PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit

PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit

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✠ Second Sunday of Advent | Mark 1:1-8

"Make straight the paths of the Lord."

The central figure in today’s Mass is John the Baptist. And the overall theme of the readings is the announcement and preparation for the coming of the Lord. As we saw last week, that coming needs to be understood on more than one level and that is made clear especially in the Second Reading today.

The Gospel today is the opening of the gospel according to Mark. He sets the theme for his gospel in his opening sentence:

The beginning of the good news [Greek, euangelion or ‘go[d]spel’] of Jesus Christ.

That is the story He wants to tell, or rather, the good news He wants to proclaim. Unlike John’s gospel, where the full identity of Jesus is put in the very first chapter, Mark’s presentation is one of a gradually unfolding identity of the man Jesus. It reaches its climax and completion when – surprisingly, not a disciple but – a pagan soldier at the foot of the cross says in awe:

Truly this man was God’s Son! (Mark 15:39)

John the Baptist
The story proper then begins with the appearance of John the Baptist. His role is to announce and to prepare people for the coming of Jesus. The Gospel describes him as fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy. Mark attributes this prophecy to Isaiah but in fact it also combines phrases from the Exodus and the prophet Malachi. It is clear that the “voice crying in the wilderness” is that of John the Baptist and that Jesus is the “Lord” whose coming is being prepared for.

The original text in Isaiah spoke of the Israelites’ return from exile in Babylon and was a classic text of God’s comfort and salvation for his people. But here John is preparing the people for the coming of Jesus.

There is no doubt that John was a prominent and charismatic figure who drew large crowds of people. His whole lifestyle spoke of a prophetic figure in the image of Elijah. John’s clothing is similar to Elijah’s. His unorthodox diet speaks of severe asceticism or ritual purity. And he lives in the “wilderness” or the desert.

The desert always has a special significance in Scripture. It is a holy place, a place where God is specially to be found. It is also a place of struggle. It was in the desert that the Israelites spent 40 years on their way to the Promised Land. It was in the desert that Jesus had his tussle with the Evil One. It was in the desert that Jesus often went to pray and in the desert that he fed the people.

Only a fore-runner
We are told that:

…all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him [i.e. to hear John]

Jerusalem was in Judea, the southern province. John performed a washing ceremony as a symbol of people’s repentance for their sins and their desire to change their lives in preparation for the coming of God’s Kingdom. When Jesus arrives on the scene he will announce that that Kingdom, through his presence, is “close at hand”.

John makes it clear that, despite his popularity and influence, he is only God’s “messenger”. And, he will say:

The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the strap of his sandals.

This is describing a task given only to slaves. And, of course we know that as a sign of special significance and symbolism, this is exactly what Jesus himself will do for his disciples at the Last Supper. John’s role was to serve Jesus and to serve the people. Elsewhere John says:

He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)

His whole life points to Jesus as Lord and Messiah.

Time for reflection and renewal
We read these texts today in the context of preparing for Christmas and the coming of the Lord into our own lives. Christmas, as was pointed out in last week’s reflections, is not simply the commemoration of a historic event in the distant past. It is a time for reflection and personal renewal about the coming of Jesus into my life, into the life of our Christian communities and into our wider society.

The Second Reading, from the Second Letter of Peter, reminds us, on the one hand, of God’s great desire to come into our lives and, on the other, of the need to be prepared for that coming when it happens. Although people sometimes complain that God seems oblivious to their needs, the Letter reminds us that:

The Lord is not slow about his promise [to come again], as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.

He wants no one to be lost and everyone to be brought to change his ways. Perhaps that is where the problem can lie. People want God’s help and comfort, but they are not prepared to change their ways, not prepared for a genuine conversion. For God to come to us, we also need to go to him.

Peter also speaks of the “day of the Lord”, that final coming when God will call us all to account. Elsewhere we are told:

…you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. (2 Thess 5:2)

The only sensible way to prepare for that Day is by:

…leading lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God…to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish…

It is clear from the author’s words that some Christians at the time were expecting the Lord to return imminently and wondering why he was so long in coming. At the same time, they waited in fear and trepidation for the judgement. But he did not come then, nor has he come yet. Although in another sense, he has come for everyone who has left this life. And he will certainly be coming for us – sooner or later. But there is no need to be filled with fear and anxiety.

On the other hand, those who are constantly in the company of their Lord will be at peace in spite of storms raging around them. For them, the Day of the Lord holds no fears. For them every day is Christmas and that is what makes Christmas so special to them. For them, every day is a Day of the Lord.

