Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide

Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide

Full-Spectrum, Decolonized Yoga & Ta**ra. Online & In-Person Programs.

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 23/07/2024

Patanjali beautifully lists 9 obstacles or Antarayas. These are impressions or conditioning from the past that need to be seen and shifted. The trap that many fall into is either further condemnation or justification of their situation, rather than looking for solutions and retraining the body and mind. This requires persistence and stickability, not just ability. 🙏

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


Some are under the illusion of what willingness is. They may say they are willing when all they are looking to fulfill is some saccharine sweet idea of spiritual escapism. Some may have the willingness, yet because their life is so caught up in survival mode, the capacity is not there. They may not have the energy or prana to actively engage that willingness. Also, each person has a baseline of prana and some may need to build it before they have the strength to engage.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


The capacity to separate our conditioning from who we are is the substratum of a spiritual life. Through conditioning we are handed down a hierarchy of importance rather than what is truly important. We may believe that: profit is more important than respecting nature; our race is superior to others; or external success is more important than emotional awareness while not even realizing that it is conditioning that drives us.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 17/07/2024

This natural body reaction was observed by the ancient “rishis,” or researchers of those days, and systematized as a technique. Long exhalations are a good way to release pent up emotions, as they calm the nervous system and build better breath capacity. 🧘

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


When anything that stains spills on your shirt, the sensible thing to do would be to wash it off immediately rather than wait for a couple of days. By then the staining agent would have seeped in deeper. Hence, remember to be aware of things that bother you and release them moment to moment as much as possible or at the end of the day. Do a regular spring cleaning of your emotional baggage.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to



Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 12/07/2024

Meet Sadie, one of our students of the Arkaya Teacher Training Program! Sadie will be teaching this Saturday’s Community Satsangh (07/13) and you are welcome to join us. Check the link in our bio or go to ✨

Check Sadie’s complete testimonial:

“I have been practicing and teaching yoga for many years now. As my children moved into their teenage years, I have more time and space to deepen into my practice again. When I first attended an Arkaya Community Class and met Maitreyi, I realized that I was really seeking more guidance and support on my yogic path, both from a teacher and from a community of like minded people, as well as a deeper understanding and connection to the authentic roots of yoga. I felt very called to study with a woman and Maitreyi’s wisdom, kindness and down-to-earthness really resonated with me. Her approach of a two year program with time to really integrate the teachings as well as balance the practice with everyday life made sense to me as I know this is a life-long journey. As a current teacher, I also wanted to be able to share these practices with others and bring more authenticity and classical teachings into my classes. The Arkaya practices and the teachings that Maitreyi shares have become such an integral part of my life. I see them/this path as an infusion - the contemplation, body and breath awareness, mindfulness practices, and movement practices are slowly steeping into my being. I use the practices in little (or big) moments throughout my day and call on them when I am in need of support or nourishment. I think that is the biggest integration from this training - dealing with energetic and physical disturbances more often in the moment instead of letting things build up. I also have more awareness of the backlog of “stuff” from my past that I am carrying and have more tools and practices to support clearing. The Arkaya practices and the Saturday Community Classes are a grounding force in my life and have helped me develop a steady and deep daily practice. I feel so grateful for all the gifts this training has brought and I know will continue to bring even once I have completed it. The decolonized, full spectrum approach of the Arkaya Teacher Training has really helped me refine my approach to teaching a holistic class through a deeper understanding and lived experience of the principles of classical yoga and ta**ra. The YTT is held over two years and this has allowed for time and continued guidance and support in making the practice a structure for life and bringing yoga 'off the mat and into daily life'. The practices are more grounded and integrated into my own being so I am able to share them from a more authentic place when I teach. The focus on pacing ourselves and moving from suffering to savouring from a place of karuna sakshi bhava (compassionate witnessing) has become the foundation from which I teach my classes. This spring, I faced an unexpected health challenge that led to surgery. My steady Arkaya yoga practice, along with the support of Maitreyi, Ross and the Arkaya Community was such a big part of my healing and recovery. Though I struggled at first during this time, I think that the foundation of the Arakaya practices helped me find acceptance of the situation as well as the strength to move forward in a good way. I was able to ask for and receive support in a way that I hadn't been able to before. A big part of the learning that came through was about really listening to and taking time to nourish myself. Using the breath practices, mantra, and energy work really supported me in nourishing myself. I have become more aware of the old patterns that led to the imbalance that resulted in surgery and am finding healthy ways to move through these patterns and find my voice. One significant shift that I noticed part way through the training is a deeper sense of contentment in my life. I feel more connected with the wonder of the world and more able to see and appreciate the little moments of beauty in life. These experiences carry through my day in a different way than they did before. I still, of course, have challenges and many ups and downs; however, there is an underlying thread of contentment that weaves its way through the challenges. In some ways I sense it like a cradle or safety net, gently holding me as I navigate through life. This connects to the ability to be kinder to myself when I notice reactions, judgements, and old unhealthy patterns surfacing. I am more often able to observe these patterns in the moment (or soon after) and reflect on how/what I would like to change and let go of. I know that I have so much more work to do, yet I feel so supported in this process.”

