Journey by the sea

Journey by the sea

For the New age girl awakening an old soul. This page is about awakening your spiritual side and learning traditional rituals with a modern day twist.

Its the Oscars for Astrology today! New Moon in Pisces and Uranus enters Ta**us. 06/03/2019

Wednesday 6th March, 2019. Uranus enters Ta**us. The New Moon in Pisces. What a big day astrologically speaking we have today, between Uranus entering Ta**us and the Pisces New Moon, this is a powerhouse of a day. The biggest news I will focus on today is Uranus’ movement into grounded earthy Ta**us. As Uranus moves out of fiery Aries and into grounded Ta**us, we will experience a shift from the rebel, the revolutionary and Great Awakener. [ 544 more words ]

Its the Oscars for Astrology today! New Moon in Pisces and Uranus enters Ta**us. Wednesday 6th March, 2019. Uranus enters Ta**us. The New Moon in Pisces. What a big day astrologically speaking we have today, between Uranus entering Ta**us and the Pisces New Moon, this is a pow…

Mercury Retrograde 05/03/2019. Time to Re-Work and Re-vise. 05/03/2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Mercury stations retrograde at 29’38 Pisces The Sun in Pisces semisquares Uranus in Aries. The Moon is in Pisces. Mercury, the plant the rules over communication, thinking , plans , travel and pretty much the mental realm and our thought process stations retrograde at 29’38 Pisces. Mercury will remain retrograde until March 28, a wonderful tool during this time is to see where in your natal chart you hold Pisces to better understand the area of your life that requires revisiting or revising of your thoughts, actions and attention. [ 329 more words ]

Mercury Retrograde 05/03/2019. Time to Re-Work and Re-vise.   Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Mercury stations retrograde at 29’38 Pisces The Sun in Pisces semisquares Uranus in Aries. The Moon is in Pisces. Mercury, the plant the rules over communication, th…

Try to Expand your View 04/03/2019. 05/03/2019

Monday, March 4, 2019. The Moon is in Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius. The start of the week starts off more slowly as the Moon continues her journey through quirky and forward thinking Aquarius. When the Moon is in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius our thinking and feelings become very detached as we approach life and our problems from a new and an out side of the box way of thinking. [ 125 more words ]

Try to Expand your View 04/03/2019. Monday, March 4, 2019. The Moon is in Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius. The start of the week starts off more slowly as the Moon continues her journey th…

Happy Valentines Day! 14/02/2019. 14/02/2019

Thursday February 14th, 2019. Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Capricorn. Mars enters Ta**us. Happy Valentine’s day! The first aspect of the day is when Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Capricorn. Now this has the potential to create friction between our mind, communication and thought process with the emotional need to heal, change and transform. Today makes for some intense and dramatic ideas and communication, power dynamic and control issues and self realizations. [ 250 more words ]

Happy Valentines Day! 14/02/2019. Thursday February 14th, 2019. Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Capricorn. Mars enters Ta**us. Happy Valentine’s day! The first aspect of the day is when Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in…

Wise Choices 12/02/2019. 11/02/2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019. The First Quarter Moon is in Ta**us. The day continues with the steadfast Ta**us Moon now in its first quarter phase. The Ta**us Moon allows us a slow sensual awareness to the day full of all life pleasure. In astrology they say that the first quarter Moon phase energy is surrounded by a "Crises" theme.Keep in mind that crisis implies not only difficulties or obstacles but opportunities for us as well. [ 222 more words ]

Wise Choices 12/02/2019. Tuesday, February 12, 2019. The First Quarter Moon is in Ta**us. The day continues with the steadfast Ta**us Moon now in its first quarter phase. The Ta**us Moon allows us a slow sensual awareness …

Monday 11/02/2019. 10/02/2019

Monday 11th February, 2019. The Moon moves into Ta**us. The Ta**us Moon then trines Venus is in Capricorn. The Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The Moon moves into the grounded sign of Ta**us. Ta**us is the bull and is ruled by Venus who rules over beauty , love and money. Today when you awake you will feel grounded and search for the inner beauty not only within yourself but in your surroundings.The Ta**us Moon then trines Venus is in Capricorn. [ 162 more words ]