John’s role – a model for us
There is a further reflection we might make today concerning the role of John the Baptist. For he should help us to reflect that there have been many John the Baptists in our own lives, many people who have helped us to find Jesus, to know, love and serve him better. If we are born Catholic, then we have our parents who had us baptised and led us into our first understandings of our faith. Some of us have had wonderfully Christian parents; others may not have been so blessed.

If we become Christians as adults, there are those people who were instrumental in our coming to believe and follow Jesus. In addition, there are all the sermons and talks we have heard, the books we have read, the retreats we have done, the people who have been a real inspiration to us. Today would be a very good day to say a special ‘Thank you!’ to them, if not directly, then at least through our prayers for them.

A second point is that John the Baptist reminds us that we, too, have a responsibility to proclaim the Good News of the coming of Jesus, and to help people know and love him and experience his love in their lives just as other people have brought us to where we are.

It is not easy in our society to find Jesus and to accept his values and vision of life. People need people who can help “make straight…a highway for our God” to enter their lives so that:

Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level,
and the rough places a plain.

And when this happens:

Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together,
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

A joyful message
We have a responsibility as Christians not only to ourselves, but to bring the Good News of God’s love to others as well. We need to present a message that is full of joy, a joy that is clearly mirrored in our own behaviour, because it flows out from an inner core of wisdom and peace. We have to present our faith, not as something formidable, and repressive, and difficult, but as bringing true liberation into people’s lives. We need to present a picture of our God who will:

…will feed his flock like a shepherd;
he will gather the lambs in his arms
and carry them in his bosom…

People are longing to hear a message that brings trust and hope, truth and integrity, peace and security, justice and compassion. This message will not just drop from the skies. People are not normally granted private revelations. It depends on us to “prepare a way for the Lord” and be voices crying in the affluent wildernesses of our cities because:

How are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?…So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ. (Rom 10:14-15,17)

We have been blessed by all the people who have brought Jesus to us. The least that can be expected of us is to do the same for others. What better Christmas gift could we give to anyone than to help them know and love Jesus our Lord as the Way for their lives?


Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🫶🤗🙏



Former president Rodrigo Duterte, who says he will only face a Philippine court presided by a Filipino judge, skips the first hearing on the preliminary investigation of the grave threats complaint filed against him by House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro.

Duterte’s lawyers, from the law office of former Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, appeared before the Quezon City Prosecutor’s Office instead. They claimed that their client had not received a subpoena for the hearing.

There will be another hearing on December 15 at 2:30 PM.



Bilang paghahanda sa darating na kapaskuhan ng pagsilang ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo, inaanyayahan ang lahat sa isang ADVENT RECOLLECTION sa December 5, 2023 (Tuesday) sa Katedral ng San Pablo.

Ang recollection ay pangungunahan ni Bro. Arun Gogna, best selling author, international speaker at Regional Head ng The Light of Jesus Family Mega Manila. Pasisimulan ito sa Banal na Misa ganap na 5 ng hapon. Isusunod sa Misa ang panayam.

Inaanyayahan ang buong Bikarya ng San Pablo sa recollection na ito.


✠ First Sunday of Advent | Mark 13:33-37

"Be watchful! You do not know when the Lord of the house is coming."

Advent begins today. We spend this time preparing for the coming of Christ into our world. He is here already, of course, but he wants to come closer. Let me be one of his points of entry by keeping awake to open the door when he knocks. Jesus is like a householder who has gone abroad. He has left his servants – that is, you and me – in charge of his affairs, each one with their own task. What is my task, my role in this world? “Stay awake because you do not know when the master will come back – “stay awake.” How do we do that? Very simply.

We keep in touch with those around us each day, doing our best to live lives of love, of compassion, of forgiveness, of honesty and integrity. We keep in touch with our God through lives of prayer. And the simplest and deepest prayer is to be aware of the active presence of God permeating every single moment of every single day.

“O Lord, help to recognize you and respond to you in love through every person and every experience of this day.”


Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🫶🤗🙏


As we begin the Advent season, The first Sunday of Advent marks the start of the liturgical year, and it holds great significance for all of us.

During this time, we will reflect upon the theme, which symbolizes the light of hope and anticipation as we prepare for the birth of Christ. It serves as a reminder of the joy and love that this season brings into our lives.

A new world order began with Jesus, and we have a part to play in it. Every day let us review what went on, and as G M Hopkins says, ‘I greet him the days I meet him, and bless when I understand’.

Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🫶🤗🙏

Photos from Socrates B. Villegas's post 04/12/2023

✠ 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰 | 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧

Andrew was the son of Jonas, the brother of Simon Peter, and a fisherman by trade. The brothers seem to have come from Bethsaida, although at the beginning of Jesus’ public life they are in Capernaum.

From John’s Gospel (John 1:40) we know that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist before becoming a disciple of Jesus and one of the Twelve. As a result of Andrew’s first encounter with Jesus, he came to realise that Jesus was the Messiah. He then went to tell his brother Simon, whom he brought to Jesus. He is called in the Eastern Church Protokletos, meaning the ‘first called’, because his calling is the first mentioned in the Gospel narrative. The name ‘Andrew’ (from the Greek andreia, meaning ‘manliness’) seems to have been common among Jews from the 2nd century onward. His Aramaic name is not known.

The Gospel reading is Matthew’s account of the calling of the first four disciples. Jesus says to them:

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.

And, they drop everything and go after him. They leave behind all their security and means of livelihood and even their family.

They follow Jesus in complete trust, unaware of where he is going or what will happen to them. Following Jesus is a liberating experience. To be a Christian is to be free – let us never forget that.

Yet, the story is more symbolic than actual because we know that later, they would return to their boats and their fishing and their family. Very early on, Peter got Jesus to cure his mother-in-law of a fever. What is most important is not just the external acts, but the inner attitude, to be able to use things freely and not to be dependent or clinging.

It is significant that Andrew is called directly by Jesus while Peter is called by Andrew, who brings him to Jesus. It often happens that a ‘lesser’ person can be instrumental in calling someone who will do great work for God. Who, for instance, were the people that were influential turning points in the life of someone like, say, St. Teresa of Calcutta Without these key influences, what would they have become? Who brought me to where I am now? And who have I brought to Christ?

The same idea is found in the First Reading from the Letter to the Romans. Paul emphasises the need for the Gospel to be proclaimed. People cannot believe if they have never heard; they will never hear, if there is no proclamation; and there will be no proclamation unless people are sent out.

Each one of us, through our Baptism, has received a calling to go out and bring Christ into other people’s lives. We can ask Andrew to help us in following Jesus freely and unconditionally, and in learning how to share our faith effectively with those around us.

Today’s scripture tells us the story of how a call from the Lord changed the direction of the lives of the first disciples, who leave everything and follow him.

Andrew, together with his more famous brother Peter, is the first to be called by Jesus to follow Him. This humble fisherman must have seen something very special in this man to make him immediately leave his nets, his livelihood, and follow him.

What is Jesus’ call to me in this period of my life? I pray for the grace not to be deaf to his call but prompt and generous in my response to it.


Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🫶🤗🙏

Photos from San Pablo Youth Development Council's post 28/11/2023
Photos from Local Youth Development Office - San Pablo City's post 28/11/2023

CONGRATULATIONS, HON. Bhenj Aningalan Felismino! 🎉

Si Hon. Bhenj Felismino ang bagong halal na Provincial SK Federation President at maninilbihan din bilang Board Member ng Laguna.

Palaging ang paglilingkod ay para sa kabataan! Pagpupugay 🙌



Kabataan Partylist Rep. Raoul Manuel criticizes Sen. Imee Marcos' "ang laking kahihiyan" remarks, saying that if the Philippine justice system is really working, then her mother, former first lady Imelda Marcos, should have been arrested and jailed.

Manuel said that it has long been a shame for the country that there is protection for the few in power while there is injustice for the ordinary Filipino.

Photos from COMELEC's post 22/11/2023
Photos from DILG - San Pablo City, Laguna's post 22/11/2023

Ang San Pablo Youth Development Council ay nananawagan para sa progresibong representasyon ng kabataan kaugnay ng Sangguniang Kabataan Federation Elections ngayong araw.

Naniniwala ang konseho na importanteng mabigyang pagpapahalaga ang transparency sa proseso ng eleksyon dahil ito ang magtatakda ng representante ng Kabataang San Pableño.

Pumili ng naaayon sa kakayahan at kayang gawin para sa kabataan.

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 05/11/2023


Maraming salamat sa inyong hindi matatawarang pagmamahal at paglilngkod sa ating bayan.

Pagpapala ng Diyos Na Maykapal nawa ang sumainyo, sa inyong ipinamalas na kadakilaan sa halalan.

