deVeer Lab

deVeer Lab

I'm an educator in Louisiana creating content for middle and high school teachers.


My original Narrative Writing Check Graphic Organizer has been updated!

Students will be able to check their narrative writing using this graphic organizer to make sure they’ve included all the main parts a narrative should include. Students will need to understand these terms: mood, tone, theme, rising action, climax, falling action, turning point, dynamic character, and static character. This is a great vocabulary check as well as a self-assessment for their writing. Students can also be paired to share their narratives with a classmate in order for them to identify these parts in the writing.


Producers, Consumers & Decomposers Exit Ticket

Students will be quickly assessed on their understanding of the relationship between producers, consumers, and decomposers. This exit ticket can be used as a formative check at the end of a lesson, a quiz, or as homework.


Another popular resource updated! Human Body Systems Test with answer key and essay rubric.

Students will be assessed on their understanding of the human body systems and how each system functions to support life. There are four sections to the test: matching, multiple choice, short answer, and an essay. This is a 100 point test, and the essay alone is worth 50 points, so the test can be split if needed. An answer key and rubric for the essay is also provided.


Started working on a new unit for 8th Grade Louisiana History! This is the final unit in the school year which covers domestic and foreign issues in modern America from 1990 to 2008.

Students will learn about the importance of key ideas, events, and developments of the modern era. This introductory lesson will outline the following events: the Persian Gulf Wars, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the War on Terrorism and the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the presidential election of 2008. Students will create a timeline of these events that they will continue to use throughout the unit.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Unit Guide

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


Another fan favorite -- Human Body System Study Guide revamped!

Students will organize their new learning of the human body systems in this graphic organizer. The columns include major organs, the purpose of each system, and interesting facts about each system. Once students have learned about each human body system, they can analyze how the systems work together to maintain homeostasis. This resource can be used for independent study, a graphic organizer to complete during a unit on the human body systems, and then as a study guide for a unit test.


Revamped one of my original most popular products -- the Behavior Documentation Form!

This behavior documentation form will help you quickly make note of positive and negative behaviors in your classroom so that you can easily manage and address student disruptions or document student needs. This form can be used physically on your clipboard as you monitor students throughout the day or digitally via a Google Doc. By using a running documentation system, you can analyze student behaviors and seek patterns to manage behaviors better.


I've added six new products in my store just this week!

~ Google Meet Icons - FREE Slides presentation to display to your virtual students before starting a lesson with them in Google Meet.

~ Exit Ticket for Mood, Tone, & Theme - Use this as a quick assessment for student understanding.

~ Exit Ticket for Character Development - Use this as a quick assessment for student understanding.

~ Simple Machines Activity - This can be used as homework, a quiz, an exit ticket, or a sub activity!

~ Word Search Template - Completely editable to fit your needs!

~ Black History Month Project - An independent research project for students to present to their class.

See my full list of resources here --->


Water Cycle Lesson

In this lesson, students will learn about the importance of the atmosphere and how energy is transferred within it. This lesson focuses on the water cycle, and students will create their own model of the water cycle to demonstrate mastery of the learning target.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key
● Rubric

This lesson is aligned with NGSS 7-MS-ESS2-4.


My store will be on sale February 6th & 7th!


Reform Movements Unit Bundle

This bundle includes 7 lessons with student guides, a study guide, and a unit test. All formative and summative assessments include answer keys. The lessons include Google Doc versions of the Student Guides for virtual learners

Lessons included:
Early Reform Movements of the 19th Century
Women's Suffrage Movement Webquest
Abolitionists Works Pt. 1
Abolitionists Works Pt. 2
Underground Railroad
Prohibition of Slave Trade

This unit is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Reform Movements Unit Test & Answer Key

Students will be assessed on standards in the Reform Movements Unit through a four section unit test. Question types include short answer, vocabulary and key people matching, multiple choice, and essay. An answer key and scoring rubric are included. Reform movements assessed in this lesson include prison and education reform, the early women's rights movement, and abolition.

This unit test is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Reform Movements Unit Study Guide

This study guide is for the early reform movements of the 19th century and aligns to Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies. The study guide lists the vocabulary, people, and concepts that students should study prior to an assessment for this unit.