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 10/07/2024

Bow and see those emotions that need to be seen. Address them one by one. Start with a simple feeling that is easy. As we practice Namaste, or Namaskar, which is a reverential bow to acknowledge, we will also see emotions that we think are good that we habitually use as a mask.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


Through the application of yogic tools and principles, our old bad habits can simply fall way. In Arkaya, we create awareness about the depth of this art and science of life. ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 08/07/2024

Emotions are energy and each emotion has a particular energetic aspect connected to it. This can be shifted and uplifted when we apply the right attitudes, the right processes and the wisdom required. That is the beautiful art and science of Yoga and Ta**ra. 🧘

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


This bhavana is nourished in Indian classical music and dance as an expression that lifts us towards divine love. Even longing and fear can be transformed into this love if one knows the process. 💛

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 04/07/2024

Meet Patricia, one of our students of the Arkaya Teacher Training Program! Patricia will be teaching this Saturday’s Community Satsangh (07/06) and you are welcome to join us. Check the link in our bio or go to ✨

Check Patricia’s complete testimonial:

“My journey to Arkaya Yoga Teacher Training was initially driven by a desire for my own healing and a deeper connection to my body as I am on my fertility journey. As a counselor, I sought to enhance my ability to support clients dealing with dysregulation and anxiety by integrating a somatic approach into my skill set. The training, which I am set to complete this fall, has been transformative, enriching both my personal practice and teaching approach.
This training is progressively becoming a way of life for me, fostering new awareness and insights that make me calmer, more gentle, and clear-headed. Every day presents an opportunity to apply the principles learned. The decolonized full spectrum approach of Arkaya Teacher Training has redefined my perspective on yoga, teaching me to see it as more than just exercise—it is a path to self-realization. This new paradigm has deepened my respect and reverence for the natural world, including our bodies, shaping my teaching into a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and self-love.
I currently live and work in Vancouver, BC, on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) nations. For those interested in learning more about my work or connecting for a session, please visit my website Join me on this beautiful journey of healing and growth!”


Clarity of communication around our needs and boundaries, as well as apprehensions and fears, can release emotional charges that may otherwise morph and mutate into something destructive. Self acceptance and honouring of what is, is invaluable. ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 02/07/2024

Most of us either suppress or misplace/project our emotions. We can suppress or project less if we take ownership for our emotions and needs.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 29/06/2024

May we have the discernment to differentiate tigers from hissing cats. 🙏

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 28/06/2024

Stress is a normal response to situational pressures or demands and is a part of everyday life. However chronic stress can lead to mental health problems and medical issues. Did you know the difference between eustress and distress?

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 27/06/2024

Emotional resilience is when we are able to innovate and adapt to changing situations and environments. This is cultivated by learning to acknowledge and voice our needs, resolve inner conflict and have tools for transformation ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


Less is more on the yogic path where we no more seek to fill our days with busyness but savour connection to source through the senses ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 19/06/2024

When we do our dharma, we are not obligated to fulfill duties. We do them from a deep knowing that what we do is impacting us, others and the earth in nourishing and uplifting ways. ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


Cultivating discernment through the Arkaya practices will prevent us from creating a thicker veil of deception. The less clear our lens, the more karma we accumulate.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


A reminder that there will be no online community satsangh on Saturday June 15 or Saturday June 22. Yogacharini Maitreyi will be away leading an in-person retreat at Hollyhock. Classes will begin again on Saturday June 29.

There are still some spaces available if you want to join the retreat last minute. And there is a 10% discount available on your accommodations. Use discount code "Ta**ra10".

➡️ To register to the retreat click on the link in our bio or go to

Please also note that, as usual, there will be no community satsangh for the month of August when we take our summer break.

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 12/06/2024

Did you know there are four kinds of Karma based on timeline? Being aware of them will help you become more efficient in purifying your behavioural patterns.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


✨ Did you know your heart’s magnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than your brain’s? Or that the signals from the heart go instantaneously to the brain and regulate the brain’s physiology, making the heart a central node which regulates cognitive and emotional information? How would your life change if you new how to harness that power?

✨ Learn Ta***ic practices that can help you act in alignment with the heart at our retreat at Hollyhock, conducted by Yogacharini Maitreyi, from June 14th to June 19th, 2024.

✨ To learn more and register to this event click on the link in our bio or go to Use our temporary discount code: Ta**ra10. We look forward to seeing you at Hollyhock!

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 10/06/2024

Kar is an action word. It comes from the root "to do.” Ma is “myself.” What we think of or identify as ourselves creates karma and sets the ball rolling. 🔄

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 05/06/2024

Tamas is the quality of inertia, dullness, darkness and unconsciousness. When you choose tamas you enable yourself or others in ways that do not serve Source, Universe, Divine, Highest Self.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 04/06/2024

Rajas is the quality of unbridled passion, restlessness, competitiveness, aggression and agitation. With rajas you are motivated and may accomplish a lot, but the motivation comes from a place of not being enough.

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to

Photos from Arkaya Awareness Centre Worldwide's post 03/06/2024

Satva is the quality of stillness, lightness, aliveness and relaxed alertness. In a satvic relationship or state of being, there will inherently be a lot of ease and self-awareness. ✨

To learn more and connect with Yogacharini Maitreyi and the Arkaya community, visit our website and join the live online Community Satsangh every Saturday. Check the link in our bio or go to


⚠️ ATTENTION: This is your opportunity to join our retreat at conducted by Yogacharini Maitreyi!

Use the temporary discount code Ta**ra10 to get 10% off accommodations. To learn more and register to this event click on the link in our bio or go to

Videos (show all)

✨ Did you know your heart’s magnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than your brain’s? Or that the signals from the heart...
Join Maitreyi at our special retreat at @hollyhocklife happening June 14 to 19, 2024. This year’s theme is Finding Fulfi...
Join two wisdom keepers for an illuminating conversation on the realities of colonization. Colonization has had an impac...
The next in-person session is Maitreyi's annual retreat at Hollyhock happening June 14 to 19, 2024. This year's theme is...
To learn more and apply, go to the link in bio of @arkaya_awareness_centre or visit www.arkaya.netYogacharini Maitreyi i...
ANNOUNCEMENT: ONLINE ARKAYA AWARENESS TEACHER TRAINING STARTS MARCH 3, 2024Want to go deep into self study and effortles...
