Bisidimo psychiatric ward

Bisidimo psychiatric ward

This page intend to create awareness to ward mental illness and,to Promote ,Prevent and Rehabilitat


Let celebrate together and stop stigma

Today is World Autism Awareness Day.

1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder.
Autism begins in childhood and tend to persist into adolescence and adulthood. It refers to a range of conditions characterised by some degree of:
🔴 impaired social behaviour, communication and language
🔴 a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.

People with autism are often subject to stigma, discrimination and human rights violations. This needs to stop!

Timeline photos 30/03/2020

We should follow this recommendation .

The best way to prevent COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed. You can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 with these actions:
• Practice social distancing by putting space between yourself and others.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoid touching your face.
Stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak:


3,956 confirmed cases across 46 countries on the African continent with a total of 248 recoveries & 111 deaths reported.

What should be known about hantavirus case in China amid COVID-19 pandemic? - Global Times 24/03/2020

What should be known about hantavirus case in China amid COVID-19 pandemic? - Global Times A hantavirus case reported in China amid the coronavirus pandemic has sparked interest online.

Timeline photos 18/03/2020

The most vulnerable group of covid-19

A new CDC MMWR report shows that adults ages 65 and older are at greatest risk for severe disease and death from COVID-19. It’s especially important for older adults to be vigilant in avoiding potential exposures through frequent handwashing and practicing social distancing.


Self examination for corona virus

Photos from Emergency Medicine's post 30/04/2019
Photos from Medical Education By MD Tech SengHong's post 30/04/2019


Stage 1
Stage one of sleep, also known as the transitional phase, occurs when one finds themselves floating in and out of consciousness. During this NREM stage, you may be partially awake while your mind begins to drift off.

This period of drowsiness eventually leads to a light sleep. This is also the time when the muscles jerk, followed by a falling sensation that jolts you back into consciousness. This experience is known as hypnic myoclonia. After winding down in stage one, your sleep cycle will slip you into stage two.

Stage 2
Almost 50% of the time spent asleep over the course of the night is spent in stage two. Stage two is also a non-REM phase and is one of the lighter stages of sleep. Even though it is a light stage, the heart rate begins to slow and the core body temperature decreases.

During stage two, eye movement stops and brain waves slow with the occasional burst of waves called sleep spindles. Stage two can also be characterized by the unstructured periods that alternate between muscle tone and muscle relaxation.

Stages 3 & 4
Stages three and four are characterized as the deep stages of sleep, and are often the hardest to wake up from. If you try to wake someone up when they are in stages three or four, they will most likely be disoriented and groggy for minutes after they awake. Stages three and four are often grouped together because they are the periods of slow wave sleep (SWS).

Slow wave sleep is a NREM phase of sleep, and is the deepest sleep that your body enters throughout the night. It is called slow wave sleep because the brain waves slow to what are known as delta waves with the occasional faster wave. As the body moves from stage three to stage four, the number of delta waves increase and the faster waves decrease.

In addition to the deep sleep caused by the delta waves, blood pressure drops even further, and breathing becomes deeper, slower, and more rhythmic. During slow wave sleep there is no eye movement, and the body becomes immobile.
However, even though there is no muscle movement, the muscles still have the ability to function. These are the stages when children sometimes experience nightmares, bedwetting and sleepwalking.

Stages three and four of sleep are extremely rejuvenating to the body. During slow wave sleep, hormones are released that aid in both growth and appetite control. The growth hormones help to replenish muscles and tissues that were exerted over the course of the day, and the appetite controlling hormones help limit feelings of excessive hunger the following day.

These hormones are essential to the development of a strong body and help control unnecessary over-eating. In addition to the release of critical hormones, the blood flow to the muscles increases, providing restorative oxygen and nutrients.

Stage 5
Stage five is the only stage of rapid eye movement (REM), and is unlike any other sleep phase because the brain is bursting with activity. Most adults spend about 20% of sleep in REM, while infants spend almost 50%. During non-REM sleep, the mind rests while the body heals, but in REM sleep the mind energizes itself while the body is immobile.

REM sleep is called as such because the eyes dart in various directions while the limbs and muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Breathing becomes shallower and irregular while the heart rate and blood pressure rise from the levels they were in previous stages.

Most dreaming takes place in stage five as a result of heightened, desynchronized brain waves, almost similar to being awake. This stage of sleep revitalizes the brain, supporting sharp and alert daytime function.

Individuals begin waking up at the end of stage 5. Upon waking up, an individual’s core body temperature begins to rise in order to prepare the body for the activity of the day ahead.

Understanding how sleep cycles work is important in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. BedJet helps you get quality, uninterrupted sleep each night. Using proprietary biorhythm sleep technology, the BedJet utilizes temperature control to help promote your body’s optimal core temperatures throughout the night. In turn, this helps trigger your body to get to sleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed. Thank you by Mafe

Photos from Dr.Eisha Munawar khan PT's post 09/04/2019

Types of stroke

Photos from Dr.Eisha Munawar khan PT's post 09/04/2019

sleeping postures...

Mobile uploads 09/04/2019
Photos from Medical Media's post 02/04/2019

What is depression n its cause

Photos from Medical Media's post 02/04/2019

Cranial nerves n their function




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Exercise May Help to Fend Off Depression 06/03/2019

Be active always

Exercise May Help to Fend Off Depression Jogging for 15 minutes a day, or walking or gardening for somewhat longer, could help protect people against developing depression.


Fight stigma

On Zero Discrimination Day the message is simple:


The right to health means ending discrimination in all healthcare settings.

Zero Discrimination for all.


Every 40 seconds, someone, somewhere in the world, dies by su***de. That's one too many.

Suicides are largely preventable. If you know someone who may be considering su***de, talk to them about it. Listen with an open mind and offer your support.

11 Symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder You Shouldn’t Ignore 27/12/2018

11 Symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder You Shouldn’t Ignore If your period takes over your life, you’ll want to read this.


they are human

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Practice these tips for good mental health:
🏋️‍♂️ Exercise regularly
🍲 Eat healthy
😴 Get adequate sleep
🍺 Limit your alcohol intake
🗣 Talk about your feelings


Adolescence and the early years of adulthood are a time of many changes (eg: changing schools, starting university or a new job) For many, these are exciting times.

This can also be times of stress.

In some cases, if not recognized and managed, these feelings can lead to mental illness.
