Power Games 2024

Power Games 2024

Skydive Formation,


Hello dear Tunnel Big Way friends,

The winter schedule 24/25 for Abu Dhabi is set🌈

Our coaching team Martial Ferré, Milko and Dieter Kirsch �� is looking forward to fly with you in the CLYMB Abu dhabi !
To avoid a dates collision with the Gand Prix of AD Formular 1, we have to shift and change the dates a bit. Hotels are 4 times higher during the race.

The Dates:
-Camp 1: 09-12 December 2024
-Third Indoor 16 way Competition: 14.December 2024
-Camp 2: 17.-20.December 2024

-Camp 3: 29 January -01.February 2025
( Camp 2 depends on the number of participents).

You love intricate 16 ways right? You love getting challenged? You love flying in the tunnel?
Nothing but intricate sequential 16 ways (vimeo.com/user38384991) can bring any higher pure sensations .... and we have now the biggest tunnel in the world to give us access to this Olympus for skydivers !

Our 11 camps last seasons proved, that we could fly 16 ways up to 24 ways easily in the tunnel ! The doors are open to a new sport in the biggest flying arena of the world.

The Plan


Plan is to have 3 to 4x 16 way teams
45/60 slots per Camp

The competition will be held at the end of camp 1 (one day off between camp and competition).

=>Tunnel time

We will fly 4 hours + over 4 days

=> Costs

680 Euro (700 USD) including the 4h and coaching.
Price of the competition is 75 EUR

(Price is based on the Tunnel cost today and may be adjusted a bit)

FOR APPLICATIONS : please go to the application form (CLICK) and fill it and/or send an Email to [email protected]
Please do till the 31. july 2023 (if you are already registered you will get a confirmation soon. If you do not mind, please fill out the form. Thank you)

If we get too many applications, there might be a selection or first come...

Hope you will join for an outstanding event indoor!

Any questions?- then write to Dieter ([email protected]) or Martial


Dieter, Martial and Milko


Hello All,

Yes, we will be back in Klatovy in the middle of the summer as well.🌈
Anyone looking for some nice 20/40 please join us on may be the best drop zone in Europe.
You find great facility, bar, swimmingpool and all what we need.

To sign up, please send a message.

Dieter in behalf of Bärchen and Martial.

The Pink will be in Cottbus as well, ready for some 20 ways with Dieter
Date: 24.-26.of May 2024


Hello Everybody 🌈

The Plan and dates for Corsica 2024 are fixed and we look forward to another awesome event in Porpriano!

Jumping Days: 08.-12.October 2024🌈

As coaches you will find the usual suspects Martial,Dieter and Marco. 🥳

There will be a Twin Otter, just for us, and we will do again16-18 ways over the beautiful bay.

The fee is 290 Euro and we expect a jumpprice of 39 Euros.
This includes Coaching, Video, Coach/Camera Slots and Dinner/Party at the end of the event.

If you are interested or allready registered, please send us an email and confirm.

See you

Dieter and Martial

Little add on from dear Vera K 😍😍(I wish I could find such words😔):
‚Corsica is one of the best places to jump. Surrounded by warm and friendly sea it gives such a pleasure to your eyes while flying under canopy. Landing in the field full of fragrant plants , trying to guess if it’s the mint o sage that makes your senses so pleased… Staying in the super fancy bungalow resort just straight at the white beache of the island each one equipped with your own terrace and barbecue where you can grill what ever you like after amazing jump day….. and so on and so on.
Bottom line - we are absolutely in for the 3d year in a row 🤣🤣


Hello everyone,

Now it's confirmed.
After the wonderful event in 2023, Power Games 2024nd Arizona Airspeedill host another event in 2024.

Date: November 3rd to November 8th, 2024. These are the jumping days.!!

