PRS Field Trips

PRS Field Trips

PRS Field Trips is the official event company for the PRS. And of course, along the way they would have fun.

PRS FIELD TRIPS were inspired by real-life field trips that the PRS group used to hold in college for its members. The group would travel to a location (like Gettysburg or New Orleans) to learn about the culture, the myths and phenomenon. Now, PRS FIELD TRIPS are a public event where fans and paranormal enthusiasts from around the world can come together with PRS to explore some of the most famous


Dear Friends,

I am deeply sorry to have disappointed you. It breaks my heart, and I apologize most sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

I wanted to complete the tour. However, in addition to the PayPal issues, unexpected serious medical issues arose repeatedly, complicating things in ways that you cannot imagine.

I am an extremely private person and I did not want to come forward with my medical issues.

We need time and space right now to recover and regroup. We will be offline for a while…

Please pray for us. Thank you for your forgiveness, understanding and compassion.

Humbly yours,
Ryan Buell


Dear PRS events attendees,

Director Ryan Buell has previously communicated with ticket purchasers for the “Conversations With The Dead” lectures. Although Ryan and PRS had high hopes of putting on this series, we are unable to do so. The lecture series is being cancelled.

So there is no misunderstanding, no one from PRS received any monies from Paypal related to “Conversations With The Dead;” Paypal was used as the payment method to fund this lecture series. Paypal will be taking responsibility to assure that each purchaser receives a full refund upon their ticket. We regret the disappointments and hurt feelings that arose from the postponement and eventual cancelation of this event. We looked forward to it, but circumstances beyond PRS’ control affected our efforts to put on the series.

Given the recent setbacks related to “Conversations With The Dead,” PRS will not be scheduling any appearances in the immediate future. We hope that these circumstances change sooner rather than later. PRS also intends to honor those commitments relating to online courses which have been put on hold. Also, PRS intends to continue with the Bureau, although we are not scheduling any events in the near future.

We appreciate the patience most of you have shown, and we acknowledge that PRS has been lax in staying in contact with you concerning the cancellation and postponement of events. We hope to do better in the future.

Thank you,