Financial Freedom Inspiration

Financial Freedom Inspiration is an inspirational blog about discovering yourself and attaining financial freedom by following your dreams

4 scary tax-filing mistakes that you could regret later on | Financial Freedom Inspiration 05/01/2019

New post (4 scary tax-filing mistakes that you could regret later on) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

4 scary tax-filing mistakes that you could regret later on | Financial Freedom Inspiration By Katie Johnson Tax laws can be complicated at the best of times, and understanding them can be open to interpretation in certain circumstances. Many people choose not to use a professional tax service, filing their returns by themselves instead. This is fine for most people, but tax-filing mistake...


New post (Forex trading: grow your money faster) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

What is your risk tolerance? | Financial Freedom Inspiration 25/05/2018

New post (What is your risk tolerance?) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

What is your risk tolerance? | Financial Freedom Inspiration My stockbroker told me some decades ago that I was risk-averse; I only bought blue chip stocks. Over the years, I have come to realize that the statement was true. Being risk averse can be a double-edged sword. While it protects you from taking unnecessary risks, on one hand, it can handcuff you to....

Moving from financial independence to financial freedom | Financial Freedom Inspiration 21/05/2018

New post (Moving from financial independence to financial freedom) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Moving from financial independence to financial freedom | Financial Freedom Inspiration To move from financial independence to financial freedom, you need to be ready to take calculated risks. The higher the risk the higher the reward. Taking risk is not about being careless. It is about developing the knowledge and capacity to manage high risks. The more you know, the less risky the u...

6 Mistakes you shouldn't commit when dealing with debt collectors | Financial Freedom Inspiration 12/05/2018

New post (6 Mistakes you shouldn't commit when dealing with debt collectors) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

6 Mistakes you shouldn't commit when dealing with debt collectors | Financial Freedom Inspiration Getting phone calls from the debt collectors is scary. The collection calls can stress you out. Unfortunately, many people who are getting collection calls commit mistakes due to the pressure of continuous demanding calls from the collectors.

5 Things to consider when buying insurance | Financial Freedom Inspiration 10/05/2018

New post (5 Things to consider when buying insurance) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

5 Things to consider when buying insurance | Financial Freedom Inspiration Everybody needs insurance at some point in their life, whether it’s for a vehicle, a watercraft, or a business. No matter what kind of insurance you’re buying, you have some important decisions to make, and you should never go into it blind. Shopping around for insurance can help you find the be...

Seeking financial independence early in your career | Financial Freedom Inspiration 04/05/2018

New post (Seeking financial independence early in your career) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Seeking financial independence early in your career | Financial Freedom Inspiration By Blake Smith It was gloomy, rainy day at a Midwestern college. Looking out the window there was no one around and not much to do. I had about $8.67 of assets to my name with a pile of laundry to do and an electric bill to pay. I was sitting at my computer wondering

Are you giving your children too much money? | Financial Freedom Inspiration 30/04/2018

New post (Are you giving your children too much money?) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Are you giving your children too much money? | Financial Freedom Inspiration The subject of how to make and manage money is not discussed in most homes. Most parents neither make the conscious effort to teach their children how to manage money nor model the lesson they want to pass across to their children. Some parents have challenge managing money themselves, hence cannot....

You create your financial circumstances | Financial Freedom Inspiration 12/04/2018

New post (You create your financial circumstances) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

You create your financial circumstances | Financial Freedom Inspiration Avoiding responsibilities are traits associated with children. They don’t allow you to finish asking the question before you get the answer “It’s not me”. They won’t own it unless you play back CCTV footage or catch them red-handed. Unfortunately, most of us carry it into adulthood. It is ...

Real estate: how a commercial property can work for you | Financial Freedom Inspiration 19/03/2018

New post (Real estate: how a commercial property can work for you) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Real estate: how a commercial property can work for you | Financial Freedom Inspiration Commercial real estate in Melbourne can be a lucrative addition to an investment portfolio. Despite banks recently tightening lending criteria, if you can secure finance, a well-placed property in an in-demand location will supply you with a decent yield, despite their hardening in recent times. Rea...

#Moneymistakes: Not paying attention where your money is going | Financial Freedom Inspiration 19/03/2018

New post ( : Not paying attention where your money is going) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

#Moneymistakes: Not paying attention where your money is going | Financial Freedom Inspiration Your money is going somewhere whether you are paying attention or not. You better be paying attention where your money is going if you want to achieve your financial goal or desires. We have our individual pattern of spending. It is a pattern we repeat month after month. If we end up broke, we concl...

#MoneyMistakes: Increasing your spending when income goes up | Financial Freedom Inspiration 02/03/2018

New post ( : Increasing your spending when income goes up) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

#MoneyMistakes: Increasing your spending when income goes up | Financial Freedom Inspiration The average person thinks their income is not enough to meet their expenses. They need more money to spend. That is exactly what happens when more money comes – more spending. This is shooting yourself in the foot. You need more money for sure. But there is a more sustainable way of getting more, ...

6 Tips to help you retire young | Financial Freedom Inspiration 26/02/2018

New post (6 Tips to help you retire young) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

6 Tips to help you retire young | Financial Freedom Inspiration Retiring young doesn’t have to be a dream. The number of people in their 40s and 50s who have traded the commute for the golf club is far and few between, but they are out there. It’s not just for people who win the lottery, land a high-paying job directly out of college or have

#MoneyMistakes: Buying sports accessories when the activity is not a habit | Financial Freedom Inspiration 22/02/2018

New post ( : Buying sports accessories when the activity is not a habit) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

#MoneyMistakes: Buying sports accessories when the activity is not a habit | Financial Freedom Inspiration What do we do anytime we decide to start a new activity or hobby? Go shopping to buy the accessories we think we need to support that new habit we plan to develop. We think that when we have the requisite gear, we will be motivated to stay committed to the plan. This includes exercising.

