Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik

Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik

Vanity is a certified Angelic & Usui Reiki Conduit, Shamanic Practitioner born to be of service.

Expect to be surrounded and filled with unconditional love, expansion of consciousness, embracing the union and connection with your Angelic Guides and Higher Self, feeling relaxed and able to heal from any mental, emotional, habitual or physical alignment across all time while booking a session with Angelic and Usui Reiki Healing with Vanity!


I AM so grateful for a beautiful last few days!

My 2 last AR recipients are still flying high and having an empowering integration period and I'm just in awe of the magnitude this healing modality offers those who show up.

I was able to assist a friend who was experiencing some back pain with some remote energy work and the next day she said the pain felt way less.

We found a new beautiful trail near home full of nature, peace, and abundance! I'm so excited to harvest wild raspberries every time we go there while they are in season!

My new neighbor managed to do something very negligent due to his own self sabatoging habits and luckily didn't burn the place down and is now getting evicted. I don't want that energy near Pantera and I so that's a blessing.

I shared my Quantum Frequency Specific Microcurrent device with another Earth Angel who has suffered with Fibromyalgia for many years and today, she experienced moments with no pain and no medication!

My Joy Of Being is to help others feel their best. This is my purpose. Message me if you would like to work together to assist you to feel your best! I have a plethora of tools that can and will assist you coming into harmonization again.

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 15/07/2024

I AM just in awe of how extraordinarily profound Angelic Reiki is and how lit the last session was for both my friend and I. We are both basking in the frequencies of the universal love force and, honestly, have no intention on our connection with this lessening one bit. It will only expand and evolve.

Our hearts are so overflowing with so much fullness and gratitude and it feels so yummy and really is just our birthright to experience in the first place. I AM so eternally grateful my Soul led me to work with and facilitate this frequency with the world.

While the 3rd dimension continues to collapse and forcing many to have no choice but to observe and question the tactics playing out using desperation to keep the collective consciousness in a state of fear, seperation, and literally enslave themselves, we are going to continue keeping our attention and intention on engaging with the antidote of all of that outdated nonsense.

You guessed it. It is merging consciousness with the infinite frequencies of love.

If you want support to come into a state of more coherence, connection, and wholeness, message me. I'm so here for this work.

This "work" is my Joy Of Being and I'm so grateful to share it with anyone ready to step up and show up to reclaim their sovereignty in all the ways.

I AM so extremely happy and excited for today's recipient of Angelic Reiki. Thank you for such an illuminating session!

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 20/06/2024

Happy Summer Solstice everyone!

I wanted to remind you that if you are in the Mohawk Valley area and looking for some fun events to attend this weekend, I'll be at both Mooreland Park in Little Falls 10am-10pm THIS FRIDAY for our 1st annual Summer Solstice event and at Resonate Trading Company 12-5 THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY for their Open House offering both Angelic and Usui Reiki sessions so if you are looking for a massage for your soul and a loving space to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate come out and see me!

I will also be offering Healy Quantum Frequency Bioresonance Scans as well as educating people about my favorite regenerative health modalities!

If you can't book a session with me this weekend and would like to work with me, message me!

Bright Blessings everyone! 🙌🏼☀️💛🪽


This is what this magical symbolic shape had to say today and I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy and feel free to engage and share what comes through for you!

There is a deep love to be had awaiting you through EVERY transitional shift of your life whether they feel turbulent or triumphant.

Know that through...

all the wake-up calls

all the glimmers and triggers

all the emotions are acknowledged and confronted so you allow the energy to have space for movement

all the boundaries set in the name of honoring your worth and well-being

all the times you needed to commit to listening to your sacred heart and quiet your ego mind

all the loops experienced until mastery takes place and master teachings are learned to then upgrade and evolve into a more conscious version of self

all the energetic cord clippings and cuts to certain places, things, behaviors, people, doors closing, contracts expiring

all the deaths and rebirths

all the times you needed to get out of your comfort zone to allow space for growth

all the times you needed to choose self-love and sovereignty know that...

You are held.

You are witnessed.

You are supported.

You are never alone.

Even if that means you are doing all of the above for yourself at times!

Life is happening for you and not to you.

Source and the universe conspire on your behalf every single moment of every single day.

