Restorative Wellness Solutions

Restorative Wellness Solutions

Restorative Wellness Solutions (RWS) is a two-year functional nutrition training program

Restorative Wellness Solutions (RWS) is a functional nutrition training program that provides advanced certification to qualified health professionals.


Wondering what comes first - the hormones or the gut?⁠

Some might answer that it depends on the symptoms you or your client are experiencing. ⁠

But, at RWS we disagree. And, we actually have a very specific answer to this question. ⁠

Learn more on our blog - link in bio. ⁠


After completing all four levels of Restorative Wellness Solutions, students have amassed an impressive - and uber effective - toolkit to help any client navigate their way back to health. They have the knowledge and experience to support complex clients, tailoring protocols based on their unique needs.

But, just because you’re able to help complex clients doesn’t mean you can forget about the basics. Instead, it means you need to double down on the basics - just like Master RWP Jen Dreisch !

Read more about why Jen starts with the gut - every. single. time. - and why you should, too.  ➡️ Link to Blog in Bio: “Why This Master RWP Always Starts With The Gut”

And, if you’re ready to start with the gut, don’t forget to sign-up for our upcoming session of Mastering The Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing. Early bird pricing is still available! Link in Bio to Apply ➡️”Course: Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing”


Do you find yourself saying “I really want to take that course, but I can’t afford it right now” or “I’m not sure it will be worth the money”...?

If so, you’re going to want to check out our latest blog post. Inspired by a masterclass held with a group of RWS students last year, we’re sharing 3 steps to pay for your class before it even starts. These are the same steps RWS instructors have used in their own practice to generate cash flow and advance their skills. And, they’re practical steps you can implement right now, too!

Ready to snag these tips? Head to the link in our bio ➡️ “Blog: Make Your Money Back Before Class Starts: 3 Steps You Can Take Right Now”


The harsh reality is that most people have some type of food sensitivity. 

And, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to heal those food sensitivities. In fact, they may not even know they have them.

Food sensitivities are an often overlooked factor that may be keeping you or your clients stuck and, when you do know you have one, an elimination diet is rarely enough to help you heal. 

Check out our free masterclass on how to identify and heal food sensitivities where you’ll learn exactly what you can do to speed up your client’s healing process and get them life-changing results. ➡️Link in Bio: FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Navigate & Heal Food Sensitivities


Are you ready to start getting your clients master level results? If so, be sure to check out our foundational course Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing ➡️Link in bio - “Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing”

Here’s what you’ll gain when you enroll:
✅In-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and nutrition principles
✅Understanding of the body’s natural healing priorities
✅Specialized training on key factors keeping your clients sick, including digestive dysfunction, nutrient deficiencies, and more
✅The ability to run and interpret advanced lab testing
✅The ability to develop custom, targeted healing protocols 
✅The ability to deliver clients consistent, measurable results
✅Continuing education opportunities 
✅Access to a community of like-minded practitioners for support and guidance when you need it

Our next session starts on August 29th. BUT, this course regularly sells out - so, we encourage you to save your spot now. PLUS, when you enroll by August 14th, you’ll save over $500 off registration and get over $3,000 worth of business-building bonuses. 


👇👇👇 Read on for the secret(s) to business success for nutrition practitioners 👇👇👇

Our minds are powerful and have a profound influence on our reality. Adopting a success mindset is the first step in growing your practice. Look out for limiting beliefs, take cues from your mentors, and get clear on your “why”.

As a practitioner, clients are the lifeblood of your business. Niche down to make your marketing more effective, use social media to create greater awareness of your offering (also a great way for your niche audience to find you), and - more important than anything else - be consistent!

Clients are paying for results, so having the tools to support true healing is the most important factor when building a successful practice. Developing the clinical skills needed to get to the root cause of your client’s health issues is critical to building a booming business. Test, don’t guess, and remember that results refer - the more consistently you’re able to deliver life-changing transformations, the more consistent your referral stream will be.