If you are interested, you can apply now with Power Games 2024or Arizona Airspeed
As we have learned in the past, it is imperative that we see you in the air before we can confirm your slot.
There will be many events this year with the Power Games 2023 and Arizona Airspeed - it would be nice to see you there. Then it will be easier for us to compare and make the right decisions. (The best event to attend would be Fano in July or Klatovy in May)
Usually everyone who deserved it got a slot in the past.😉

To date, we (PG European half)have only sent out invitations to skydivers with a 4-way outdoor average of 13+ or 8-way outdoor average of 11+, as well as several world record holders who have achieved excellence, and we see regularly. If you are in this area and we missed sending you an invite, we apologize and please send us a Mail if you like to join.

Further details – prices, coaches etc. – will be announced next month.

We hope this finds you well

Dieter and Martial


Hello Everybody🌈,

Sorry for getting out our dates a bit late. (November was ok a few years ago 🙄 Wasnt it??).
We were busy lately and just finished our outdoor season with the WR108 FBS (better known as TBS🤓) in Eloy.

So here it is -The power Games Schedule for 2024:

Season warm up at Klatovy:
Join us at the may be best Drop Zone in Europe.
What can be better to start the season with some nice and challenging 20 and 40 way formations.
Thursday 09.MAY-12.MAY 2024
20 and 40 ways Pink Skyvan
Coaches: Bärchen, Dieter Kirsch and Martial Ferre.
Fee: 140 including Chicken dinner and drop zone fee.
Jumps have to be paid directly to Pink Klatovy.
Please send your application.

20/40 ways Fano "Dolce Vita"
We had a blast last year at Fano.
A beautiful Drop Zone and living in Bungalows right on the beach.
Fano at this time is not crowded at all and has very decent prices.
That`s why it is called Dolce Vita.
Join the Power Games with Martial, Dieter, and Milko for some great skydives over the beach of Fano.
Monday 03. June till Thursday 06. June 2024
Airplanes: Pink Skyvan and a Super Van.
Fee: 480 Euro including 7 nights in a Bungalow at the beach(Double occupancy) www.campingmareluna.it
Jumps have to be paid directly to Skydive Fano.
Please send your application.

Power Games XP "Big One" (Invitational)
Power Games(Martial and Dieter) joins with Jeanna Billings and Kirk Verner (World Champion and beautiful people😊).
Raeford is a great Drop Zone with a fleet of Casas, Super Vans,Twin Otter, all facilities and a wind tunnel next door😳.
Everything is possible there. Rumors are, one of the goals will be huge star and more.
We will work out more details next week, when we will meet in Lille for the hell week.
Dates 26.Sept-29.Sept 2024.

Corsica Good Vibes
Not much to say about Corsica other than its just beautiful.
Relaxed 16-18 way jumps, enjoying the mild temperatures and the still warm water of the Mediterranean.
This will be in the middle of October.
Please send your application.
Dates will be announced soon.

World Record 150+ FBS (TBS) Eloy 2024 (Invitational)
After the great success we had a few weeks ago, we need to come back to Eloy.🌈
The group we had was awesome and we would love to see them all again...and a few more.
Power Games and Airspeed will team up again for another adventure.
The exact dates need some time. It depends on the dates of the US Nationals and the World Meet 2024.
As soon as those dates are confirmed, we will announce our dates.

Hope to see you in 2024 and have a nice Winter.


Dieter and Martial

Andplease do not forget, we will be at Abu Dabi very soon and still have a few slots available🌈☺️

Hellweek 2024 at Weembi Lille:
07.-13. April 24

Photos from Arizona Airspeed's post 28/10/2023

108-way Total Break Sequential World Record. Confirmed. Enough said.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 26/10/2023

Close but no cigar – yet

Up and down would be a good description for today. Everybody who knows Bigway skydiving knows that there could a horrible jump right after a great jump and vise-versa. Jump # 3 was “not so good”, jump # 4 was just 5 grips shy of the record on the third point. So we can’t wait for tomorrow. Bring it on.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 24/10/2023

Going higher, going for 3 points but got winded out after 2 jumps.
Cant wait for tomorrow.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 24/10/2023

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 24/10/2023

Day 2 of the Total Break Sequential 111-way world record attempt.

Today it's about getting bigger. 111-way formation but just aiming for the first point. One great compleation. So lets start sequentials tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 23/10/2023

Going hot

If Power Games teams up with Arizona Airspeed it will get hot. Not only is it 35 ° C in Eloy but we are aiming for a 111-way Total Break Sequential World Record.