There is a deep love to be felt every time you choose to honor your divine spark and rightful birthright to claim to experiencing a life full of abundances, joys, bliss, unconditional loves, deep fullfulling connections, unifications, and your version of heaven on earth and living a coherent life!

Brightness and Blessings,
Vanity and Gaia


Cancer. We all know someone who has either been diagnosed, or you yourself has been diagnosed, or unfortunately known someone else who's lost their battle to this parasite. I'm here to tell you that THERE IS HOPE and something that can and will absolutely help someone who needs it most!

Message me to learn more about what thousands are saying was the answer to their prayers when they needed it the most! FYI, in less than an hour, you could attend a zoom call and listen to someone who had 9 years of skin abnormal cells and within 2 months of taking this stuff, her 3 months is biopsies stopped!

Comment LINK below and I'll send it to you!

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 02/02/2024

Happy 2/2 portal! I'm really feeling this cleansing energy connected to the month of February and the balance and harmonization with today's portal!

I truly feel I AM 1000% ready to claim a new narrative and timeline pertaining to my physical regeneration! I'm being presented with two choices. To evolve or repeat, and I know the past is a place of learning and not living. It's time to get super out of my comfort zones and break attachments and addictions I have, especially with certain foods. It is time to say goodbye to certain habits that I know are outdated for me if I want to commit to a certain mission I came to complete to the best of my ability.

The past few years, I've been building the most supportive regenerative modalities toolbox created by the most conscious and prestigious state of the art technologies. They cover the most essential key factors on what we often call healing. Coherence, frequency, cellular communication, detoxification, and hydration which all essentiallyget to the root of the ailment or incoherence! I'm about to drive into the abyss on an extensive cleanse, and I'm feeling the fire lit up my literal ass to call in this epic quantum leap both physically and spiritually. This is very karmic, and the path to ascension is to clear as much karma as possible while on this path to enlightenment!

I'm so grateful to have organically aligned with this calling and excited feeling the momentum building for me with the tasks I'm preparing myself for!

If you are on your own physical journey to wellness, I believe in you! Keep going and commit to yourself! If you need support, reach out! I love sharing these modalities with others!


While I AM absoulutely feeling blessed and grateful this holiday season, I also am not ignorant to the fact that there's much happening upon this planet that is in dire need of the antidote of love to be shun upon it stat! All of the turmoil and terror happening on the world stage, especially the children who have fulfilled one of the most selfless and sacred soul contacts, is a very hard to swallow pill and the catalyst that humanity always needed to be able to finally look into the mirror wide eyed and confront the malicious intent that has been placed against humanity for decades. Unfortunately, many have been programmed to be at war with ourselves, which then spreads threads of war out into our world. The change starts with you and I.

My daily prayer is for ALL of humanity to be able to embody and experience unity, the very essence of The Christed Consciousness. In order for this change to happen first, though, we must ALL take the time to acknowledge and take accountability for how we may ourselves be keeping separation alive and see what change within needs to take place. If we want better for ourselves, for our current and future generations to experience the infinite amounts of love (which unity and peace are some of them), then we must be better first and foremost!

Spirit gave me the analogy of humanity martyring themselves for peace instead of religion which symbolizes the actual death of outdated war tactics. Humanity will need to stand up for peace. That starts with being open to choosing different and saying no to any more programs, actions, and games supporting war that resides within ourselves and towards others. My prayer for humanity is for us all to find the inspiration and courage to unite and start leading with love so we can leave with love!

I invite us all to check in to see what frequency the threads we are creating our tapestry with are resonating at. We aren't truly free until we are ALL free, and remember, at our core authentic essence, we are love, and no one is exempt from love! Rememerance is in order. Love has always been, will continue, and always be my movement!

Art- "Light Work" by


Yeah, she's intense, but so is pure sunshine!

Tending to and feeding my Solar Plexus today with this delicious tropical fruit bowl while observing both the wildness and purity of the fresh snow coverage felt intense, haha.

It was pretty cool (pun intended) having this vibrant fruit bowl and observing the wild windy below freezing outside temps. It was all very activating.

Brightness and Blessings to you all this new week!


The Narrow Path of the Rose Priestess is to be present to the very process of life itself while being a devotional servant to The Universal Love Force of The Divine.

