Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

This page is dedicated to H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and his vision peace and wisdom


These 5Cs, if you apply in your life, it will change your life completely

1) Don't Complain
2) Don't Compare
3) Don't Curse
4) Don't Cry
5) Don't Criticise

You are unique, same as everyone is unique in this planet, criticising, comparing and complaining indirectly you are blaming creator of universe and it will hit you back.

Cursing and crying is meaningless, if you are in trouble just pray only from divine, anyone others are least bothered


अयोध्या श्री राम जन्मभूमि

जब पूरा देश अयोध्या निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के परिणामों का विश्लेषण कर रहा है, तो वे महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं को भूल रहे हैं। वोट पूरे भारत के लोगों द्वारा राम मंदिर के आधार पर दिया गया है, न कि केवल अयोध्या शहर से।

अगर राम मंदिर नहीं बनता, तो भाजपा सरकार बनाने की स्थिति में नहीं होती। यह केवल भगवान राम के आशीर्वाद से ही संभव है

यह तय है कि भाजपा को संसदीय चुनावों में राम मंदिर बनाने का लाभ मिला है, लेकिन उन्हें लोगों का दर्द समझना होगा, अति महत्वाकांक्षा से उन्हें कोई फायदा नहीं होगा।


Ayodhya श्री राम जन्मभूमि

When entire nation is analysing results of Ayodhya constituency, they have missing important points. The vote is casted by people from pan India on basis of Ram Temple not only from Ayodhya City.

If Ram temple was not built, BJP may not be in position to form government. It's only possible by them due to blessings of lord RAM

It's confirmed BJP got advantage of building RAM temple in parliamentary elections but they have to understand pain of people, over ambitious will not help them.


Who can see without eyes, who can hear without ears, who can speak without tongue, who can complete all tasks without a body. He is the witness of the intelligence of all living beings, the same nirguna saguni element is Shiva

जो बिना आंखों के देख सकता है, जो बिना कानो के सुन सकता है, जो बिना जिव्हा के बोल सकता है, जो बिना देह के समस्त कार्यों को समूर्ण कर सकता है। जो समस्त जीव बुद्धि का शाक्षी है, वही निर्गुण सगुणी तत्व ही शिव है


The five syllables Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya that are evoked in the praise of Shiva indicate the five elements, known as PanchBhoota in Sanskrit, Prithvi (Earth), Apas (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether).


परमात्मा भक्तों को तारने के लिए अवतार लेते हैं उस दिन को अवतरण दिन कहते है। आज परम पूज्य गुरुदेव का अवतरण दिन है पूज्य गुरुदेव को अवतरण दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं💖🎂🙏🙇


Today being Buddha Purnima, I’d like to tell you a little bit about Lord Buddha’s life.
When Lord Buddha saw the suffering in the world, he said, “Life has no meaning. If you have to become old, and you have to die, then what is the point in living!”
When he encountered a sick man, a dead man and an ascetic. He left his palace and sat in meditation for many years. After he attained enlightenment, for seven days he didn’t say a word. The angels and gods of the subtle world got worried. They said that after a long time a Buddha has come on the planet, why isn’t he speaking anything?
Buddha said, “The people who know, they know, and those who do not know, even by my speaking, will not understand. They are so busy making money, making relationships work, fighting, eating and sleeping that with my telling, nothing will get into their minds”.
All the Gods and angels argued with Buddha saying that there are some people who are on the borderline. If you just tell them, they will get it! There are people who have some idea, and who really want to know, for them you must speak. Then Lord Buddha stated speaking from that day; the seventh day.

On the seventh day, after the full moon, Lord Buddha started speaking and all he said was, “Everything is nothing!”
I want you to immediately experience one thing. Wake up and see till this moment, whatever has happened in your life for the last 30 to 50 years, is it not like a dream?
Take your mind forward and backward. Now fast forward it. You’re sitting here, you will go back home, have your dinner and sleep. Tomorrow you will wake up, brush your teeth, get on with your work. The next day will roll, the third day will roll and June will come. Then July, August, September, and the New Year party will happen. It’s all gone! All the days will be gone. Is it not like a dream? Could this be a dream, you reading these words? How do you know it is reality? It could be a dream! The present could be a dream, question the present. The future is like a dream. If you can manage to shift your attention and see this reality, you will see something above this. There is something above and beyond this, which remains, which is so beautiful. And if you see this, you gain such incredible strength, energy, love and beauty in your life out of it that nothing whatsoever can shake it.