Monday 11/02/2019. Monday 11th February, 2019. The Moon moves into Ta**us. The Ta**us Moon then trines Venus is in Capricorn. The Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The Moon moves into the grounded sign of Ta**us. Tau…

A time for being Innovative or Rebellious.. New Moon in Aquarius. 04/02/2019

Monday, February 4, 2019. New Moon in Aquarius. By Monday afternoon, we will have a New Moon in Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. New Moo;s traditionally are about a fresh new start. A time to sit down and write down goals or changes you wish to manifest over the next month. It's a time to plant seeds of intention to grow. [ 483 more words ]

A time for being Innovative or Rebellious.. New Moon in Aquarius. Monday, February 4, 2019. New Moon in Aquarius. By Monday afternoon, we will have a New Moon in Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. New Moo;s traditionally are about a fresh ne…

Life is an Adventure 30/01/2019. 30/01/2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019. The Moon is in Sagittarius. Neptune in Pisces forms a square aspect the Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon still continues through Sagittarius guiding and encouraging us to seek or expand our understanding of the world around us, whether it be through booking a trip, going in nature or watching a documentary on you tube. The world is you oyster make the most of it and your new spark of excitement for life. [ 160 more words ]

Life is an Adventure 30/01/2019. Wednesday, January 30, 2019. The Moon is in Sagittarius. Neptune in Pisces forms a square aspect the Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon still continues through Sagittarius guiding and encouraging us to …

Communication and Ideas, Tuesday 29/01/2019. 29/01/2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019. The Moon enters Sagittarius. The Sun in Aquarius conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius. By the time we awake the Moon enters the Fiery sign of Sagittarius where she will remain until Thursday evening. The Moon in Sagittarius means we can expect our mood to lighten and our emotions to engage on a more positive ,enthusiastic and upbeat note. [ 221 more words ]

Communication and Ideas, Tuesday 29/01/2019.   Tuesday, January 29, 2019. The Moon enters Sagittarius. The Sun in Aquarius conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius. By the time we awake the Moon enters the Fiery sign of Sagittarius where she will …

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019. 22/01/2019

Monday 21st January, 2019. Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo. Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. [ 1,019 more word ]

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.   Monday 21st January, 2019. Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo. Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred.…

Powerful Day For Change 11/01/2019 11/01/2019

Friday, January 11th, 2019. The Sun in Capricorn cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn. The Moon is in Pisces. The Sun cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn. This aspect happens once a year, so today is the power day of the week. This Sun/Pluto alignment will get us asking ourselves what area of our life do we need to transform , to heal or empower? [ 181 more words ]

Powerful Day For Change 11/01/2019   Friday, January 11th, 2019. The Sun in Capricorn cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn. The Moon is in Pisces. The Sun cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn. This aspect happens once a year, so today …

There is a Softness to the Day! 10/01/2019. 10/01/2019

Thursday, January 10th, 2019. The Moon is in Pisces. The Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. The Moon is in Pisces and this Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. Now Neptune is the watery planet of dreams, psychic ability, intuition and creativity, and is much the same energy as watery Pisces and the Moon. Today expect your psychic openness and capacity to “tune in” to be off the raider. [ 183 more words ]

There is a Softness to the Day! 10/01/2019. Thursday, January 10th, 2019. The Moon is in Pisces. The Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. The Moon is in Pisces and this Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. Now Neptune is the watery planet of dreams, psy…

Expect a Few Surprises 09/01/2019. 09/01/2019

Wednesday, January 9, 2019. Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires. The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus. The Moon then enters Pisces. Good Morning, How did everyone's day go yesterday with all that intense energy floating around? If words were said, today is the day to let go of resentment, frustrations and apologize if needed. Let it go and move on with the day. [ 292 more words ]

Expect a Few Surprises 09/01/2019. Wednesday, January 9, 2019. Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires. The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus. The Moon then enters Pisces. Good Morning, How did everyone’s day…

Tempers May Flare 08/01/2019. 08/01/2019

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019. Mercury in Capricorn squares Mars in Aries. The Moon is n Aquarius. Last week Mercury the planet that rules they way we think and communicate entered the serious sign of Capricorn. Today as Mars and Mercury square each other there will be tension and friction felt in the way we handle and communicate with others. Mars represents our inner warrior, it's the planet that represent action. [ 187 more words ]