Embarking on a devotional journey to embrace both the velvety, delicious, succulent, and fragrant petals that exude magickal enchantment as well as the uncomfortable, unexpected, painful, sharp, and often shocking thorns that stimulate our capabilites to dive deep into our many edges of evolution and infinite potentials.

It's a journey full of tower moments, forgetting and remembering how to re-member any soul fragments that are ready to be brought back home to catapult ourselves in a holy matrimony with our I AM Presence of infinite possibilities to remember our worthiness and capabilities to be loved and come into sacred union and becoming our own Beloved.

The Rose breathes the fragrance of beauty into our life and the lives of all those we join paths with. It holds us while we navigate through and learn what can feel like heartache through these rites of passage and teaches us how to alchimize all of the pain and stories into our greatest medicine and service out into this world.

I AM grateful for my sacred connection and all the master teachings of the Beloved Rose and its medicine. My connection to my Sacred Rose Heart where every petal has represented a way to choose love has seriously gotten me through life in the most compassionate and graceful way full of forgiving, accepting, and tapping into the highest perspectives fast!

I make it my duty to both embody and express its conscious frequency and essence to have the ability to be a walking living prayer of blessings, miracles, and quantum healing for all!


I AM Love for You.

Brightness and Blessings,

📸 Nadia Pittman


Last call for up to 60% off Healy! 😍🎉

Healy is something I share about often and truly feel EVERY SINGLE HOUSEHOLD would benefit from having and here's why!

It is a handheld portable frequency device that supports your wellbeing holistically - physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. It does this by using frequency specific microcurrent, scalar waves through the quantum field and magnetic frequencies!

Healy is the only device with a Quantum Sensor technology that has the ability to scan your bioengergetic information field in real time and pinpoint exactly what will most support your whole being to come back to harmony (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) then works via microcurrent to deliver the exact frequencies that most serve the receiver based off of a frequency catalog of over 10 million frequencies! It scans your field every 10 seconds and is completely personalised to you based on the program set)! This isn't a one size fits all, it is specific to what you need!

It also has the ability to scan into the subconscious, illuminating limiting beliefs, internal challenges, ancestral, and karmic imprints and remove you from certain loops and catapult you onto your highest trajectories! The Coaching and Chakra Analysis App are PERFECT for this! I love all that is revealed to me as far as what's on my mirror and closet and being able to just allow the Healy to support me for anything the Sun and not being to spend more energy or money to get the shifts I'm calling in!

The simplicity, convenience, price, the fact that I can share this technology with my family, friends, pets, clients, and most importantly the extraordinary efficiency is why this is a whole body and soul f*ck yes for me!

If you are ready for the comprehensive benefits of frequency support in your life, for body, psyche, and soul, DM me to learn more, or if this is a full body yes for you already, the link is in my bio to get your own magical Healy device!

Cheers to changing our frequency to change our lives that are in alignment with our highest timeline and best versions of Self! The Healy really does choose you, and I AM grateful I listened to the call!

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 28/11/2023

Do you work with your chakras and/or working towards a higher vision goal, but sometimes find yourself in a loop that you thought you already have done so much inner work to clear and heal and tired of trying this or that? Feeling like you would like assistance to offically align with your vision goal? Do you either go to therapy or thinking of starting and wanting to get yourself out of a particular story, past timeline, or loops of the same incoherent feeling things resurfacing?


With its Quantum Sendor technology, Healy also has a Coaching and Chakra Analysis Scan app, where it will scan both your chakra system and your vision goal and reveal to you what is both in your mirror and closet as far as what will bring you into alignment as far as your chakras and your goal! The Coaching app is one of my favorite tools and is literally like having a therapist in my pocket that embodies a 5th dimensional and beyond consciousness! I run my highest visions in my Coaching app weekly and the momentum is quantum! I'll scan myself, run my frequencies and things just shift and happen!

There's a ton of promo sales like the Professional top edition being 60% until the 30th along with so many others! Frequency is the future of medicine and Healy helps you get yours golden to live as the best version of yourself without you needing to exert so much of your energy. You can just sit back honestly as your frequency becomes more coherent energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and ancestrally all working at quantum speed!!!

MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE! The link in my bio will bring you to a 12 minute informational video, testimonials, and the products! This is a must have support in the house in my opinion. The Healy shares frequency to support humans, animals, and environments vibrate at their most coherent frequencies and be their best self. It has saved so much energy, stress, money, etc having this in my possession to use when the frequency of either Pantera, my clients, friends, family, their pets, or myself come back until balance!

