

Talk therapy, is talking about difficult things to help make that shift which will and can make everything better in your life.

Life Coach, Therapy and Hypnotherapy

stressed, pressured, depression, addictions can be overwhelming. We are faced with balancing our personal life along with the family, friends, professional demands. I can help you

It is important to understand and recognize your personal needs during the insanities of any profession or life stressors. As pressures, demands and responsibilities increase, the


It's the journey..

Often, we look down the road of life, thinking happiness lies just a bit further ahead – maybe at the next turn, over the next hill.

This road we’re on will end someday!

Let’s not wait for a better tomorrow to find joy. Instead, let’s embrace the beauty and gratitude of where we are today.

After all, the true essence of life is found not in the destination, but in the journey itself.





There’s nothing wrong with feeling lust. Lust means we’re alive— we’re human. And there can be magic in that mysterious pull to another person.

All of us go through stages when we’re young where lust drives our choices. And when we have to actually show up and have difficult conversations and resolve conflicts— we struggle. The feelings (mostly hormonal) are gone and we think the relationship is too.

We continue this pattern for a few years. Usually from relationship to relationship. Until we are deeply suffering. Feeling confused. And lost.

This is the disillusionment phase. And it’s also our opportunity to mature. To learn that love is not just a feeling— it’s a consistent action. And it doesn’t always go our way. And it won’t always feel good. But it can become a secure bond of true trust, which is the ultimate reward.

Adult love isn’t what can they give me?

It’s: how can we grow together


Every one on their own time.



Empowering Kids Media - Books & Mental Health/Wellness ❤️



Narcissism is a personality disorder characterised by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While these traits are commonly known, there are several strange behaviours associated with narcissism that may catch people off guard.

One strange behaviour exhibited by narcissists is their tendency to ruin special occasions. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, narcissists may intentionally cause conflict or drama to draw attention to themselves and ruin the celebration for others.

Another peculiar behaviour is their preference for impressing strangers over caring for their own family. Narcissists may go to great lengths to appear perfect and charming to those outside of their family unit, while neglecting the needs of their loved ones.

Narcissists also have a habit of walking ahead of others, showing a sense of entitlement and superiority. They may also exhibit envy of their own children, resenting their accomplishments and seeking to undermine their confidence.

Mocking others with noises and not answering simple questions are additional strange narcissistic behaviours that can be frustrating for those around them. They may also value the opinions of strangers over their own families, seeking validation from external sources while disregarding the input of those closest to them.

Furthermore, narcissists often refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead playing the victim and blaming others for their shortcomings. These strange behaviours are indicative of the complex and damaging nature of narcissism, and understanding them can help individuals navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals.

#narcissisticex #narcissistic #narcissist #narcissisticrelationship #narcissists #narcissisticparent #narcissism #narcissisticfamily #narcissistglossary #nocontact #baitandswitch #gaslight #emotionalabusesurvivor #discarded #gaslightingawareness #redflags #signs #toxicrelationship #narctok #noreaction #covertnarcissist #narcissisticbehavior #gaslighting #narcissistsupply 25/02/2024


Narcissism is a personality disorder characterised by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While these traits are commonly known, there are several strange behaviours associated with narcissism that may catch people off guard. One strange behaviour exhibited by narcissists is their tendency to ruin special occasions. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, narcissists may intentionally cause conflict or drama to draw attention to themselves and ruin the celebration for others. Another peculiar behaviour is their preference for impressing strangers over caring for their own family. Narcissists may go to great lengths to appear perfect and charming to those outside of their family unit, while neglecting the needs of their loved ones. Narcissists also have a habit of walking ahead of others, showing a sense of entitlement and superiority. They may also exhibit envy of their own children, resenting their accomplishments and seeking to undermine their confidence. Mocking others with noises and not answering simple questions are additional strange narcissistic behaviours that can be frustrating for those around them. They may also value the opinions of strangers over their own families, seeking validation from external sources while disregarding the input of those closest to them. Furthermore, narcissists often refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead playing the victim and blaming others for their shortcomings. These strange behaviours are indicative of the complex and damaging nature of narcissism, and understanding them can help individuals navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals. #narcissisticex #narcissistic #narcissist #narcissisticrelationship #narcissists #narcissisticparent #narcissism #narcissisticfamily #narcissistglossary #nocontact #baitandswitch #gaslight #emotionalabusesurvivor #discarded #gaslightingawareness #redflags #signs #toxicrelationship #narctok #noreaction #covertnarcissist #narcissisticbehavior #gaslighting #narcissistsupply

#steveharvey #steve_harvey 25/02/2024

Staying positive.

#steveharvey #steve_harvey



I love my plants they make me feel at peace 🥰



“You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.”
Anne Lamott

Lyda Borelli, 1910.


Wow, I believe this.

I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance. The cloud clears as you enter it. I have learned this, but like everyone, I learned it late. ~Beryl Markham
(Book: West with the Night[ad]


Plants make everything good.

7 Best indoor plants to grow in water 👇👇
