Christian Friendship

Christian Friendship

Making and Maintaining Our Christian Friendships as we Praise Our God and Spread His Word. Encouraging one another and Fellowshipping together! C.A.P.

God's Network of Christian Sites ADVERTISING is Reported and Deletedi! To STOP SPAM - NO ADS ALLOWED This site is for sharing the Word of God , To Encourage,
and for making Christian Friendships. Some of the friendships may be for a season
while others may last a lifetime. This is NOT a dating site but a Ministering Site ...
you may ask why This is the answer....
The Holy


"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." __(Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)__
***************************** When life gets tough and we feel like we're barely holding on, it can be easy to wonder if God is still there, if He still cares, and if He's still faithful to His promises. ~ But even in the midst of our doubts and fears, we can find hope and comfort in the unchanging character of God.

Encountering God through Worship | First15 20/06/2024

Devotional Time w/

Encountering God through Worship | First15 Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and it’s my prayer today that you have a fresh encounter with him through this transformative avenue.


For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
(Matthew 7:8 KJV)

God Hates Religion! 03/06/2024

Are You A Religious Person?

God Hates Religion! The root of our problems today lay at the feet of religious authorities.


Be courageous. Stand up for what you believe in. DO NOT hide your Godly Convictions & Do not compromise His Word. Be yourself; and
remember with Him you are stronger than any Surroundings, Situations or Circumstances!

When my thoughts lean toward I'm just not good enough, I am reminded that God's Word says I was created in His image.
_(Gen. 1:26)_ Sometimes I may think No one loves me, but God's Word assures me that He loves me more than life. _(John 3:16)_ The thought may be I'll feel lost doing that, but God's Word says He watches my paths and establishes my ways. _(Pro. 5:21, 4:26)_ The thought may be I want to give up but take that thought captive because God's Word says to Be Committed. _(Matthew 5:33-37)_ *********************************************************************
* Dig deep into His Word, Stay Ready & Prepared to take those thoughts captive. Once you realize who you are in Jesus (Yeshua) you will annihilate the negative thoughts.
* I must say that It is truly amazing how good and how faithful God is! He is always with us in the battles.

The significance on two trumps the left & the right. 26/05/2024

The significance on two trumps the left & the right. Understanding the use of the Shofar by BELIEVERS offers greater insight into our Hebrew Heritage.


If we look at the historical timing of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we see that He died at Passover along with the Passover lambs…and He was raised again on Firstfruits. (“Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb…” -Mk. 16:2)
Paul, in 1 Corinthians, delves into this association, describing Christ as the firstfruits:


I love the birds God has created for us! I Love the Sister Momma Joy that He created as well! I must say that I am truly blessed to have → MY ← Sister Joy in my life as she has truly been way more than a blessing to me over the years that I have known Her! Not only has She been a Great mentor, Leader, Faith Builder, Holder of great Great wisdom... Etc Etc I could go on for days if I had to list every thing she is to me!

God knew what I Yes I needed when he sent me on line to work for Him in this oooh WOW this position I am truly blessed to be in! God knows I have not been all I can be over the years! Sister Momma Joys knows I have slacked in some areas. I know She does for I have a gift from God that allows me to see things I guess you could say. It is a gift that a lot of people have that have “Eyes To See” I thank God for sending me Sister Momma Joy to Lead in such a powerful way! Sister Momma Joy is such a POWERFUL Lady a POWERFUL Child of God! Sister Momma Joy is truly one I would do as Jesus did and lay down my life for her! She has been more than a mentor, more than a “Great Leader” more than a Child of the King!

I know that My God knows I could make a mile long list If If I could list all the Great things My Sister Joy has done and is still doing for Him in this great Ministry alone. But Sister Momma Joy does more than we see. It is true! She is a {True} Blessing from God to me! I have never told Sister Momma Joy this in the many years I have known Her... BUT Today as I am not promised tomorrow... I tell you Sister Momma Joy... Raymond J Freeman loves you more than He has ever shown in this life! I truly thank GOD FOR MY SISTER “Momma Joy”!

Before I go I must say one more thing. I want to thank you My Brother in Christ for sharing Your Momma Joy with us here in The GNCSO Network, Gods Network Christian Servants On-Line!
Thank You Sister Momma Joy for being you! I would not have it any other way for this Momma Is My Blessing and I thank MY GOD for Her more than I ever make known!
Love in Christ Jesus!!! Brother Raymond J Freeman a truly blessed man!
(\o/)To God Be the Glory !!!(\o/)

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