The fourth and final piece of building a powerful, profitable practice is mastering your time management. This will help you stay focused on the things that will actually move the needle - for your clients and for your business. It’s important to think about your time as a dollar value. To make sure you’re allocating your time as efficiently as possible and focusing on tasks that will drive value, tighten up your calendar availability, plan tomorrow’s day tonight, and plan on doing the hardest thing first each day. 

Did we miss any? If you have additional tips that have supported you in your practice, we want to know. Share in the comments below!


🛑Stop struggling in your nutrition practice! 🛑 

Over the past decade, we’ve mentored and trained thousands of practitioners on how to get better results in their nutrition practice and have supported countless clients in restoring true health. 

Along the way, we noticed a reoccuring theme - the same three pain points were keeping practitioners stuck and preventing their clients from getting results. 

The good news? There are simple steps you can take to overcome these blocks and build a successful, sustainable practice right now! 

Join us for a FREE live masterclass on June 21st where we’ll share behind the scenes insights on what works, what doesn’t, and how to build a practice that works harder for you and your clients. 

✨From Stuck to Unstoppable ✨
How To Overcome The Top 3 Pain Points of Nutrition Professionals 
Wednesday, June 21st
2:00pm PT / 5:00pm ET

Head to the link in our bio to save your seat!


Don’t be fooled. 

Even the most successful practitioners don’t have all the answers. With the range of ways client’s present with symptoms, the variance in specific lab results, and the way our environment is constantly changing, the most successful practitioners rely on tried and true tools and frameworks to navigate the nuances of each client’s situation and develop a personalized path back to health. 

Are you ready to step into what a successful practitioner REALLY looks like? If so, register now for Mastering The Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing ➡️Link in bio


“RWS has opened up doors for my clients to have a complete view of their health. I now inherit clients from other (MD level) practitioners who have been supported around only one angle of their health.” - Elizabeth Sharrett, on how her practice has transformed since becoming a Restorative Wellness Practitioner.

Being able to see the full picture of what is going on inside your client’s body is key to identifying and addressing the root cause of your client’s health issues and facilitating true healing. When you’re able to uncover the exact cause of your client’s symptoms and work with the body’s natural healing priorities to support them, the results are incredible. 

Want to become the go-to practitioner for getting consistently amazing results, like Elizabeth? Check out our foundational course, Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing. Link in bio ➡️”Course: Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing”


Elizabeth () is a Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner who has healed herself from multiple autoimmune conditions and who dedicates her time teaching women and children how to resolve common - but not normal - health issues, including heartburn, gas, thyroid, constipation, bloat, eczema, ADHD, and diabetes.


Yup, you read that right. Registration for all courses opens Monday, 6/12 and we’re kicking it off with a bang with our Fast Mover discount. 

🚨But, spots are limited 🚨

The last time we ran our fast mover discount, one of our classes sold out in 6 minutes - SIX MINUTES, FOLKS! 😲

Mark your calendars and make sure you’re signed up for our email list so you get notified as soon as registration opens. 


Making functional nutrition more accessible is more important than ever before, which is why we’re excited to feature Restorative Wellness Practitioner Lauren Curry, an ICU nurse and owner of a thriving private functional nutrition practice , who is on a mission to do just that. 

Leveraging what she’s learned from RWS, Lauren is working to bridge the gap between conventional medicine and functional nutrition. Check out our latest blog post to learn more about what Lauren is doing to support her ICU patients and private practice clients as well as her top tips to building a busy, referral-based practice - Link in bio!

Photos from Restorative Wellness Solutions's post 06/06/2023

Feeling like you’re only able to scratch the surface with your clients? 

If so, please know that it’s not a reflection of you. It just means that you don’t have the right practitioner toolkit (yet).

The reality is, to get results like these you need the right clinical skills to support you. That’s exactly what our comprehensive program is designed to do - equip you with master-level skills to get to the root cause of your clients’ health issues and help them navigate towards sustainable, long-term health.

