ISU College of Pharmacy Spaghetti Feed

ISU College of Pharmacy Spaghetti Feed

The College of Pharmacy has held the Spaghetti Feed in Pocatello for more than 25 years and this will be the first year it will be held in Meridian!

The event will include a spaghetti dinner, trivia, raffles, live and silent auctions, and fun.

How Our Students Provide Healthcare to Local and Underserved Communities

Statewide, the College of Pharmacy Operations organizes student-run, patient care projects that provide complementary health screenings, immunizations, and education to the public. Our projects include the following:

★ Operation Heart offers blood pressure and cholesterol screenings to underserved populations. We provide patient-specific education on cardiovascular risk factors, which empowers patients to take control of their health.

★ Operation Immunization is dedicated toward increasing immunization rates and decreasing the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases throughout Idaho. Already in the 2017-18 flu season, our students have immunized more than 1,500 adults and children at student-run clinics in West Ada and Pocatello school districts.

★ Operation Diabetes provides blood glucose screenings to help identify those who may not have been diagnosed with diabetes in the past. Additionally, we provide education to help patients manage their disease and ultimately prevent long-term complications.