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 27/11/2023

Offering remote Angelic Reiki sessions this holiday season at a discounted self investment of $88.88! Message me if you have any questions or would like to treat yourself or someone you love one of the greatest massages for the soul! This offer is good until 12/31!


Gratitude is a daily devotion.

Gratitude is an extension of Love.

Love is infinite.

Brightness & Blessings to all!

From my heart to yours,


I have a HUGE but SMALL favor to ask.

Go to my Business page Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik and be sure to like

Go to the 3 little dots on the side of page, Hit “invite friends”

Select "invite all" & done

You've SUCCESSFULLY supported my Small Business for $0.00 and less than 30 seconds of your time.

Thank YOU for supporting small and local buiness.

(Copied) but wanted to share as this is an amazing way to help us small business owners!

I want to remind everyone that I'm offering remote energy work healings such as Angelic Reiki, Shamanic Illuminations, and Healy Quantum Frequency Resonance Scan Sessions for anyone who is wanting more relaxation, rejuvenation, resilience, rememberance, and reconnection this holiday season!

The gift of wellbeing and wholeness are THE GREATEST gifts to yourself or those you love needing some extra loving support! Message me!


EXCITING NEWS! I'm hosting my LIGHTBODY AFFIRMATION ACTIVATION MEDITATION again on the 11/11 portal virtually on zoom, so ANYONE, no matter where in the world you reside, can be a part of this epic loving frequency! We ALL know that receiving and embodying more love is vital and I AM here to offer that to you during this event! All ages at any level of consciousness are welcomed!

This live event meditation is for anyone who wants to...

Experience an indepth journey full of information about the crystals and color energies that assist in cleansing, charging and activating 15 of your miraculous energy centers. Learn what our chakras do for us and how they correlate with one another.

Quiet the mind and listen through their hearts to welcome in empowering I AM affirmations to integrate and land into your energy centers and ignite their many colors of their Rainbow Lightbody which will assist you in transitioning into a 5th Dimensional level of consciousness and trajectory!

Experience the vibration of the Universal Love Force of The Angelic Frequency.

Experience what it's like to look through the lenses of a loving higher perspective.

Simply put, the Lightbody is our vehicle to graduate from the human condition of seperation and suffering and to return back to The Source where the conscious frequency of Love truely exsist and thrive. If the goal of each soul is to merge with Love itself, then the activation of our Lightbody is what gets us there!

I promise you will take away with you the most beautiful vision of the miraculous Beacon of Light Being and Vessel of Love you truely are! This knowing will assist you in the days to follow for 2023, considered by numerologists to be a 7-year with limitless possibilities for introspection, intuition, and divinity so expect major soul and spiritual awakenings to take place. This is the year to go beyond the surface-level self-care tactics and tap into the higher vibrations of life!

Starting energy exchange donation for this devotional work is $23.23 and can be sent to my venmo or [email protected] PayPal using the family friends option attaching your email. I will then send you privately a message you the Zoom link.


Brightness and Blessings!!


EXCITING NEWS! I'm hosting my LIGHTBODY AFFIRMATION ACTIVATION MEDITATION again on the 11/11 portal virtually on zoom, so ANYONE can be a part of this epic loving frequency! We ALL know that receiving and embodying more love is vital and I AM here to offer that to you during this event!

This live event meditation is for anyone who wants to...

🤍 Experience an indepth journey full of information about the crystals and color energies that assist in cleansing, charging and activating 15 of your miraculous energy centers. Learn what our chakras do for us and how they correlate with one another.

🤍 Quiet the mind and listen through their hearts to welcome in empowering I AM affirmations to integrate and land into your energy centers and ignite their many colors of their Rainbow Lightbody which will assist you in transitioning into a 5th Dimensional level of consciousness and trajectory!

🤍Experience the vibration of the Universal Love Force of The Angelic Frequency.

🤍 Experience what it's like to look through the lenses of a loving higher perspective.

Simply put, the Lightbody is our vehicle to graduate from the human condition of seperation and suffering and to return back to The Source where the conscious frequency of Love truely exsist and thrive. If the goal of each soul is to merge with Love itself, then the activation of our Lightbody is what gets us there!