What do you need to do? You need to simply wake up! Turn one switch off (mind), and turn the other one on (intuition). For a moment, wake up and see, this is all a dream, and discard everything. Immediately you get connected to the universal power, to the truth that you are made up of!

When you have to work with people, don’t use this philosophy, i.e., everything is nothing. You will not be able to do your business! However, keep this in mind – everything is nothing. This gives you inner strength, intuitive ability, happiness, contentment, love and compassion.

*Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar*

*Happy Buddha Purnima.*🌹


*The Vedic secret of communication*

Sri Sri (English 0:41)


Deep Rest and Bliss

Deep rest is bliss, and bliss is the understanding that only God exists. Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible. This conviction or experience that "only God exists" is Samadhi. Samadhi is the mother of all talents, strengths and virtues. Samadhi is needed even for the most materialistic person because a materialistic person looks to gain strength and virtues. To be in Samadhi you do not need any effort or talents, strengths or virtues.

Withdrawing from all types of physical and mental activity is rest. That is in-built in our system as sleep, and sleep is the best friend of activity. Samadhi is a conscious rest. Samadhi is the best friend of life. To be alive in your full potential, Samadhi is indispensable


When the one you trust lies

A dear person whom you trust lies to you and gets caught. What do you feel?

1. Sadness
2. Anger
3. Cheated
4. Disappointment
5. Compassion
6. Let down
7. Loss of respect
8. Wonder
9. Shock
10. Embarrassment

Recently when someone lied to me, I felt happy and more love, for they were not a good liar. Had they been a good liar, they would not have been caught. I thought they were so innocent that they could not even lie properly. They lie and get caught. If they had not been caught, how would you know they were a liar? So . . . you can never know a good liar. The person you call a liar is not a good liar and they are innocent. Aren't they? And so . . . You need not go through all the listed mental gymnastics. Instead melt and dissolve in Love.

Sri Sri


Softness And Forcefulness

Certain types of people are soft and their softness comes out of lack of courage and forcefulness. There is yet another type of softness in people and this softness comes out of maturity, magnanimity, and the knowledge of the Self.

The people who are soft out of lack of courage suffer a lot. And sometime or other they become volatile.

Similarly there are two types of forcefulness in people Ö aggression or assertiveness. Some people are forceful in an aggressive manner out of weakness, lack of strength, or out of fear. Others are forceful out of care and love, out of compassion.

David: Aggressive control and aggressive support.

Guruji: So look into yourself and become aware of what type of softness and what type of forcefulness you have


पूजा के हर मन्त्र में पंडित कुछ कीलक या चाबी का वर्णन करते हैं। ये चाबी क्या है और ये कौन सा ताला खोलती है।

In every mantra of worship, pundits describe some rivet or key. What is this key and which lock does it open.

Sri Sri


Question - Gurudev, what is the significance of Hanuman Jayanti?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji-

Lord Hanuman is the perfect devotee. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says “Only one who is strong can surrender”. Lord Hanuman the mighty warrior surrenders effortlessly at the feet of his Lord - Sri Rama. If you think about it this aspect of Surrender and Strength is one of the biggest lessons that lord shani is trying to teach us. There is a verse in the Hanuman Chalisa that says - “राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे, होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे” “Rama duara tuma rakhavare, hoth na agya binu paisare”. This verse in literal translation means “You are the one who guards the door of Lord Rama and no one can enter it without your permission or command”. The deeper significance is Lord Hanuman is called Vayu Putra - the son of the wind God Vayu. Sage Parashara teaches us that the planets are the avatars of Lord Vishnu. Lord Rama is connected to the planet Surya - Sun. The Sun represents our soul, the inner light. To reach the Sun God (Rama) we need the permission of Lord Hanuman (Vayu). So through the practice of Pranayama (Vayu) we are able to activate the Ajna chakra (third eye) and that is the door way to Lord Rama (soul, inner light). That is also the reason why the worship of Lord Hanuman is one of the most powerful remedies for Saturn related problems. Saturn is Darkness, Sun is Light. So through Lord Hanuman (Vayu) we get access to the Light (Sun). When there is light there is no darkness.