Yakap at panalangin! ❤️🇵🇭🙏

Vicariate of St. Paul the 1st Hermit

1. Cathedral Parish of St. Paul the First Hermit
2. Nuestra Señora Delos Remedios Parish
3. St. Francis of Assisi Parish
4. San Roque Parish
5. Immaculada Conception Parish
6. San Gabriel Arkanghel Parish
7. Our Lady of Pillar Parish
8. St. Luke the Evangelist Parish


Happy birthday brother, always remember that YOU are Blessed. May your birthday be filled with joy, love, and laughter, and may your heart be overflowing with happiness throughout the coming year. Take care and Godspeed. ✨️🙌🤗🙏

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 04/11/2023


Lahat ng kandidato sa October 30, 2023 Barangay at Sangguniang Kabataan Elections, nanalo man o natalo, ay dapat personal na magpasa ng kanilang Statement of Contributions and Expenditures (SOCE) at iba pang angkop na dokumento sa Office of the Election Officer (OEO) kung saan naghain ng kandidatura.

Ang huling araw ng pag-file ng SOCE ay sa November 29, 2023.

Link sa SOCE Forms: https://comelec.gov.ph/?r=CampaignFinance/SOCEBSKE2023

Photos from Veni Creator's post 02/11/2023

THANK YOU PPCRV VOLUNTEERS for helping ensure a C.H.A.M.P. Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections!

Tag a PPCRV Volunteer and share your photos below.

May God reward your good and generous hearts that always love and serve God and Country.

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 31/10/2023
Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 31/10/2023


Pagpupugay sa lahat ng naglingkod sa nagdaang Barangay at SK Elections 2023 bilang parte ng PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL FOR RESPONSIBLE VOTING (PPCRV)!

Hindi matatawaran ang inyong pagbibigay serbisyo sa Diyos at sa bayan. Salamat sa inyong pagpupunyagi na inaabot hanggang hating gabi. Kay Dra. Maria Elissa San Buenaventura na ating head coordinator at sa kanyang Core Group members, sa bawat pollwatchers sa mahigit 90 na presinto sa San Pablo, mga kabataan ng Cathedral at Canossians na tumao sa Voter's Assistance Desk, mga nagluto at naghanda ng makakain, mga rovers at drivers, sa ating Prayer Warriors na bawat oras ay nakatanod sa Santissimo Sakramento, sa ating mga Kabalikat Partners, mga kabataan, at sa bawat isang nagpaabot ng kanilang tulong pinansyal: MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT PO!


Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🤗🙏


"Gawin ninyo ang anumang sabihin niya sa inyo." - Juan 2:5

Isang pagbati sa mga bagong halal na lingkod! Gabayan nawa kayo ni Maria at Hesus sa inyong paglilingkod. Kung hindi man pinalad, maari pa ding makapaglingkod sa kapwa sa iba't-ibang paraan.

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 29/10/2023

Updates on PPCRV preparations...

Final guidelines and distribution of kits for the PPCRV volunteers.

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 29/10/2023

Updates on PPCRV preparations...

Complete ready to go, matapos ang ilang araw na pagpapagal naisaayos na at handa na ang mga kits ng ating mga volunteers ngayong halalan. Ang sagradong boto nyo nalang...

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 28/10/2023


Boto ko, Dangal ko, Ipagtatanggol ko!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 27/10/2023

Cheers to the whole service for the nation, the church, the nights that became mornings, and the friend that became family. A Blessed Birthday to a remarkable individual who sets excellent example for all of! Dra. Liza, may you make this the best year yet! Your upcoming year is filled with potential and promise. We appreciate what you've done for the nation and the church.

Cathedral - PPCRV Fam

Soli Deo Gloria! ✨️🙌🤗🙏



Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 27/10/2023

Sama-sama po nating ipanalangin ang isang mapayapa at matagumpay na halalan sa darating na October 30, 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 27/10/2023

Updates on PPCRV preparations...

Preparing kits for PPCRV volunteers of St. Paul the 1st Hermit Parish and Zoom meeting for final instructions with the coordinators of the Diocese of San Pablo.

Photos from PPCRV - Saint Paul the 1st Hermit's post 26/10/2023

Updates on PPCRV preparations...

Taken during the Nationwide Multi-sectoral Peace Assembly for Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections 2023 last October 16, 2023 , 7:30 AM at Camp BGen Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City . Attended by Officers of PNP Regional Headquarter, reptesentatives from COMELEC 4A, AFP, PCG, DILG 4A, DepEd 4A, DICT Region 4A, PPCRV/NAMFREL 4A, NGOs and FaithBased Leaders. A joint effort from the various sectors to ensure a peaceful election on Oct 30th.


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