Iodine Deficiency Awareness

Iodine Deficiency Awareness

Studies show that the US population is 90% deficient in its iodine intake. Without this vital natu

Super Boost Your Neti pot 16/03/2020

The Coronavirus normally will start with mild cold symptoms feeling like a head cold before it progresses. Consider a Netti pot or just a turkey baster as a preventative measure. 3 drops of Lugal's Solution added along with baking soda and a little H202 might be the key to keeping the virus at bay. Starting now daily might be an excellent preventative measure. Don't forget 1000MG Vit C 4x a day and 5000IU of D3 daily. Keep in 80% of people are deficient in Vt D3 and 90% of Iodine. Vit D3 has antimicrobial peptides with the mission of seeking out and destroying the cold and flu virus.

Super Boost Your Neti pot You may ask, what is a Neti Pot? A neti pot is a small pot that looks somewhat like a genies …

The Powerful Health Benefits of Iodine - Dr. Edward Group || Featured Interview 04/07/2018

The Powerful Health Benefits of Iodine - Dr. Edward Group || Featured Interview Did you know that over 90% of people and pets in the U.S. are mineral deficient? And most of those people are deficient in iodine? In this video, we check in...

Hyperthyroidism (leading to increased metabolism) 29/06/2018

Iodine a Cure for Obesity?
Hyperthyroidism is marked by an increase in metabolism which results in weight loss. "high intakes of iodine – may cause hyperthyroidism thus leading to weight loss."

Hyperthyroidism (leading to increased metabolism) Hyperthyroidism causes a raised metabolic rate, which can lead to dramatic weight loss. We look at the diagnosis and treatment for this condition.

As many as 300 common health problems, SOLVED! 21/04/2017

Time to power up with Iodine, feel the benefits and get the protection.

As many as 300 common health problems, SOLVED!

Timeline photos 09/08/2016

-The Iodine/Iodide and Body pH Connection-
If your pH is consistently lower than normal, your body lacks the iodine necessary to regulate pH effectively. It has been noted that Lugol’s iodine/iodide will raise and neutralize a low pH.

As we age, our bodies have a tendency to become more acidic due to a long history of poor diet. The optimum PH is 7.4. The longer your pH remains below normal in the acid range and your deficiency is not corrected, the higher your risk that various medical symptoms will occur and increase in severity. Thyroid conditions could result among many many other serious conditions. Disease can't survive in an oxygen rich, alkaline environment.

Iodine is the element which is essential in the prevention of cancer and other degenerative diseases, but based on the current RDA, our daily intake is far too low to see the beneficial effects.

Take a look at the common foods you eat to get an idea of the state of your body. Check your Saliva PH today. If you are approaching are at a high risk of cancer. Ref:

You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders...Naturally! 08/08/2016

Outstanding video explaining thyroid function, identifying if you have an auto immune thyroid, proper testing panels, nutritional facts, food facts etc. associated with thyroid conditions. This is a must see for anybody considering iodine supplementation with the form of Lugal's Solution. You will have to take notes with this one.

You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders...Naturally! READ THE #1 THYROID BOOK ON AMAZON.COM By DR. MICHAEL JOHNSON @ YOU CAN HEAL YOUR THYROID NATURALLY! "You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders.....

The effects of iodine on intelligence in children: a meta-analysis of studies conducted in... 19/07/2016

Many studies indicate iodine deficiencies hamper a child's intellectual development. The intelligence damage of children exposed to severe iodine deficiencies was profound in controlled studies, demonstrated by 12.45 IQ points loss and they recovered 8.7 IQ points with iodine supplementation.

The effects of iodine on intelligence in children: a meta-analysis of studies conducted in... Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2005;14(1):32-42. Meta-Analysis; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
