Congenital Lyme and tick borne infections

Congenital Lyme and tick borne infections

Exploring vertical transmission of tick borne diseases. Borrelia AKA Lyme disease is a corkscrew spirochete bacteria like Syphilis.

Lyme disease is the most commonly transmitted vector-borne disease in the United States, with many regions of the country at risk. Like other spirochete-borne infections, Lyme disease progresses in stages, making diagnosis in the early stages of the illness and prompt treatment important for cure. An early diagnosis is made difficult by the less-than-ideal serologic tests and the varied clinical p

Probable Congenital Babesiosis in Infant, New Jersey, USA 24/08/2019

A 26-day-old, 8-pound, full-term infant girl was transferred to Saint Peter’s University Hospital for evaluation of fever and hyperbilirubinemia.

The mother’s peripheral blood smear did not show any parasites, but her Babesia IgG and IgM titers by IFA were >1,024 and 80, respectively, and her Lyme serology was positive.

Probable Congenital Babesiosis in Infant, New Jersey, USA Only 2 neonates with transplacentally or perinatally acquired (congenital) babesiosis have been reported. We describe a probable third congenital case of babesiosis in a 26-day-old infant; transmission was determined on the basis of a blood smear from ...

Serologic Markers of Lyme Disease in Children with Autism 18/03/2019

Serologic Markers of Lyme Disease in Children with Autism A proposed link between Lyme disease and autism has garnered considerable attention.1,2 Among individuals with autism spectrum disorders, rates of seropositivity for Lyme disease of greater than 20% have been reported.1 However, controlled studies to assess serological evidence of infection with Bor...

Test for Newborn Cytomegalovirus Infection Approved by FDA 01/12/2018

Test for Newborn Cytomegalovirus Infection Approved by FDA The new test is approved to assist with detecting cytomegalovirus in newborns less than 21 days of age.

Research updates on Lyme disease, Aids & Autism - Pr Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize 2008 19/10/2018

2008 Nobel Prize recipient Prof. Luc Montagnier on Lyme disease & Autism
( in English)

Research updates on Lyme disease, Aids & Autism - Pr Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize 2008 Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medici...


Transplacental transmission resulting in congenital infection of Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme) has been documented and accepted over the last 33 years (1985 to 2018) by multiple International physicians, researchers, scientists and other experts.
PDF below.

Transplacental Transmission and adverse outcomes of Lyme Disease - 32 years of documentation. Transplacental transmission resulting in congenital infection of Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme) has been documented and accepted over the last 33 years (1985 to 2018) by multiple International...

On-Lyme Foundation - ICD codes 29/07/2018

As you may be well aware, congenital Lyme borreliose and all others as well, is a medical as well as highly politicized disease.

As a result, people with a treatable disease remain ill and stigmatized, causing social isolation, bankrupties, suicides and other devastating situations.

The current ICD codes are at the heart of this worldwide health and human rights issue.

This publication of ICD codes *including congenital Lyme are available on Amazon. Prime.

On-Lyme Foundation - ICD codes On-Lyme

Pediatric stroke related to Lyme neuroborreliosis: Data from the Swiss NeuroPaediatric Stroke Registry and literature review. - PubMed - NCBI 08/12/2017

Pediatric stroke related to Lyme neuroborreliosis: Data from the Swiss NeuroPaediatric Stroke Registry and literature review. - PubMed - NCBI Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2017 Nov 24. pii: S1090-3798(17)30179-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2017.10.010. [Epub ahead of print]

Congenital Tick Borne Diseases: Is This An Alternative Route of Transmission of Tick-Borne Pathogens In Mammals? | Abstract 22/07/2017

The problem of vertical transmission of pathogens presents a new challenge for medicine.

Transfer of pathogens through the placenta may lead not only to propagation of diseases in the population, but also constitute a direct threat to health and fetal development. For this reason, the problem of vertical transmission requires more attention and an estimation of the impact of placental transfer for each of listed pathogens.

