Inspirational Quotes By Muslims

Inspirational Quotes By Muslims

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. On this page are some inspirational quotes by a few prominent (and not so This is a fan's page. Ameen.

All the quotes, however, are correct to the best of this fan's ability to reproduce them, Insha'Allah. This fan apologises to any inconveniences incurred. May Allah bless all our prominent Sheikhs, ustadhs and ustadhas, and all of our brothers and sisters in Islam always.

Christmas Island Muslims are thriving 19/12/2023

Christmas Island's tight-knit Muslim Malay community are passing down their traditions and rituals to younger generations in afternoon religious classes. KEY POINTS Islam is the second biggest religion on Christmas Island after Buddhism. Most adherents are of Malay origins. The island's Islamic school has been running for decades, with former students now teachers. On a warm summer day, students of all ages from the only school on Christmas Island rush on their bikes and segways to the air-conditioned comfort of the Islamic school on the foreshore overlooking the Indian Ocean....

Christmas Island Muslims are thriving Christmas Island’s tight-knit Muslim Malay community are passing down their traditions and rituals to younger generations in afternoon religious classes. KEY POINTS Islam is the second bigges…


Dr Atsushi Okuda 21/11/2023

Source: One Islam Production YouTube channel. 21/7/2023. "Community" section

Dr Atsushi Okuda . Source: One Islam Production YouTube channel. 21/7/2023. “Community” section


It’s as though they typed “underground tunnels” in google and use it as evidence to commit genocid4🥸

We thought we were fighting against the self proclaimed, “most sophisticated army” in the world 🤥

Amazing Reminders 15/11/2023

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (radiyAllahu'anhu):

“Ask Allah for help against your evil desires just as you ask Him for help against your enemies.”

(Al-Fārūq, pg. 119)


Dua is the weapon of a believer.


In these difficult times, we must always maintain our trust in Allah SWT.


One Ummah
Over 1,000 medical specialists from Pakistan have registered to travel to G..a_z--a and provide medical care for thousands of vi..ct_i_-ms.

The Monkey Who Threw Half of His Master’s Earnings Into the Sea 27/10/2023

Summary This is a story of a monkey that followed a merchant who cheated people by mixing wine with water. One day, the monkey snatched the trader’s money that he received from selling wine and went up to the ship’s mast and divided the money justly, throwing one Dinar (a unit of money) into the ship and the other into the sea....

The Monkey Who Threw Half of His Master’s Earnings Into the Sea Summary This is a story of a monkey that followed a merchant who cheated people by mixing wine with water. One day, the monkey snatched the trader’s money that he received from selling wine and wen…




A sobering reminder from Imam Shafi’i (رح) about accountability in the hereafter. Even the smallest of wrongdoings will not go unnoticed by Allah (SWT).

Allah is All-Seeing and All-Knowing. While we strive to obey His commands, let us also seek His forgiveness for our shortcomings.

اللهم إني أسألك خشيتك وخشية ما سترى من عقوبتك. اللهم إني أستغفرك مما قد مضى من ذنبي وأتوب إليك منه. اللهم إن كان شيء من أعمالي نسيته أو أخفيته، فاغفره لي وارحمني. اللهم إني أسألك أن تجعل قلبي خاشعاً لكلامك، متدبراً لآياتك، خائفاً من عقابك. إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم.

🤲🏻 Ya Allah, I ask You for the fear of You and the fear of what I will see of Your punishment. Ya Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for what has passed of my sins and I repent to You from it. Ya Allah, if there is anything from my deeds that I have forgotten or concealed, then forgive me for it and have mercy on me. Ya Allah, I ask You to make my heart humble to Your words, contemplative of Your verses, and fearful of Your punishment. Indeed, You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful - Ameen!