NLP Next Generation

NLP Next Generation

News and information about Robert Dilts, NLP University and the Next Generation of NLP

NLP Vintage Video Promo 05/05/2023

NLP Vintage Video Promo Robert describes his "new" video collection based on early recordings of his introductory seminars on some basic NLP processes which are still widely used to...


We send you and your families our best wishes for the holiday season and for 2023! May it be a meaningful year for you and may you accomplish everything you want in order to make a difference.

In this video we share with you how we plan to introduce the difference that makes the difference into the Healthcare field. We invite you to join us to light more candles to brighten the world:

To enroll in the upcoming Effective Healthcare Mindset Certification Training Program go to

サクセス・マインドセットマップコーチ認定講座 08/11/2022

Online Program with Robert Dilts and Mickey Feher
Why Mindset Matters Most

サクセス・マインドセットマップコーチ認定講座 『サクセスマインドセットマップ認定講座』- 世界初のコーチングツールであなたがビジネス(仕事)で成功するための『マインドセット』を構築する


Join Robert at the The Lasting Impact Coaching Summit. It’s happening all day on Wednesday, September 28th starting at 11am EST, and it’s absolutely free.

If you’re committed to being the very best at what you do, and to making a real difference with clients, check out the link below to register for free.