Tempers May Flare 08/01/2019. Tuesday, January 8th, 2019. Mercury in Capricorn squares Mars in Aries. The Moon is n Aquarius. Last week Mercury the planet that rules they way we think and communicate entered the serious sign of…

Venus enters Sagittarius 07/01/2019. 07/01/2019

Monday, January 7th, 2019. Venus enters Sagittarius. The Moon enters Aquarius. Today begins with the Moon now moving into in unusual quirky Air sign of Aquarius. This is perhaps a much-needed break from the serious weekend full of serious and solitary energy of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Today you will feel more inclined to engage with others, spark up new and interesting conversations and start to think outside the square. [ 342 more words ]

Venus enters Sagittarius 07/01/2019. Monday, January 7th, 2019. Venus enters Sagittarius. The Moon enters Aquarius. Today begins with the Moon now moving into in unusual quirky Air sign of Aquarius. This is perhaps a much-needed brea…

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019 07/01/2019

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019. Happy New Year! This weekend brings our first New Moon for the 2019! New Moons are all about setting intentions for the next Luna cycle…This New Moon is at 15° Capricorn. To make it extra special, it will be a partial solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is practically the same as a New Moon, when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun and is darkened. [ 629 more words ]

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019   New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019. Happy New Year! This weekend brings our first New Moon for the 2019! New Moons are all about setting intentions for the next Luna cycle…This New Moo…

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 12/12/18. 12/12/2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018. Mercury Enters Sagittarius. Mercury the communication planet leaves the depth of Scorpio behind to enter into Sagittarius. Mercury teaches us how to think and what to think about. The energy now will be shifting from shining the light within to getting on your bike and cursing along. Sagittarius is all about looking at the horizon and it doesn't particularly do very well with the details of the here and now. [ 230 more words ]

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 12/12/18.   Wednesday, December 12, 2018. Mercury Enters Sagittarius. Mercury the communication planet leaves the depth of Scorpio behind to enter into Sagittarius. Mercury teaches us how to think and w…

New Moon in Sagittarius 10/12/2018

New Moon in Sagittarius 2018. Last week we had a New Moon on Friday, December 7th, in the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun and Moon conjunct each at 15 degrees and 7 minutes, which created the darkness of the New Moon. This New Moon occurs in the flamboyant sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur. This New Moon will be not only recharging but pulling in the traits of Sagittarius! [ 565 more words ]

New Moon in Sagittarius New Moon in Sagittarius 2018. Last week we had a New Moon on Friday, December 7th, in the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun and Moon conjunct each at 15 degrees and 7 minutes, which created the darkness…

Temper Tantrums 19/11/2018. 19/11/2018

Monday November 19th, 2018. Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius! This square aspect between the planet that represents our drive and ego and the planet of abundance and luck is going to stir up some tension today. As Mars who represents our inner drive, attitude and will power clashes with our optimism, ego and expansion, watch out for being triggered, agitated and riled up easily today! [ 199 more words ]

Temper Tantrums 19/11/2018. Monday November 19th, 2018. Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius! This square aspect between the planet that represents our drive and ego an…

Big News,Venus stations Direct however Mercury turns Retrograde! 16/11/2018. 16/11/2018

Pulling at your Heart and your Mind Friday, November 16th, 2018. Early this morning, Venus the planet of love and beauty turns direct in the sign of Libra. Making the planet of love and beauty one of two of the most influential planets in our sky today. Since early October our love, relationships, finances as well as our ability to turn inwards has been out of whack and under a microscope, as well as our ability to understand our most personal values which has also been under a microscope. [ 467 more words ]

Big News,Venus stations Direct however Mercury turns Retrograde! 16/11/2018. Pulling at your Heart and your Mind Friday, November 16th, 2018. Early this morning, Venus the planet of love and beauty turns direct in the sign of Libra. Making the planet of love and beauty one…

Live and Let Live 14/11/18. 14/11/2018

Wednesday November 14th, 2018 The Moon is in Aquarius. Today is relative quiet cosmically speaking.The Moon continues its transit of quirky Aquarius! Aquarius is the humanitarian sign that's all about bringing everyone together, make a point to seek out people you don’t generally engage with today. Break out of old mold's, try something new or challenging. When the Moon is in Aquarius the energy is very spontaneous and our imagination,thought process will be stimulated under this influence! [ 86 more words ]