What is your default financial position? | Financial Freedom Inspiration 19/02/2018

New post (What is your default financial position?) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

What is your default financial position? | Financial Freedom Inspiration We all maintain a default financial position, a set point which we gravitate towards subconsciously anytime we are dealing with money. A week or two after you receive money; you are back to that place. It is your financial home more or less. The moment money gets into our hands, our money reflex kic...

How to identify & avoid financial bubbles | Financial Freedom Inspiration 03/02/2018

New post (How to identify & avoid financial bubbles) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

How to identify & avoid financial bubbles | Financial Freedom Inspiration One of Webster’s online dictionary definition of a bubble is ‘a thin film of liquid inflated with air or gas’. You see a solid and attractive round object, you reach for it and by the time you get your hands round it, the bubble bursts. There is nothing inside, a hollow filled with air. You


New post (101 Common money mistakes to avoid and how to fix them) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Financial turnaround for the New Year | Financial Freedom Inspiration 08/01/2018

New post (Financial turnaround for the New Year) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Financial turnaround for the New Year | Financial Freedom Inspiration Each New Year comes with its promises and challenges. The year 2018 is no different. The fact that something is available does not mean it will come to you. The fact that I give you a cheque for N200,000 does not mean the cash is in your account. You have to go through the process

Your economy can make a difference | Financial Freedom Inspiration 21/12/2017

New post (Your economy can make a difference) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Your economy can make a difference | Financial Freedom Inspiration It seems natural to think that one man cannot make a difference. You may feel insignificant compared to the national population of about 180Million. Everyone seems to be complaining about the state of the economy and the high naira to dollar exchange rate but we hardly stop to think about our contri...

Your values drive your financial decisions | Financial Freedom Inspiration 21/12/2017

New post (Your values drive your financial decisions) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Your values drive your financial decisions | Financial Freedom Inspiration You often find colleagues in an office within the same income bracket experiencing different financial outcomes etc. Some may look as if they don’t work for the same company based on the level of display of affluence or lack thereof. What makes people respond differently to the same stimulus? What...

How do you know you can afford it? | Financial Freedom Inspiration 21/12/2017

New post (How do you know you can afford it?) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

How do you know you can afford it? | Financial Freedom Inspiration We keep falling into that trap. You need something. You decide you want it, now. You are able to come up with the money, somehow. You go ahead and spend the money. Shortly thereafter, you are broke. Your cash flow seems to dry up. You find a way to manage until you are saved by

Infographic: 31 Stock Market terms for better investing | Financial Freedom Inspiration 09/11/2017

New post (Infographic: 31 Stock Market terms for better investing) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Infographic: 31 Stock Market terms for better investing | Financial Freedom Inspiration Investing in the stock market seems very risky to many. Some shy away or for those that go in, make decisions based on market sentiments. The risk is in you knowing what you are doing. The more you understand what you are doing, the less risky it becomes. You know when to go in, hold

Thou shall not fight technology | Financial Freedom Inspiration 09/11/2017

New post (Thou shall not fight technology) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Thou shall not fight technology | Financial Freedom Inspiration The only constant thing in life is change. The rate of change is getting more rapid, being driven by technology. The world is moving on, even when you decide to keep doing things the same old way. There is simply nothing you can do about it. Fighting technology is a losing battle. Technology is your

Protect your money online | Financial Freedom Inspiration 27/10/2017

New post (Protect your money online) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Protect your money online | Financial Freedom Inspiration Having worked hard to earn your money, you need to invest in learning how to keep your money safe. (Visited 1 times, 1 visits today) Related posts ...Are you addicted to earned income?Developing a budget that works for youThe way we see things is the problemHow to get out of debtWhat is your money b...

Between prudence and abundance mentality | Financial Freedom Inspiration 20/10/2017

New post (Between prudence and abundance mentality) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Between prudence and abundance mentality | Financial Freedom Inspiration Each time I speak or teach on fundamentals of personal finance management, especially regarding paying yourself first, I am often asked when one can get to start enjoying what they have laboured for. When should one be prudent and when should one enjoy abundance?

Top 20 personal finance tips | Financial Freedom Inspiration 20/10/2017

New post (Top 20 personal finance tips) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Top 20 personal finance tips | Financial Freedom Inspiration Below are 10 personal finance tips you should have to get you to achieve the financial freedom you have always dreamed of.

Newly Self-Employed? Here Are 4 Top Tips for Preparing to File Your 2017 Tax Return | Financial Freedom Inspiration 20/10/2017

New post (Newly Self-Employed? Here Are 4 Top Tips for Preparing to File Your 2017 Tax Return) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Newly Self-Employed? Here Are 4 Top Tips for Preparing to File Your 2017 Tax Return | Financial Freedom Inspiration By Cindy Cummings Did you recently celebrate your first year of self employment? (Visited 1 times, 1 visits today) Related posts ...How to live solely on your unemployment benefitsFamily finances and responsible fathersDon’t waste this crisisYour Financial Fitness TestInvesting in Commercial PapersT...

Top 20 Personal Finance Tips | Financial Freedom Inspiration 20/10/2017

New post (Top 20 Personal Finance Tips) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Top 20 Personal Finance Tips | Financial Freedom Inspiration Below are 10 personal finance tips you should have to get you to achieve the financial freedom you have always dreamed of.

Between prudence and abundance mentality | Financial Freedom Inspiration 20/10/2017

New post (Between prudence and abundance mentality) has been published on Financial Freedom Inspiration

Between prudence and abundance mentality | Financial Freedom Inspiration There is nothing wrong with having nice things, going to an Ivy League university, flying first class etc. The issue is if you can afford it in a sustainable manner.