I promise you will take away with you the most beautiful vision of the miraculous Beacon of Light Being and Vessel of Love you truely are! This knowing will assist you in the days to follow for 2023, considered by numerologists to be a 7-year with limitless possibilities for introspection, intuition, and divinity so expect major soul and spiritual awakenings to take place. This is the year to go beyond the surface-level self-care tactics and tap into the higher vibrations of life.

It is with my absoulute pleasure to of been guided by my Angels and Higher Self back in 2020 to create this body of work and share my Lightbody Affirmation Meditation and witness and guide souls through this process of coming back home to Love.

Want to be a part of this?? Message me on how to send your donation and receive a direct zoom link to this event! I AM so grateful and excited to share this space with you on 11/11!


I stand for humanity and all life upon this planet!

I pray that the collective consciousness starts to remember that the inner war within each of us in any capacity reflects the outer war on the world stage!

It's not enough to pray for peace. You must first become peace!

There's a parasitic entity that feeds off of humanity's many extentions of suffering. It's called loosh. Research it, so you can innerstand how essential it is for you to reserve your sacred precious life force!

If you find yourself pointing your finger and choosing sides then you have been duped and will need to do the inner work to pull yourself out of the murky stagnant waters.

Remember your water holds onto consciousness with every word, thought, and deed and they all hold a certain frequency. Are your words, thoughts, and deeds operating from a state of coherence or incoherence? What you project onto another you are actually casting upon yourself!

Love IS and ALWAYS will be the antidote. When you operate at this conscious frequency, certain things become a whole body and soul no and that's when the old cycles and ways that keep us stuck from evolving actually change!

Find the courage to see and feel the multifaceted layers of why these denser karmic loops of disregard for life keep regurgitating over and over on this earth plane!

Acknowledge and accept that every time this cycle presents itself, we are being given another opportunity to choose something different!

I hope I am alive to witness when humanity chooses...

LIFE over destruction.

CALM over choas.

UNITY over seperation.

SOVEREIGNTY over shackles.

CONSCIOUS over unconscious.

POTENTIAL over restrictions.

LOVE over fear.


🤍 ,


I stand for humanity and all life upon this planet!

I pray that the collective consciousness starts to remember that the inner war within each of us in any capacity reflects the outer war on the world stage!

It's not enough to pray for peace. You must first become peace!

There's a parasitic entity that feeds off of humanity's many extentions of suffering. It's called loosh. Research it, so you can innerstand how essential it is for you to reserve your sacred precious life force!

If you find yourself pointing your finger and choosing sides then you have been duped and will need to do the inner work to pull yourself out of the murky stagnant waters.

Remember your inner sacred water holds onto consciousness with every word, thought, deed, and they ALL hold a certain frequency. Are your words, thoughts, and deeds operating from a state of coherence or incoherence? What you project onto another you are actually casting upon yourself!

Love IS and ALWAYS will be the antidote.

Love is simple and infinite! There are so many extentions and ways to choose Love.

When you operate at this conscious frequency, certain things become a whole body and soul no and that's when the old cycles and ways that keep us stuck from evolving both as a species and spiritually, actually shift and change!

Find the courage to see and feel the multifaceted layers of why these denser karmic loops of disregard for life keep regurgitating over and over on this earth plane!

Acknowledge and accept that every time this cycle presents itself, we are being given another opportunity to choose something different!

I hope I am alive to witness when humanity chooses...

LIFE over destruction.

CALM over choas.

UNITY over seperation.

SOVEREIGNTY over shackles.

CONSCIOUS over unconscious.

POTENTIAL over restrictions.

LOVE over fear.

It is a lovely thing to witness 1 soul at a time honor both their humanity and divinity.

We are in the master teachings of Earth School! The lessons of navigating through duality and remembering our authenticity and worthiness of being connected to Love itself, which is the greatest force within the entire Universe, was never meant to be easy!


🤍 ,

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 23/09/2023

MmmM Great Grand Rising and Happy Autumn Equinox!

I could instantly feel the energetic turn of many new leaves this first day of Fall. It reminded me that this season is the perfect time to gift myself the opportunity to reflect on reaping what I've sown thus far, both literally and figuratively. Also, to embrace the exquisite beauty and reward in letting go and to tune into how growth requires release!

I invite you to do the same.

