Nutrition by Anni

Nutrition by Anni

@NutritionbyAnni on Instagram

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 06/05/2024

HAPPY EARLY MOTHERS DAY ♥️ - I couldn’t possibly hold these in any longer….
Think a lil extra about the Mamas in your life this week🥰

Thank you so much for capturing these cuuutieee moments!


Join us LIVE next Sunday at 1 PM Pacific Time!

So happy to be talking about Nutrition and Mental Health with

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 27/02/2023

On the topic of gut health! 💡

Learn about the difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics and how they are beneficial for your body in order to thrive ☺️

Probiotics = LIVE healthy microorganisms, healthy bacteria living in gut

Prebiotics = specialized plant fibers that stimulate growth of these healthy gut bateria ; ”food” for Probiotics

sources of Probiotics:
-fermented foods : Yogurt, Kefir. Sauerkraut, Tempeh, Kambucha

sources of Prebiotics:
fiberous foods : many fruits + veggies, oats, whole grains.. oh and the now very popular „healthy sodas“ like Olipop :)

Only plants contain fiber, so including more plant based foods into yodiet helps here. 🌱

Your body will thank you! Benefits of Pre and Probiotics:

-overall gut health
-boost immune system
-hormon production (insulin, leptin, also happiness, mood (serotonin, GABA)

This is just some of the most basic info .
I could nerd 🤓 out on this topic some more 🤣

As always before making changes to your diet please consult with your health care provider 😊

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 08/02/2023

This outfit makes me feel connected to Mother Nature..definitely vibing with her today. 💚💙💚💙

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 02/02/2023

“I’ve meant it , to everyone everyone everyone but myself like oh my gosh - So I’ve been looking in the mirror and I practice saying this : I love you, {b.}” 🫶 🎶

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 28/01/2023

Park date ☀️🤍🌴

Sometimes I forget how much I love being outdoors in nature 🙌🏻

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 19/01/2023

Don‘t miss out on this amazing opportunity to connect and learn together 🫶

So excited and honored to be part of this ☺️

Sun Jan 29th @ 9 AM
📍Location: 1455 W Park Ave, Redlands,CA

✨Open to anyone, stop by and ideally let us know beforehand so we can plan accordingly.✨

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 04/01/2023

Do you already feel like you’ve “arrived”in 2023? 💭
Lol today I got the date wrong at least 10 times when writing, clearly my brain still needs some help catching up!

Oh, and totally used 2022 pics (Xmas fit) - again I’m still finding my groove into 2023 kkk?😅

New Year new Me - never really thought of it that way, anyways there’s no magic switch 🪄
Yet for me the New Year can serve kind of as a checkpoint, a good way to look back and see what has been, look forward and be hopeful for what will be.

How did you start this new year? What mentality / mindset do you have going into it?


Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 07/12/2022

✨One year of pretty consistent workouts (was sick, took breaks on vacation…)
But for the most part, I worked out pretty effectively- repeating compound movements..biiig time credit to & .fit for getting me on a consistent schedule, pushing me to my limits + making me smile in the meantime (or almost cry lol I’m a pretty good actress 😂)
✨One year (or possibly a bit longer) of eating LOTS of food.
Not (just) junk lol - nutrient dense foods, no restrictions, using common sense and listening to my body as much as possible.
I gained weight this year and I couldn’t be happier.
✨One year of resting /Exercise recovery
Prioritizing sleep…oh do I appreciate a good night’s rest - call me grandma Anni 😅💤.
Letting myself rest when I don’t feel ready vs back in the day feeling pressure to have to work out a certain amount of days (more ≠ better)

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen - pretty cool to be able to look back and see your own progress. Kind of glad I took all of these pics lol

Before anyone says it, of course…

genetics play a role - I got it from my Mama (I think 🤔) thank you 🥲🙄🙄💕

But then there’s all of the little adjustments you can make , tools you have 🧰 🛠-
Pretty amazing what happens when you stay pretty consistent (like 70% -80% of the time) 🤍

I’m aware that this is just my “outer shell” , the part that’s visible. Many more things , important things, happening internally. But I think it does represent big time what’s going on on the inside as well!

Excited for what 2023 has in store 😍

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 05/12/2022

My top tips for the upcoming Christmas holidays ✨

-If you do celebrate ENJOY this special time with loved ones. Don‘t let the thought of food/calories dictate if you show up to an event or not. Life‘s too short to miss out 🥲❤️

-Make intentional food choices: enjoy the treats while also listening to your appetite and hunger cues

-Refrain from starting ”the new fad diet“ that starts the day after Christmas - focus on small sustainable changes instead, even better : you don‘t have to wait until the 25th :)

-Know that a sudden spike in your weight might just be extra salt, carbs or alcohol retaining water in your body. This is not actual weight / body fat you gained over night. Relax - and if the scale triggers you, just don‘t use it throughout the holidays (or ever 😊) - let‘s talk other ways to track / celebrate „progress“ - but that‘s a

-Carve out some quality time for yourself 🥰

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 24/11/2022

✨A love ❤️ letter to my body✨

-A different kind of grateful Thanksgiving post -

THANK YOU - for all you do
All day, every day. 🤍

Today, I’m able to
Wake up and enjoy all of the the big and little moments.