Congenital Tick Borne Diseases: Is This An Alternative Route of Transmission of Tick-Borne Pathogens In Mammals? | Abstract Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is committed to working closely with librarians to create collections of content that fulfill the informational needs of institutions while providing excellent value.

Congenital Lyme Disease - Lyme Disease UK 13/04/2017

There is some confusion surrounding the issue of congenital Lyme disease, as some patients and even medical practitioners are unaware that the disease is proven to be transmissible this way.

There have been 46 cases of congenital Lyme disease documented in peer-reviewed research papers and, in total to date, 161 cases confirmed by microscopy, antibody testing and/or culture of live Borrelia from fetal samples, recorded by doctors who specialise in treating patients with Lyme disease.

Congenital Lyme Disease - Lyme Disease UK Whilst patients and some researchers suspect various ways in which the Borrelia bacteria can be transmitted, so far the only proven methods are through tick bites, congenitally and, probably, via blood transfusions. In this guest blog post, the published evidence is summarised on congenital Lyme dis...


The bacteria could just be along for the ride, or a side effect of whatever caused the premature birth in the first place. But it’s possible that the microbes aren’t just bystanders. They could be influencing how a baby grows, in ways both good and bad.

Timeline photos 13/01/2016

In 1988, Nadal surveyed 1,416 women and their 1,434 infants at delivery for presence of antibodies to the Lyme spirochete. Twelve women tested positive (only one had a history compatible with EM during pregnancy), six had a history of pre-existing Lyme and five had unremarkable histories. Of these twelve women, seven had remarkable outcomes:

Two had elevated bilirubinemia
One had muscle hypotonia (laxness)
One was post-term, small for age, and evidenced chronic placental
One had transient macrocephaly (large head)
One had transient supraventricular extrasystoles ("skipped heart beats")
The infant born of the mother with EM had a VSD-hole in the heart connecting the two main pumping chambers.
Since none of these babies had positive blood tests for antibodies to Lyme, the conclusion was that the adverse outcomes were not due to Lyme. The major flaw in this conclusion is the assumption that congenital Lyme babies are seropositive. This has been refuted by the work of Dr. Alan MacDonald, and is analogous to the findings of seronegativity in congenital syphilis.

Timeline photos 13/01/2016

From mother to baby-
Scientists have long suspected that the spiral-shaped Lyme bacteria, Borrelia burgoferi, can be passed gestationally, since other "spirochetes" – most notably the syphilis bacteria – are known to be transmitted in the womb, causing a range of birth defects.

Transmission of the disease from mother to baby is a different issue. And the research noted that the placenta can become infected and cases of miscarriage have resulted from Lyme.

The CDC's advice is that anyone with a known Lyme disease infection, including pregnant women, should be treated with antibiotics.

'A tragedy'
We deal one-on-one with patients, and when we take the stories, the evidence is there.
- Dr. Norton Fishman
Fishman argues the reason evidence of gestational transmission hasn't been found is that sufficient studies haven't been done.

"As clinicians, we deal one-on-one with patients, and when we take the stories, the evidence is there," he said. "For some patients, they couldn't have gotten it any other way, and it makes sense that it could be transferred over nine months of gestation.

"It is a bit of tragedy for a child to find that they've had Lyme in their infancy, and young childhood – in fact, that they've been carrying the disease from birth," Fishman said.

Timeline photos 21/11/2015
Timeline photos 27/06/2015

The pathogenetic mechanisms of these tick borne infections are unique.
Since the fetus is essentially a graft of foreign tissue in the uterus, the placenta constitutes a protective immunologic barrier that shields the fetus from the mother's humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. This makes the fetus particularly susceptible to infection during the first trimester and the perinatal period.

Early in pregnancy the most complex events in embryogenesis take place, The immature fetus lacks the immunologic mechanisms necessary to completely eliminate an infecting organism. Therefore, a state of immunologic tolerance is often created, which results in persistence of organisms that ordinarily would be eliminated.

