Discovering Biblical Church

Discovering Biblical Church

Our hope is that through DBC current and upcoming leaders would search the scriptures
to see God's blueprint for the Church.


Board of Prayer 18/02/2024

In a battle of the wills between church people, what if we stopped and asked God what His will was?

Board of Prayer Should a church board be known for their prayer times and love for one another? Or should they stick to financial and business matters?

Biblical Board Meetings 13/02/2024

Biblical board meetings? Does such a thing exist?

Biblical Board Meetings Church board meetings are often viewed as a necessary evil. Is it possible to do them in a more Biblical way?

Leadership Undeveloped 10/02/2024

It's time for the Church to bring people to Christ and then challenge them to give their lives in service to Him. When we develop leaders, why do we ignore the ones that God has already raised up in our midst?

Leadership Undeveloped Churches across America send away their young people who feel called into the ministry and then look for strangers to come in and lead their church. Does this make any sense? Is it Biblical?

Biblical Budgets 08/02/2024

"Lord, our money is Your money..." Does your local church agree?

Biblical Budgets Should church budgets be based upon Biblical principles? Or just whatever seems best or is most needed?

Two by Two 30/01/2024

What was Jesus' model for doing ministry? Is it our model too?

Two by Two In DBC Day 17 we are reminded that Jesus sent his disciples out two by two and that we are wise if we follow his example.

Biblical Burdens 29/01/2024

Why is being a pastor or church/ministry leader so hard? Could it be that we have taken on burdens that were never ours to bear? Could it be that we are single-handedly carrying burdens that were meant to be shared with others or with God?

Biblical Burdens Church leaders carry a lot of burdens, and DBC Day 16 wrestles with the issue of which burdens are from God and which ones come from the expectations of other people.

Shepherding the Flock 26/01/2024

Are you one of the shepherds in the church? Are you what Ezekiel 34 says a shepherd should be?

Shepherding the Flock DBC Day 15 focuses upon the responsibility of church leaders to watch over the flock of God, even in a megachurch.

Christ-Centered Instead of Consumer-Driven 23/01/2024

Is the Church changing our culture? Or is our culture changing the Church? What do you think?

Christ-Centered Instead of Consumer-Driven In Discovering Biblical Church Day 14 we are called away from the consumer-driven Christianity that plagues many churches today and back to Christ-centered living.

Qualities of Church Leaders 20/01/2024

"Maybe it's not such a great idea to send our best young people off to a distant Bible college or seminary and then try to recruit strangers to come and lead our church."

Qualities of Church Leaders In Discovering Biblical Church Day 13 we compare the qualities of church leaders called for in the New Testament with those that are called for by many churches today.

Biblical Titles for Church Leaders 17/01/2024

Are you thankful for your Christ-like and humble pastor? Why does this matter to churches today?

Biblical Titles for Church Leaders Jesus told us not to take on titles such as "Father" or "Teacher" and yet most church leaders do that very thing. Most church leaders have a title before their name that exalts them above everyone else.

Elders Instead of Priests or Senior Pastors 12/01/2024

How many verses are there in the Bible that talk about churches being led by a senior pastor, a priest, a reverend, or any of the many other titles we give the head church leader?

Elders Instead of Priests or Senior Pastors Whenever the Apostles wrote to or interacted with the churches of the New Testament, the churches were led by a group of elders, not a solo overseer such as a senior pastor or priest. So why don't we do the same?

Plural Leadership 08/01/2024

This may offend some in the church, and that's okay...

Plural Leadership In DBC Day 10 we are challenged to think about what our churches would look like if they were led by a team of elders who shared the load of teaching and shepherding rather than relying on one or two professional clergy or staff to do it all.

Biblical Church Leadership 06/01/2024

Can the church move together in unity with a plurality of leaders? Or is that the craziest idea ever?

Biblical Church Leadership The New Testament teaches us that churches are to be led by a group of elders made up of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. So why are most churches led by one senior pastor or priest?

The State of the Church 03/01/2024

What is the Spirit saying to the church in the US?
What is the Spirit saying to the local church to which you belong?
What steps will you take to point the church in that direction?

The State of the Church What is the state of the Church in the US? Healthy and growing or in decline? Where do we go from here?

Called to Minister 02/01/2024

The story of a tired pastor, can you relate?

Called to Minister The Bible teaches us that all followers of Christ are a part of His body and are called to minister to others. So why do we act as if only a few are called to ministry?

Sunday Morning Performances 31/12/2023

Do we go to church to see a performance? Or is it something more?

Sunday Morning Performances Many church services have become nothing more than Sunday morning performances rather than a meeting of God and His people. It that God's will for His church?

Biblical Churches Change Lives 29/12/2023

How has being part of the church changed your life?

Biblical Churches Change Lives Are people at your church just going through the Sunday morning motions? Or are they changing the lives of the people around them?

Church Yesterday and Today 28/12/2023

What if the way we are doing church isn't the way Jesus intended for church to be?

Church Yesterday and Today The New Testament describes churches and believers that are passionate for God, moving forward in unity, winning people to Christ and changing lives. Does that describe churches today?

What Makes A Church Strong 26/12/2023

When your church meets together, do only a select few sing or speak?

What Makes A Church Strong Many church leaders today would say churches are made strong by good preaching, a talented worship band, excellent programs, beautiful buildings, an attractive website, etc. But the New Testament says that churches are made strong when each member does it

The Head of the Church 23/12/2023

Who is the head of your church? Is it your pastor and the staff?

The Head of the Church In the New Testament Jesus is proclaimed as the head of the church. So why do we act as if the senior pastor or priest is the head of the church? Every believer in Christ can hear from God and be led by Him!

Priesthood of All Believers 21/12/2023

Ever felt 'called' to do the work of the ministry? Guess what, you were right! We are ALL called to be ministers.

Priesthood of All Believers The New Testament teaches the priesthood of all believers, without the distinction between clergy and laity that we see in many churches today.

The Church Is the People 20/12/2023

If someone asked you, "Where is your church?' what would you tell them?

The Church Is the People The word "church" in the Bible refers to people. So why do we use the same word for church buildings, church services, and church organizations? And what do we lose in all the confusion?

The Temple of God 19/12/2023

Where does God live?

The Temple of God God doesn't dwell in temples or sanctuaries built by human hands -- he lives in His people! We are the temple of God -- He lives in us!

The Body of Christ 18/12/2023

God never intended the entire weight of the church to be on the shoulders of one man. Read more here:

The Body of Christ Many churches in the Body of Christ are crippled by reliance on professional clergy and staff. Many members are paralyzed by inactivity ; there is no place for them to exercise their God-given gifts and talents.

What is Church? 15/12/2023

Have you ever wondered what it means to be the church?

What is Church? The church is not a building nor a service, it's the people! How we think about church changes how we think about ourselves and about God.