flow,
from lack into abundance.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM focusing my
thoughts and words,
my emotions and energy
on the highest positive outcome.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
Love is powerful.
Love heals.
Love transforms.
Love inspires.
Love awakens.
I AM centered in love, vibrating with love and responding from love.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM calm.
I AM centered.
I AM peaceful.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🦋 Immense gratitude to everyone who joined me yesterday for I AM Monthly. I am still feeling the energy from our time together. The next event will be on October 6th (there will be a pause in events over the Summer).

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I AM vibrating with energy.
My thoughts direct energy.
My emotions carry energy.
My body is made of energy.
Positive energy fills me,
surrounds me and flows from me
benefiting the world around me.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🦋 Today is I AM Mantra Monthly at 1pm PDT. The focus is the Law of Vibration and the high vibrational energy of Joy. Go to iammantra.com to join.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi



Today’s Mantra:
I trust that everything
is working out for me.
I believe that everything
is working out for me.
I know that everything
is working out for me.
I AM grateful that everything
is working out for me.

✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨
I invite you to comment with “I AM”
and affirm.

🦋 1 days until I AM Mantra Monthly, live online experience. Link in Bio.

🌀 “If everything around seems dark,
look again, you may be the light.” Rumi


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