Live and Let Live 14/11/18. Wednesday November 14th, 2018 The Moon is in Aquarius. Today is relative quiet cosmically speaking.The Moon continues its transit of quirky Aquarius! Aquarius is the humanitarian sign that’s …

Feeling Detached? 13/11/2018. 12/11/2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 The Sun in Scorpio is moving towards a semi-square to Saturn in Capricorn. The Moon moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. As you wake up today, the morning energy building may leave you feeling anxious and stressed! As the Sun in Scorpio is moving towards a semi-square to Saturn in Capricorn! As this building tension and friction is arising between our conscious self and the lord of karma and master teacher we will be faced with conflicting and harsher energies!Responsibility along with frustrations and limitations will arise today leaving us feeling unsettled. [ 143 more words ]

Feeling Detached? 13/11/2018. Tuesday, November 13, 2018 The Sun in Scorpio is moving towards a semi-square to Saturn in Capricorn. The Moon moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. As you wake up today, the morning energy bui…

Monday 12/11/2018. 12/11/2018

Monday 12th November 2018. The Moon is in Capricorn . The Moon then forms a square to Venus in Libra. Good Morning and happy Monday. Today the Moon is in Capricorn. When the Moon is in Capricorn we are very much self motivated to achieve our dreams.The realization that we have to work hard to reach these goals is very present in our thoughts today and we take leadership. [ 186 more words ]

Monday 12/11/2018. Monday 12th November 2018. The Moon is in Capricorn . The Moon then forms a square to Venus in Libra. Good Morning and happy Monday. Today the Moon is in Capricorn. When the Moon is in Capricorn we…

New Moon in Scorpio 2018! 07/11/2018

Happy New Moon Day! A New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018. As we wake up today we will be entering the darkest point of the Lunar Phase a New Moon. This New Moon in Scorpio is sitting with Jupiter, mere hours before the planet leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius which won’t happen again is for over a decade. Traditionally a New Moon is when the Sun and Moon join together. [ 867 more words ]

New Moon in Scorpio 2018! Happy New Moon Day! A New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018.As we wake up today we will be entering the darkest point of the Lunar Phase a New Moon. This New Moon in Scorpio is sitting with Jupite…

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 30/10/2018. 07/11/2018

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018. Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. The Moon moves into Leo. Today's big news is Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio behind and enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the communication planet that rules over our mental realm especially focusing on the way we communicate, make plans and think! This new placement will shift the conscious mind and intellect from water to fire, yin to yang, depths to greet heights. [ 329 more words ]

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 30/10/2018. Tuesday, October 30th, 2018. Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. The Moon moves into Leo.Today’s big news is Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio behind and enters Sagittarius.…


Happy New Moon Day!