Ready to grow your toolkit and start getting your clients results like these? Head to the link in our bio to learn more ➡️ “Curriculum” 


Supplements are critical to helping our clients restore proper function and balance within their bodies. And yet, so few practitioners are comfortable and confident in how to work with supplements in a way that is safe and effective.

This is where we come in! Just as said, our program focuses extensively on preparing our practitioners to work with supplements in a way that gets their clients better results, faster. 

If supplements are something that feel overwhelming, confusing, or even scary to you, we encourage you to check out our foundational course, Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing. Simply head to the link in our bio!


Something we all have in common? 


Work deadlines, toddler tantrums, financial hardships, traffic, lost phone, aging parents, 248 unread emails, a loved one’s diagnosis - stress is a constant part of life these days.

It was long thought that our adrenals were the driver of our stress response - something we are constantly depleting in today’s “Go, go, go!” world. But, what if that isn’t actually the case? What if something else is driving our stress response entirely and adrenal fatigue is simply a symptom?

Check out our latest blog which covers what we now know about the stress response and how our approach to supporting the body’s resilience to stress has evolved significantly ➡️Link in bio: “Blog: Stress, the HPA, and Hormonal Health: Moving Beyond Adrenal Fatigue”


At RWS, we teach our practitioners a systematic approach to helping clients restore wellness. But, it’s important to note that this systematic approach in anything BUT generic.

Restorative Wellness Practitioners (RWP) are taught the methodology of how to uncover bioindividual imbalances within each individual client. Because, without knowing what is going on in each client’s body, we can’t truly target the root cause of their symptoms.

Informed by what bioindividual imbalances are uncovered through testing - and, using their deep understanding of the natural healing priorities of the body - RWPs are able to identify exactly where to start in terms of therapeutic diet and lifestyle interventions for each individual client. 

The result?

✅Practitioners have a strategic framework to help guide their “next best step” based on the individual needs of the client.

✅Clients are supported via a completely personalized and targeted protocol.  

To learn more about how to get better results in your practice using your clinically-proven, systematic approach, head to the link in our bio!

Photos from Restorative Wellness Solutions's post 18/05/2023

We believe that there is a time and place for both conventional and functional approaches. 

BUT, when it comes to chronic disease and illness, we’re big advocates of taking the functional route and these are just a few of the reasons why. 

If you’re a practitioner who wants to help clients resolve their health symptoms (rather than simply mask them), we encourage you to get the right training needed to take a data-driven, functional approach to health and healing. 

Learn more about our comprehensive program for qualified health practitioners and how it can help you get your clients life-changing results ➡️ Link in bio


When was the last time you did something to nourish yourself?

If you haven’t done anything yet today, we encourage you to put your phone down and go do something to nourish your mind, body, and soul right now. Your clients will thank you - after all, you can’t adequately support them if you haven’t adequately supported yourself, first.


🤧🤧 Seasonal allergies got you, your clients, or your family members down?  🤧🤧🤧

 As with everything, diet and lifestyle interventions can help! 

Allergic responses are a sign that our body is being overloaded with some type of stress or trigger. The simplest way to to support your immune system and help reduce the levels of histamine in your body is through diet changes, including: 
➡️ Eating clean, anti-inflammatory foods - think whole, organic foods; bonus points if they are anti-histamine foods (which contain quercetin and/or anthocyanins)
➡️Avoiding trigger foods - these will be different for each individual and can be identified via an elimination diet or food sensitivity testing; it’s also worth removing pro-inflammatory foods such as inflammatory oils, processed foods, and refined sugar
➡️Staying hydrated, which can help flush toxins and reduce your body’s histamine response 
➡️Supporting a healthy intestinal barrier - by removing trigger foods and introducing important gut-healing nutrients and supplements
​​➡️Reduce stress, which can act as a trigger or stimulus for allergies

If issues persist after making the tweaks above, it’s time to test! Running labs to understand if there are other underlying factors driving a histamine response is important and will provide critical insights to guide individualized recommendations around diet, supplementation, and lifestyle.