Day 1 is in the books with great preparation jumps in groups ranging from 19 to 68-ways. Happy faces with the jumpers as well as with the organizers. Tomorrow we go bigger. Stay tuned!


I forgot to give you the link to the skydive designer app(thank you Rob)
The rules are: everyone has to take different grips in any of those three formations.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 19/10/2023

Eloy 110 TBS
three more days to go and we will start the Eloy TBS.🌈
We can`t wait so see you all there.
Have a save travel
The Coaches team with Mikhail, Martial, Milko, Joey, Niklas and Dieter

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 14/10/2023

Power Games go Corsica - Day 4

Nothing to see here, just some awesome Bigway formations.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 13/10/2023

Power Games Corsica - Day 3

The first pictures sums the day up quite well. Enough said.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 12/10/2023

Corsica - Day 2

More sun, more fun, more jumps and a little beer at sunset.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 11/10/2023

Every year again

Corsica, beautiful island in the Mediterranean sea, a Twin Otter, a dropzone only for us, perfect weather, great jumps. And this was just day one.

Cant wait for day 2.

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 06/10/2023

Great days in Klatovy

Sun, fun, food, drinks, 2 Skyvans and of course many great jumps.

Thanks to Dieter and Bärchen for organizing and thanks to Antje and Ralph for videos and pictures.


Good day All

after our first visit in Fano this year, we knew, we have to come back.🌈
Fano is one of the nicest drop zones we have ever seen, and the combination with the Camping Mare Luna is awesome.
In the beginning of June, there are not many people on the beaches and the living and the prices are very friendly.

Besides this, we will have a Sky Van and a Super Van ready for us to play over the sea of Fano.

We are happy to announce
The Power Games 2024 Dolce Vita🏝️🥳☀️

-Date: Monday 03.06.- Thursday 06.06.2024

-20 to 40 ways out of Pink sky van and Super Van

Fee: 480 Euro including 7 nights in a Bungalow at Camping Mare Luna (Double)

Coaches: Martial, Milko and Dieter

If you like to join, send an email.

Hope to see you in Fano 2024🌈

Dieter in behalf of Martial and Milko

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 06/09/2023

Hey people ! Did you know that we still have few slots available for our next event in Corsica : Powergames Corsican good vibes event ?
Check the details in our website :https://powergames.fr/2023/05/14/good-vibes-camp-in-corsica-2023/

Don't miss a chance to jump over the Big blue in a almost endless summer :)

If interested, please contact Martial Ferré (Maréchal Berthier) or Dieter Kirsch or find the contacts on the link above.

See you over there !😍

Photos from Power Games 2024's post 25/08/2023

It´s called the "Black Hole" for a reason.

A beauty, but not an easy one.


If you thought that we would stop after the first European record, you were wrong.

We've gone one better.

Full break sequential

New European record, already confirmed by the referees.


If a team of 66 skydivers from 16 European nations works together while plunging towards earth from 5100 meters at a speed of 200 km, they can archive a European skydiving record. Full break sequential 2-point 66-way.

Teamwork rocks.

Videos (show all)

108-way Total Break Sequential World Record. Confirmed. Enough said. #CYPRES #cypresaad #flyaerodyne
If you thought that we would stop after the first European record, you were wrong.We've gone one better. 68-way3-pointsF...
If a team of 66 skydivers from 16 European nations works together while plunging towards earth from 5100 meters at a spe...
Wanna start the 2023 season fully rebooted and skilled ? Join us for our upcoming 2 camps in the biggest tunnel in the w...
Ojala Rd8 21 points
Snuggles Rd1 12 points
No name Rd2 11 points
Ojala round 5 14 points
The Powergames indoor 16 way camp is in full swing from today and already posted 1h20 of flying time, going with 16 ways...
Soooooo close, but no cigar.Many excellent skydives. And twice we were, literally, less than a second away from getting ...
5 planes, 100 jumpers, stay tuned.
Video Round 6: TuttiSalutti