�A New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018.�As we wake up today we will be entering the darkest point of the Lunar Phase a New Moon. This New Moon in Scorpio is sitting with Jupiter, mere hours before the planet leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius which won’t happen again is for over a decade. Traditionally a New Moon is when the Sun and Moon join together. They both will be sitting on each other in 15 degrees Scorpio. A New Moon in our sky looks completely dark, it’s black & the Moon is making herself invisible as the Sun’s rays overtake, she is taking a meditation break and recharging. This month the Moon is recharging itself for the next Luna cycle in the sassy sign of Scorpio. This time of the Luna cycle is all about stopping focusing inward and pulling the energy in and revaluation where yin your life needs changing and working about making a list of changes or intentions you want to plant for the next month. What is it you want to do or achieve this next Luna cycle? Every New Moon gives us a chance to make some life changing decisions each month so use this New Moons energy wisely.�Scorpio is water sign and it’s the sign of the zodiac that dives deepest. Scorpio is associated with intense emotional connections and emotional truth. Diving deep into the emotions of others and along with themselves being a detective and getting down to the nitty-gritty. Scorpio is connected with darker side of life such as all things taboo, secrets, sexuality and the a cult. Scorpio is about transformation, healing and rising out of the ashes and working on a higher self-awareness. Scorpio highlights the importance of bringing what is hidden into the light, to be excavated, and to be brought forth for healing.�With the New Moon in Scorpio, the seeds of intentions you plant will be ones of deep emotional significance. You must be willing to look deeper than usual and take an emotional risk. Scorpio energy invites us to open up and be enlightened by emotional experiences as we also gain a stronger emotional intelligence.�This New Moon in Scorpio will pointing us in a new direction and beginning of powerful changes. It’s going to help us purge old ways of being, feeling, thinking, addictions, old emotional wounds, and burdens and we will seek out new and meaningful enriching feelings and ways of thinking.�For this Scorpio New Moon, set your monthly manifestations around the Scorpio energy. Include intentions to manifest emotional transformation, passion perhaps taking on a new lover or deepening a passionate connection with a current lover, deep introspection and expanding your creativity. Create opportunities for yourself this month either to make yourself happy or someone else be connecting the dots on what motivates, irritates and drives either you or them. Start planting powerful seed by starting a journal or using a New Moon ritual this month to work deeply on self-reflection or perhaps your own hidden secrets.�If you know what house in your birth chart holds or sits in 15° Scorpio, it will give you a greater insight into which area of your life will be most influenced or effected this New Moon. If you don’t know what house is involved with Scorpio energy, just take a moment focus on your breath work, intuition and meditate on the answer,! If you have Scorpio in your chart see which house it is in for example if it is in your 4th house, which represents our home, laying roots and family life, set an intention to transform and intensity anything you want to change in regards to your home/ family. By doing this it will help you become more aware or clarify where any issue are or areas that need to be changed and transformed.�This New Moon forms a harmonious connection with Neptune and Pluto! Making it a very powerful, healing, spiritual and extremely intuitive New Moon. Nevertheless we also see Jupiter and Uranus move towards a quincunx. Jupiter is at the end of its cycle in Scorpio but it manages a couple of hours before it moves into Sagittarius. With saying that, we need to be careful and oversee how much we act on our impulses, our energy is chaotic and we may feel rushed into making decisions and with Uranus energy into the mix you can expect the unexpected, expect a spanner in the works or a sudden change in your direction. Perhaps it's not the best day to make profound decisions until you know or are clear on what you really want. It’s a day for contemplation and review. Jupiter grows, expands and is the Midas touch, making anything it touches abundant, while its transit through Scorpio over the past 12 months, Jupiter has tried to teach us how to shed old skins and beliefs so that we might get closer to our own sources of power. Where our intention goes energy flows!�New Moon ritual.�Later tonight or anytime on Thursday, set some time aside and plan or perform your New Moon ritual. Keep it simple but hold sacred place within yourself to honor this magical ritual. Click here if you need help performing one How to create a New Moon ritual. �If you are short of time or the process is to overwhelming take a moment to write down what changes you wish to begin, create, or increase in the coming month and potentially up to the next 6 months.�Happy New Moon Day!�Andy J x

Today is a BIG DEAL!! A LUNAR ECLIPSE 27/7/18 27/07/2018

Friday, July 27, 2018 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. Full Moon blessings, everyone. Today brings us to the big deal a Lunar Eclipse big deal. Today is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. A Lunar Eclipse always occurs on a Full Moon and is basically an amped-up magnified Full Moon on steroids. This eclipse is extra potent astronomically as it’s the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century, how exciting. [ 629 more words ]

Today is a BIG DEAL!! A LUNAR ECLIPSE 27/7/18 Friday, July 27, 2018 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. Full Moon blessings, everyone. Today brings us to the big deal a Lunar Eclipse big deal. Today is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclip…

Think outside the Box 23/07/2018. 24/07/2018

Monday, July 23, 2018. The Moon is in Sagittarius The Moon in Sagittarius forms a challenging aspect to both Venus and Neptune. The Sun in Leo sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces. There may be a sense of listlessness in the air when you awake this morning. You’d like to pull the covers over your head and resist facing the day at all. [ 233 more words ]

Think outside the Box 23/07/2018. Monday, July 23, 2018. The Moon is in Sagittarius The Moon in Sagittarius forms a challenging aspect to both Venus and Neptune. The Sun in Leo sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces. There ma…