एक बार श्री राम ने हनुमान जी से खुद पूछा - "तुम तो हमसे मज़बूत हो ही, तुमको कैसा लगता है, हनुमान माने क्या होगा? हनुमान बनके रहना कैसा लगेगा?

तब हनुमान जी बोले -" जब मै देहबुद्धि वाला होता हूँ, तब मै आपका दास हूँ; मगर जब मुझमें जीवबुद्धि आ जाती है, तब मै आपका एक अंश हूँ; मगर आत्मबुद्धि में जब पूछेंगे तो मेरी आत्मा और आपकी आत्मा एक है। मै आपसे अलग नहीं हूँ, आप मुझसे अलग नहीं हैं।


सत्य बोलना ओर सत्य समझना दोनो ही मुश्किल है।
ओर उसे से भी मुश्किल है। सत्य को जानना।

Speaking the truth and understanding the truth both are difficult.
And it is more difficult than that, to know the truth

सत्य वही है, जो स्थायी है ओर असत्य जो क्षणिक है।
कभी कठोर सत्य मत बोलो ओर मीठा झूठ मत बोलो

गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

Truth is that which is permanent and untruth is that which is momentary.
never speak the harsh truth and never tell a sweet lie

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Gurudev after chandi homa


Celebration is the nature of the spirit. Any celebration has to be spiritual. A celebration without spirituality does not have any depth. And silence gives the depth to celebration. Some people think being silent is spirituality. E.g. Many meditators feel that laughing, singing and dancing are not spiritual. Some people think only celebration is spirituality. E.g. In some parts of the world, such as in rural India or Africa, celebration means loud music; there is no silence at all. Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration ; and also inner silence and other celebration!


गुरु मेरी पूजा गुरु गोबिंद
गुरु मेरा पारब्रह्म, गुरु भगवंत


Dear Gurudev, what can I do to increase my capacity to take your blessings? How can I make my cup bigger?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :
In the Advanced Course you all have heard of the Shatt Sampatti (Six wealths, or six-fold virtues)

1) Sama (calmness of mind)

2) Dama (self-control or restraint of the senses)

3) Uparati (satiety)

4) Titiksha (power of endurance)

5) Shradha (faith), and

6) Samadhana (equanimity or one-pointedness of the mind)

This is what you must focus on increasing more in your life. By enhancing these virtues, your capacity to receive blessings will increase.

Among the four pillars of knowledge, the third one that has these six wealths, that is what we must increase. Also we must do Seva (service) and Sadhana (spiritual practices).

You can understand in depth about the four pillars of Knowledge, How can they be useful for both inner and outer growth and the secret behind them in the Advanced Meditation Course or Silence Program of Art of Living.


God is a thorough businessman

The Divine has given you all the small pleasures in the world, but has kept the bliss to Himself. To get the highest bliss you have to go to Him and Him alone.

Don't be too smart with the Divine and try to fool Him. Most of your prayers and rituals are just attempts to trick the Divine. You try to give the least and get the maximum out of the Divine and He knows. He's an astute businessman; He will trick you even more. If you go underneath the carpet, He will go underneath the floor.

Be sincere in your attempts. Do not try to outsmart the Divine. Once you get the bliss, then everything else is joyful. Without the bliss, joy in anything in the world will not stay.


*Don’t identify yourself with the emotions you go through*

The mind is like a mirror, whatever comes in front of it is reflected in it. But a mirror doesn’t cry, “Oh, I got dirty”, when a dirty picture comes in front of it.

And it doesn’t jump up and say, “Oh, I have got these wonderful qualities” when something good is reflected. When you’re driving, you can see in the mirror that there is a garbage can behind your car. Just imagine the mirror identifying itself with the garbage can.

Or, imagine the mirror identifying with some beautiful scenery. In both cases, what would you say? It’s a stupid idea, it’s not the case. The mirror is neither the garbage can, nor the scenery. And that is exactly how it is with our own consciousness.

Our consciousness is like a mirror. Different images come onto it, and they all move away. Know this, and be free. When we get attached to any of those images, that is bo***ge. So, wake up and see, the mind is a mirror.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji


Hard labour to succeed in the world? Hard labour no, no, human constitution, human physiology, human intelligence is made of infinite creative potential of Natural Law and therefore no-one has to work hard for success.


#होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाऐं 💐💐

ईश्वर भी खेलते है होली,
छिटक देते है रंग ,
कभी बासंती धरा पर ,
पीली पीली सरसो की तरह,
कभी बिखराते है सुर्ख लाल रंग,
सैमल के फूल बन कर ,
जब बढता है ताप तो ,
गुलमोहर बनकर ,
नारंगी सा रंग,
बिखर जाता है,
गर्मी में आँखों को,
शीतलता देता है ,
फिर सावन में ,
इंद्रधनुषी पिचकारी में
भर भिगो देते है,
तन बदन हरे रंग से ,
रंग जाती है धरती,
हरे रंग सी ।


Lust Vs Love

• वासना तनाव लाती है, प्रेम विश्राम लाता है|
• वासना में कपट और छल है, प्रेम में विनोदिता है, लीला है|
• वासना सिर्फ एक अंग पर केन्द्रित होती है, प्रेम पूरे असतित्व पर|
• वासना हिंसा लाती है, प्रेम वलिदान लाता है|
• वासना में तुम झपटना चाहते हो, कब्जा करना; प्रेम में तुम देना चाहते हो, समर्पण करना|
• वासना तुम्हें दुविधा देती है, प्रेम तुम्हें केन्द्रित करता है|
• वासना में प्रयत्न है, प्रेम प्रयत्नहीन है|
• वासना में मांग है, प्रेम अधिकार है|
• वासना ज्वर और कुण्ठा देती है, प्रेम उत्कण्ठा और मीठा दर्द लाती है|
• वासना जकड़ती है, विनाश करती है; प्रेम स्वतंत्रता लाता है, मुक्त करता है|😇

- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रवि शंकर... Pranam sadguru 🙏🙏❤

• Lust brings tension, love brings relaxation.
• There is treachery and deceit in lust, there is humour, there is play in love.
• Lust focuses on only one part, love on the whole existence.
• Lust brings violence, love brings sacrifice.
• In lust you want to pounce, to possess; In love you want to give, to surrender.
• Lust confuses you, love centers you.
• Lust has effort, love is effortless.
• Lust is a demand, love is a right.
• Lust brings fever and frustration, love brings yearning and sweet pain.
• Lust binds, destroys; Love brings freedom, sets you free.😇

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar... Pranam sadguru 🙏🙏❤

Maha Shivratri Spl Maha Rudra Homa with Gurudev | 19 Feb 2023 | Live from Bangalore Ashram 18/02/2023

*LIVE at 5 AM: Maha Rudra Homa with Gurudev*

*LIVE at 6 AM: Maha Mrityunjaya Homa*

- Vaidic Dharma Sansthan

Maha Shivratri Spl Maha Rudra Homa with Gurudev | 19 Feb 2023 | Live from Bangalore Ashram - Offer Sankalpa in Maha Shivratri Pujas & Homas with Gurudev on 18-19 Feb





'VASHI' means control and the opposite of it - SHIVA - is complete letting go. When the mind retrieves from the senses and let's go of control, you merge and rest in the universal consciousness, SHIVA!


💠*Maha Shivratri 2023 Celebrations with Gurudev* 💠

You are invited to join the Maha Shivratri 2023 celebrations with Gurudev

📍Art of Living International Center, Bangalore on 18th Feb

*Schedule:* 🗓️
Maha Rudra Puja :18th Feb
⏰6:30 pm IST
Midnight Meditation :19th Feb
⏰00 am IST
Maha Rudra Homa: 19th Feb
⏰4 am IST

Watch the celebrations online on
*️⃣Art of Living App (

*Direct link🔗*

*Midnight Meditation*🧘‍♀️

*For Indian Nationals 🇮🇳:* You can take sankalpa for puja on

*For Internationals🌎:* You can sign up for online sankalpa ONLY and watch the sankalpa :

Videos (show all)

*The Vedic secret of communication*Sri Sri (English 0:41)___________________
*गुरुदेव*पूजा के हर मन्त्र में  पंडित कुछ कीलक या चाबी का वर्णन करते हैं। ये चाबी क्या है और ये कौन सा ताला खोलती है।*Gu...
Gurudev after chandi homa
गुरु मेरी पूजा गुरु गोबिंदगुरु मेरा पारब्रह्म, गुरु भगवंत
*Shiva* #Mahashivratri#Shivparvativivha
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar singing in satsang.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar singing in satsang.
Today Guru’s story by Gurudev himself 😇
Art of living family spread in 180 countries
Lord Shri Krishna
Om Namah Shivay