Clinical evidence of infection may be seen at birth, soon afterward, or not until years later.The infection can also lead to the late onset of the disease in what appears to be a "normal" newborn.

Gestational Lyme borreliosis. Implications for the fetus. - PubMed - NCBI 06/06/2015

.. It is my expectation that the spectrum of gestational Lyme borreliosis will expand into many of the clinical domains of prenatal syphilis. -Dr. Alan MacDonald

Gestational Lyme borreliosis. Implications for the fetus. - PubMed - NCBI Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 1989 Nov;15(4):657-77. Case Reports; Review

Syphilis and borreliosis during pregnancy - Hercogova - 2008 - Dermatologic Therapy - Wiley... 17/05/2015

Syphilis and lyme borreliosis have similar etiologic, clinical, and epidemiologic characteristics. Both are multisystem infectious disorders spread worldwide. Their clinical course can be divided into three stages and as to spirochetal origin, antibiotic therapy is similar too. Taxonomical relationship of Treponema and Borrelia could explain also congenital manifestations well-known in syphilis, and suggested in borreliosis. Therapy of pregnant women with syphilis and lyme borreliosis should follow the same strategy. full abstract available online.

Syphilis and borreliosis during pregnancy - Hercogova - 2008 - Dermatologic Therapy - Wiley... Hercogova, . and Vanousova, . (2008), Syphilis and borreliosis during pregnancy. Dermatologic Therapy, 21: 205–209. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8019.2008.00192.x

Dr. Charles Ray Jones 16/05/2015

Pediatrician Dr Jones discuses lyme disease/Borrelia and it's co infections Babesia and Bartonella in a 3 yr old child with Autism. Upon further inspection he finds tick borne disease in both mother and father and concludes the 3 yr old was exposed in utero.

Dr. Charles Ray Jones Dr. Jones speaks on the Lyme Autism Connection at the recent LIA (Lyme Induced Autism) Foundation conference in April, 2008. Full DVD set is available from h...

The Anemic and Thrombocytopenic Febrile Neonate - Journal of Emergency Medicine 11/05/2015

a 4-week-old male neonate with a temperature of 38.8°C (102.0°F) who presented to our pediatric emergency department with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and splenomegaly. Blood smear analysis demonstrated U-shaped parasitic rings within red blood cells consistent with babesiosis, confirmed by a positive Babesia microti antibody screen. The most likely exposure was in-utero transmission of the disease through transplacental migration of the parasite prior to birth. The patients Mother also tested positive.

The Anemic and Thrombocytopenic Febrile Neonate - Journal of Emergency Medicine To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect.

Molecular Evidence of Perinatal Transmission of Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and... 10/05/2015

Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, Bartonella henselae, or DNA of both organisms was amplified and sequenced from blood, enrichment blood cultures, or autopsy tissues from four family members. Historical and microbiological results support perinatal transmission of Bartonella species in this family. This is also a common lyme disease/Borrelia co infection.

Molecular Evidence of Perinatal Transmission of Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and... Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, Bartonella henselae, or DNA of both organisms was amplified and sequenced from blood, enrichment blood cultures, or autopsy tissues from four family members. Historical and microbiological results support perinatal ...

Mothers May Pass Lyme Disease to Children in the Womb 10/05/2015

Mothers May Pass Lyme Disease to Children in the Womb Doctors treating Lyme see evidence that pregnant women can transmit the disease to their children. But public health experts say the science isn't so clear

Dr Nicola McFadzean: Treatment for Chronic Lyme and Co Infections UNCUT (Sneak Peak with Bec Mills) 10/05/2015 Dr. McFadzean speaks about the kids she treated with Autism, and how she noticed the mothers suffered also with Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome. She found lyme disease in both mother and child.

Dr Nicola McFadzean: Treatment for Chronic Lyme and Co Infections UNCUT (Sneak Peak with Bec Mills) Learn how treating Autism led Dr Nicola McFadzean down the Lyme road, to where she is today. Beyond the Bandaid Founder, Bec Mills shares a sneak peak at thi...