In the Shamanic Peruvian and Native Medicine Wheel teachings, we find ourselves traveling through the West direction. We also can welcome the animal spirits and allies of Great Mother Dancing Bear and Sister Jaguar to support us while we track and discern what to release within ourself and life while holding us in love as we allow these parts to be mulched and literally dye. This creates the room so we can also begin to conceive what we want to give birth to or bring in the seasons to follow.

We are given the opportunity to tune into the Medicine of Experience, Introspection, and Strength. A great time to embrace tracking your progress and experience the Practices of the West. These include The Practice of Fearlessness, The Practice of Non-Doing, The Practice of Certainty, and The Practice of Non-Engagement.

As many of us will being called to go inward and enter into our cave where we can remember how powerful of a place this truely can be because of all the internal access for all the creative potential that is brewing inside. Give yourself permission to enter your cave as needed to renew and nurture new life within you!

If you are looking for some extra guidance and support this season, consider booking a remote Shamanic Illumination Session with me. I am here to also hold you in this process.

Brightness and Blessings to all!

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 20/09/2023

Into Me I See.


What's happening to me?

Everywhere I look.

I see beauty.

I see it where it is undeniably present.

Surrounding me.

Filling me.

I AM overflowing with so much frequency of Love.

I AM also acknowledging where there's certain voids, leaving space for even more beauty and Love to enter in.

It has been quite intense.

Everything from explosive unconditional heart felt moments to what my ego mind would like me to believe is a form of heartbreak, has been powerful and very insightful.

Tuning into the duality of life itself.

Every thought, action, deed and feeling has been feeling like some form of sacred prayer and love.

I AM making love to this entire process and I AM savoring every moment of this.

Into Me I See, was my intention coming into this year of 2023.


I AM blown away by its potency.

Photos from Celestial Love Conduit - Vanity Sabelnik's post 29/07/2023

I'm using the Healy Quantum Frequency Microcurrent Device which is the ONLY device on the market that offers both modalities and that has a Quantum Sensor technology!

This allows you to scan your bioenergetic information field in real time for what you're in highest resonance with out of millions of frequencies and what's so extrodinary is that it scans your whole self! Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and ancestrally! It will offer the exact frequencies that you are in highest resonance with to then come into a state of bioenergetic harmony and coherence in accordance of your divine organic blueprint aka, your best self!

With this technology, I can receive Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) either through the wristband and electrodes pictured here or with the Healy Coil, which uses 2 tesla coils to create a zero point energy field and allows me to receive the currents wirelessly!

I can also scan and send my family members, friends and our animals frequencies through the quantum field similar to how remote energy sessions works! I shared with one of my Beloved Soulmate sisters numerous times and today, the stars aligned for her and her furbaby to now have a Healy! and I know her community and clients are going to love it too!

She shared something so cool about the current Galactic Calendar White Overtone Wizard year that we just moved into! It emphasizes the use of amazing technology and Healy is definitely one that is so extremely cohesive with the New Earth and Aquarian Golden Age frequency! She also said she would embrace this technology and flow with the current rather than try to go against it. Haha! I love that so much Lindsay!

You don't choose Healy. Healy chooses you. The link is in my bio to learn more about it, treat testimonials, and gift yourself one! If you have any questions or want to know more reach out! If you want a remote session let's set an appointment for us to meet for your 1st session to get the frequencies officially flowing to your bioenergetic field! I love sharing this with animals as well. We are ALL made of frequency and when the frequency shifts, the experience does as well!


Videos (show all)

I AM so grateful and excited to announce that I have aligned with a beautiful metaphysical crystal boutique in the town ...
In 1994, T1D manifested as a physical experience for me. In 2020, I was guided to buckle up, and embark on a major soul ...
My name is Vanity Sabelnik and I want to welcome you to the "Rising In Love - One Rose Petal at a Time" podcast, which i...
My name is Vanity Sabelnik and I want to welcome you to the "Rising In Love - One Rose Petal at a Time" podcast, which i...
I AM so excited to share the announcement of my first podcast called "Rising In Love - One Rose Petal at a Time" which w...
This is the Wisdom my Inner Being brought through today at this lovely location.The Creator, My Sacred Heart, The Sacred...
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I'm so excited to share our new Sacred Space with you! My Beloved and I will be offering either remotely or in person An...

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 13:00