I can move, run, complete a workout, rest and recover.

I’m also able to feel my emotions.
You name it
All part of me.

We’ve made it through some crazy, intense times, didn’t we?
To name a big one
Thank you for letting me carry a whole little human -
what a miracle you are! 🥹

Will you please forgive me for
ever talking bad about you?
hating certain angles ?
not feeling good enough ?
unrealistic expectations?
and unnecessary comparisons?

It’s been a journey - falling in love.
Appreciating YOU
getting to know YOU
celebrating YOU
fueling YOU
That remains a work in progress.

Oh and there’s so many cute angles, so much TO LOVE.🤍🥰

Ya know, It’s never gonna be perfect.
But now, when things get tough, I’ll always have this letter to read back on the things I just told you!
I love you and cherish you.
Xx -Anni💋

Wanna join me and write a love letter to your body as well?

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 25/10/2022



Feeling grateful and fulfilled today to be able to share valuable information with clients, having great eye-opening conversations and continuing to learn on this path! ✨

It feels sooo good to pause for a second and really hone in on our purpose. Work can be a lot no matter what you do. So this re-focusing has been amazing for me.
If you ever wanna “chat Nutrition / Health/ Wellness/ Self Love” feel free to contact me via DM.
P.S.: I also offer a free Consultation and a Money Back Guarantee. 😊

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 21/10/2022

Fall camera roll 🎃🤎

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 10/10/2022

How to fight off the ”Sunday Scaries“ aka Monday coming up quicker than we want it to 😂

Get yourself something yummy!
Spend some time laughing with a loved person! Or two 😍

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 04/10/2022

Why limit yourself like craaaazy when there‘s this variety of delicious and nutritious foods out there?
Yes, you might have different goals than me right now …or maybe you‘re chosing to eat „plant based“ , veggie etc…
But the one and only „rule“ that should apply when it comes to your diet is:

Chose foods YOU LOVE to eat. Or at least like haha.

Hate Kale? Let‘s something that has similar Nutrients!
Consistency of Oatmeal throws you off? Try something with more crunch….
You get the point. Explore different options. Eating Healthy is no „end all be all“ system. It looks different for everyone. And the littlest adjustments / additions can make a big difference.

On the hand, completely eliminating foods you love, crave and eat daily because you feel are „unhealthy“ or „too high in kcal“ is not sustainable for most people. Yes, you can eat ice cream for dessert and still lose weight. Let‘s get together and integrate these foods into your plan! Let’s work on Mindful Eating and enjoying these foods to the fullest !
Balance so much more FUN and sustainable than „perfection“ - whatever that is supposed to mean 😊


✨Habit based app is here!✨

Sign up now for exclusive app access!

How? Send me a DM for more infos!

Existing clients, you will be enrolled automatically. Watch out for an Email in your inbox. 💚

-powered by PN

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 15/09/2022

Been working on this post for a while so TADAA here it is… some ins and outs about Protein 🍳🐟🫘
✨Swipe through the post ✨ to read this info more comfortably.

Upping protein - Why?

Protein is ALWAYS critical in your diet.
It’s that ONE macro-nutrient that no matter if you’re looking to gain or lose weight, it will always stay consistent / we won’t go lower on.

Hunger & Satisfaction
For a lot of people, this macronutrient will ensure they feel full and satisfied at meals (of course in combination with the other two macros (esp. complex carbs / fiber…) and testing out what works best for YOU).

How much Protein should I eat?

You don’t have to go overboard! (Recommended is about 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight ; one kg equals 2.2 lbs)
We can calculate / estimate more precise amounts for YOU in our sessions. (Plus use hand portions) Because this recommendation is just very general. If we move a lot or are looking to gain muscle, the number can vary quite a bit.
As a rule of thumb for now you can just try to include 1 high protein food source at every meal. (Fish, meat, eggs, beans, lentils, dairy products, tofu…) which is a great start☺️

How do I up my protein ?

-make protein the STAR of the meal, plan your meals around your protein source (think: salmon + veggies + rice ; chicken + quinoa + broccoli)


-sneak a little extra protein into your existing meals (think: egg white into your oatmeal, protein powder into coffee, pancakes etc)

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 29/08/2022

It’s definitely been a goooood time so far 😋⛱🌅

I mean, the food…the views, the beach ! 😍

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 23/08/2022

Terrible 2s approaching quickly! 😂🥹

But oh so cute 🥰

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 20/08/2022

The most beautiful day ⛵️✨

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 10/08/2022

💡4 Nutrition tips that will change your life💡

You want to create lifestyle you truly enjoy and find balance within it. What it looks like is an individual choice: INCLUDE foods you love into plan. You don’t have to cut out everything you used to eat (desserts, snacks, eating out) , rather have them being part of the plan -> the best Nutrition plan is one that works FOR you , not against you!
Don’t be too aggressive with your kcal deficit! It can be so tempting to cut kcal believing it will get you results faster. However, in the long run, this won’t be successful and can be even harmful -> kcal too low means: losing muscle not fat, messed up metabolism, hormonal issues, always hungry leading to giving up etc.
-> eat ENOUGH! Weight loss goal? Moderate deficit is right!
Focus on getting in enough/ more protein. Then play around with other two macro-nutrients to your liking / preference! but always keep protein up!
4. ADDING (Voluminetrics)
Rather than cutting out foods, try adding foods to your plate with low caloric density / that are healthier choices etc.

