I offer yoga and dance classes, summer camps, wellness workshops and mini retreats for all ages. However, we don't have perfect diets. It's all about BALANCE!
My classes are always challenging and students are encouraged to practice mindfully and respect their body's limitations. I am a mother of two young children who passionately believes in healthy habits...moving healthy, living healthy and eating healthy! I firmly belive that food, exercise and meditation can prevent illness. Practicing yoga and moving mindfully not only can rid our bodies of aches
and pains but prepares us for dealing with tough situations in our day to day life. Eating mindfully helps us to choose our food intelligently to truly, nurture our bodies for success and freedom. Of course, we all get sick or develop injuries at some point in our lives but if we're nurturing our bodies with good foods and moving mindfully our bodies are strong enough to fight the illness and recover quickly. I spend so much time every week experimenting with foods my family will love. I am proud to say my kids beg for green juices and smoothies and love my "raw" food desserts made mostly of dates and nuts! We enjoy going to parties and living life and sometimes that includes pizza and birthday cake!