A surprisingly common issue we see amongst clients  👉 Mineral deficiency  

Minerals are critical for so many bodily functions, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. They are also responsible for creating key enzymes and hormones that are essential for your health. Yet, your clients may not be getting enough.


1️⃣Poor eating habits (choosing packaged foods, which generally have fewer minerals than whole foods) Over the years, our soil has become depleted of minerals meaning there are less minerals in the foods we grow and eat

2️⃣Our soil has been depleted of important minerals, making the food we grow and eat less nutrient-dense than in the past 

3️⃣Gut dysfunction, dehydration, and poor blood sugar regulation all impact our bodies ability to absorb the minerals we do consume (all of which has increased alongside the prevalence of stress, toxins in our environment, etc.)

Oftentimes, practitioners don’t learn of mineral deficiencies unless they “go under the hood” and run objective lab testing with their clients. But, once identified, small tweaks can make a big difference in your client’s ability to consume and absorb more minerals and in their overall health. 

Yet another example of why it is so important to TEST, NOT GUESS.

We want to know? What surprisingly common issue do you see in your work with clients? Be sure to share in the comments below!


Today’s clients are sicker than ever, and the basic tools we have as health professionals just don’t work as well as they used to, especially when they’re used in generic, cookie cutter approaches. 

So, where do you start….?

👇 HERE 👇

1️⃣Understand, honor and work with the body’s natural healing priorities: The human body is designed with an incredible capacity for healing, and this healing has an innate order to it. If you want to achieve truly remarkable results, you need to know these healing priorities and allow them to guide your clinical process. If you ignore them, you’re never going to facilitate complete and lasting healing with your clients. 

2️⃣Identify what’s blocking this healing process: If your client isn’t thriving and healthy, something is getting in the way of that healing. Our task as practitioners is to identify those blocking factors through a comprehensive exploration of the client’s health history, symptom presentation, and objective lab testing - which is absolutely vital to really identify the root of the problem. Without this information in hand, you won’t be able to help your clients restore balance and ultimately to allow their bodies to heal. 

3️⃣Highly customized, powerful protocols that facilitate true healing: Cookie cutter protocols just don’t work! We need to make the right dietary recommendations, use targeted supplements, and recommending the most appropriate lifestyle changes. These three clinical factors are essential to healing, but they need to be uniquely targeted and based on objective lab data to truly be effective. 

When you learn and implement these three core principles into your work with clients, everything changes - for you and for your clients!

Need help with any (or all of these)? Head to the link in our bio to learn more about our clinical education programs.

Photos from Restorative Wellness Solutions's post 03/05/2023

Are you managing symptoms? Or, addressing the root cause?

The thing that differentiates RWPs from other practitioners is our commitment to identifying and supporting the root cause of our client’s health issues. More times that we can count, clients come to us for help “managing” the symptoms of their autoimmune condition, mold illness, etc. Essentially, they’re hoping to make their life a little less miserable. 

Each time, they’re surprised at just how much better they feel. It’s something they could never even imagined.

RWPs are uniquely equipped to deliver this result. But, if you ask us, what is really exciting is that we can also help you resolve those symptoms completely. 

Yes, we said resolve -  as is, no more symptoms…at all. That’s the power of addressing the root cause.

Ready to learn more about how you can help your clients change course (for the better): Head to the link in our bio to learn more!


Maya Angelou is quoted as sharing fears about her abilities as a writer:

“I have written 11 books, but each time I think ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find me out now.” 

Every person - regardless of profession - share this same fear of being an imposter or not measuring up.

Practitioners are no exception. 

So, how do you overcome this? What is the answer to “When do I know enough?”