Interested in learning more?
Get started today by sending a DM.
Excited to hear from you
-xx Anni

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 08/08/2022

When you find that bomb post-workout-lighting 💡💪🏻

Yes, definitely hehe
Also: Realizing I‘m right where I need to be. Continuing to learn and grow. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Learning truly never stops.
Right now, I’m practicing being more mindful (consistent journaling, lots of self reflecting and analyzing) and spending more time with loved ones vs. screen time.
I’m also learning to adjust and thrive in different environments. I‘m eager to explore what the rest of this year has in store.

What are you learning about yourself and your surroundings right now?


Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 01/08/2022

Random weekend photo dump:

-love for Skyr and Cheerios (look at that cute German package, probably also 1/2 the size of the US version ☺️) is apparent in the household 😅
-beautiful Saturday hike + wine 🍷
-making great memories 💕

How was your weekend?

Also, how is it August already????! 😎☀️

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 21/07/2022

Here are some of my staple breakfast 🍳 ideas!
Do I always have time to cook a nice breakfast - no I don’t. Sometimes I opt for a banana and a granola/ protein bar or a smoothie! But I do enjoy fueling my body right when I wake up …And I mean…who doesn’t love the smell of fresh coffee and eggs in the morning? ❣️

What about you?
Do you eat a big breakfast when you can?

On that topic: is it absolutely necessary to eat a healthy breakfast in order to reach your Nutrition goals?
It really depends. Not all the time.
To answer that question, we have to acknowledge that there’s multiple reasons you might be skipping it.
Are you genuinely not hungry in the morning?
Or are you stressed out (have no time to eat) but starving?
Are you following a specific “diet” that makes you restrict foods in the morning?

Exploring the “why” , not just the “what” when it comes to Nutrition and Food is CRUCIAL!

Making a Nutrition plan is something that takes individual evaluation. Something I’m always doing in my Nutrition Coaching program - there’s no one size fits all solution when it comes to “Healthy Eating”. So let’s explore what “breakfast time” can look like for you 😊 - send me a DM to get more infos about Nutrition Coaching or book a free Consult via the link in my bio 🥰


So you’re giving it your all in the gym , working out and moving as much as possible - yet you’re not seeing or feeling significant changes happening in your body.

The missing piece of the puzzle is most likely your way of eating. 🍽

I did multiple surveys asking you guys: “What’s harder for you - working out or eating nutritious meal”. 9/10 times it was the latter.

So let’s focus in on this topic. This is some important stuff ☺️

For example, someone’s goal could be to lose weight (fat) - while building / preserving muscle.

One VERY important part here is for sure exercising.
Not only will you be able to build/keep muscle mass, you’re also going to feel amazing, your mental health will benefit and you’re going to get stronger 💪🏻
However, weight loss is not going to happen automatically. Exercise is one part in the equation of calories in - calories out.
The other very important factor is your food intake . If you’re eating more than you’re burning (through basic body functions, daily activities, exercise), you will be gaining weight, even if you’re working out daily.

Soooo long story short…
Don’t neglect your Nutrition.
It can determine whether or not you’re able to reach your Health & Fitness goals.

And it doesn’t stop here/ Eating those nutritious, balanced meals (enough macros/ protein, micros = vitamins and minerals) can also help your body recover faster , prevent injuries and give you allll the good energy to then hit those workouts even harder - so it’s a win win cycle of amazing-ness that‘s going to get ignited🔥

I know looking at Nutrition can be a little overwhelming.
It can feel disheartening and be confusing will all the information (some of it misleading or even dangerous) that’s out there.
If you’re interested in having absolute clarity, additional support and someone that will be able to answer all of your questions based on the most up to date evidence- based research , don’t hesitate to reach out to me :)

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 05/07/2022

Focused on 3 things lately:

✨Loving myself & treating myself well
✨Consistency (for me right now it means eating ENOUGH + the right Nutrients as well as strengh training 3x week .fit 💕)
✨adopting a growth mindset (looking at setbacks as an opportunity of learning and growth)

There is is. No magic recipe but something that has helped me tremendously with growing inside and out. If I can do it, you can do it too 💗

Photos from Nutrition by Anni's post 04/07/2022

Beach days = best days 😎😍☀️👙

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