Read more on our blog in this oldie, but goodie post  ➡️ Blog: When do you know enough?


Your success as a practitioner is dependent on your client’s ability to change. If you’re struggling to get your clients consistent results, we encourage you to focus on improving client compliance before you do anything else.


Because, clients need to be engaged and motivated in order to make progress. They need to be committed and their efforts need to be consistent. And, they need to be transparent with you about what’s working and what’s not. 

If you’re struggling to get your clients lasting results, be sure to download our Client Compliance Handbook. In it, we teach you the exact strategies we use to get clients life-changing results. Head to the link in our bio to get your free copy today ➡️ Free Download: Client Compliance Handbook


Something we teach at RWS is the wellness triad - the combination of food and supplements, lifestyle, and inner landscape that ultimately impact your client’s physical, mental, and emotional health. While helping your client navigate trauma or life-altering decisions is not within your scope of practice, it is your responsibility to help them identify the biggest stressors in their life and eliminate (or, at least reduce) these stressors in order to allow for healing. 

Signs your client may need some support in this area include:

😥They say they want to change, but they keep falling off-track with their protocol - what about their environment might be sabotaging them?
😓They talk a lot about things they “want to do” but that they “never have time to do”, such as sleep - what about their lifestyle may be sabotaging them?
😓They feel self-conscious about where they are in their journey or about the changes they’ve had to make - what about their relationships might be sabotaging them?

Some of our favorite tips for supporting our clients’ wellness triad include:

🙏Listen carefully during your sessions with your clients for clues to what may be impeding their progress - oftentimes, you can see things your clients can’t and simply bringing it to their attention can help them make changes
🙏Have a dedicated list of recommended resources, products, or partners on hand that you can share with clients who may need additional support or motivation for things such as meditation, exercise, sleep hygiene, or mindset work  
🙏Incorporate moments of rest into your clients’ protocol by building in mini-breaks with mealtimes - for example, encourage your client to take a 30 minute lunch break to help support digestion, which includes 15 minutes of device-free meal-time and a short 10-15 minute walk afterwards

How do you use the wellness triad in your practice? Leave a comment below!

Photos from Restorative Wellness Solutions's post 17/04/2023

Raise your hand if none of your clients experience stress…


That’s what we thought - which is why, as a practitioner, it’s important to consider the role adrenal function plays in your clients’ healing. 

Adrenal dysfunction can be a root cause of many health concerns, including blood sugar dysregulation, fatigue, energy fluctuations throughout the day, and difficulty sleeping at night. Additionally, many other health challenges your client faces - chronic stress and anxiety or chronic immune challenges - have a negative impact on adrenal function.

Being able to test for and address adrenal imbalances is so important because they can be a major roadblock to your client feeling better - and, one many other practitioners will dismiss.

When your client is suffering from an adrenal imbalance, it’s important to think beyond supplements. While they certainly play a role, modifying lifestyle to identify and remove stressors is the priority in this case. An effective protocol, personalized to the client’s individual needs usually includes the following steps:

1️⃣Identify and remove stressors 
2️⃣Ensure diet supports adrenal function and is not adding stress
3️⃣Proactively build stress-reducing and oxytocin promoting activities into client’s plan
4️⃣Support adrenal function with supplements while addressing root causes

As practitioners, it’s our responsibility to help our clients get to the root cause of their issue in order to support true healing - this includes being able to identify and optimize weaknesses in your clients’ hormonal health. We teach you all this and more in Mastering the Art & Science of Optimizing Hormones. To learn more, head to the link in our bio.

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Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what business structure you want to use when working with clients. But, there is on...
In case you missed it! Margaret interviewed Anne about her journey in health and business on IGLive. Watch the replay be...
Introducing Restorative Wellness Solutions
FB Live - Level 1 Q&A
Level 1 Registration is open!
Food Sensitivity Testing
Gut Health
L1 FB Live: Adrenals
Shelley Gawith Interview