Prohibition of Slave Trade Lesson

Students will learn about the restrictions that were placed on slave trade prior to the Civil War with an emphasis on the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807. Students will view a set of Google Slides and follow along in their Student Guide, answering guided questions to lead them towards mastery of the learning target. A Google Doc version of the Student Guide is included for virtual learners.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Underground Railroad Lesson

Students will learn about the Underground Railroad and how Harriet Tubman played a role in assisting freedom seekers. Students will answer guided questions in a Student Guide as they view the slides to lead them towards mastery of the learning target. As an exit ticket, students will write a paragraph describing the successes and challenges of the Undergrounds Railroad. A Google Doc version of the Student Guide is included for virtual learners.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Abolitionist Works Pt. 2 Lesson - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Students will read and analyze an excerpt from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. As they read the excerpt, they will organize their findings in a Student Guide and write a paragraph explaining its impact on the abolition movement. A Google Doc version of the Student Guide is included for virtual learners.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● PDF of Excerpt from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Abolitionst Works Pt. 1 Lesson - Frederick Douglass

Students will read and analyze Frederick Douglass’ speech titled “The Constitution of the United States: Is It Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery?” As they read the speech, they will organize their findings in a Student Guide. This activity may be completed in class over multiple days due to the length of the speech or assigned as independent work. A Google Doc version of the Student Guide is included for virtual learners

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● PDF of Fredrick Douglass’ speech “The Constitution of the United States:
Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery?”
● Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Abolitionists Lesson

Students will learn about the abolitionist movement during the 19th century and how key individuals and groups contributed to the cause. These individuals include Sojourner Truth and William Lloyd Garrison, and the Quakers as a group. This is a lecture and video style lesson with a Student Guide for students to follow along and answer guided questions. A Google Doc version of the Student Guide is included for virtual learners.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Women's Suffrage Movement Webquest

Students will learn about the key people, ideas, and events of the women’s rights movement and women's suffrage movement of the early to mid-1800s, including the Seneca Falls Convention, National Women’s Rights Conventions, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Mary Church Terrell, and Margaret Fuller. Students will use a webquest format to gather information in their Student Guide. This lesson can be completed on paper or digitally in Google Classroom.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


Early Reform Movements of the 19th Century Lesson

Students will learn about the early reform movements of the 19th century, including prison and education reform. Key figures in this lesson include Horace Mann and Dorothea Lynde Dix. As students view the Google Slides, they’ll answer questions and organize their learning in a Student Guide. As an exit ticket, students will summarize their understanding of the learning target in a paragraph explaining how these key figures impacted education and prison reform.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 7th Grade Social Studies.


WWII Unit Bundle with Test & Study Guide

This is a complete bundle with lessons, projects, essays, a study guide, and a test covering the Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies. All resources with the exception of the test can be added to Google Classroom for virtual learners.

Included in this bundle:

Militarism & Totalitarianism Lesson
Acts of Aggression Lesson
U.S. Joins WWII Lesson
Roles of Alliances Lesson
Causes & Alliances of WWII Essay
Louisiana During WWII Lesson
Justification of WWII Essay
Atlantic Theater Map Project
Pacific Theater Map Project
Key Figures of WWII Lesson
The Holocaust Lesson
The Tuskegee Study Webquest
Japanese Internment Lesson
U.S. Soldiers of WWII Group Project
The Homefront Lesson
Group Contributions & Treatment Essay
The Manhattan Project Lesson
Axis Powers Surrender Lesson
Allied Conferences Webquest
WWII Unit Study Guide
WWII Unit Test & Answer Key


WWII Unit Study Guide

This study guide will prepare students for a World War II assessment. The study guide includes vocabulary to define and concepts to study. This resource is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


WWII Unit Test & Answer Key

Students will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the standards taught in the World War II unit. The test includes short answer, vocabulary matching, multiple choice, and an essay. The answer key and essay rubrics are provided. Lessons that correspond to this test can be found in my TpT store.

Resource Components:
● WWII Unit Test
● WWII Unit Test Answer Key

This resource is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


Allied Conferences Webquest - WWII

Students will investigate the Allied conferences during World War II through a webquest. Students will use a graphic organizer in their Student Guide to organize the information and analyze how the decisions made at the conferences affected the war and postwar world. As an exit ticket, students will summarize their findings in a paragraph. This is a student-led lesson.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


Axis Powers Surrender - WWII

In this lesson, students will view a timeline of events that led to the end of World War II and watch a video of the signing of the Japanese surrender. Students will answer guided questions in a Student Guide leading them towards mastery of the learning target.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


The Manhattan Project Lesson

Students will learn about the development of the atomic bomb during the Manhattan Project. They will watch videos showing the bombing of Hiroshima and hear stories from witnesses and survivors. Students will analyze the decision to use the atomic bomb in an essay using the information provided in the lesson presentation.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Guide
● Google Doc version of the Student Guide
● Answer Key

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana State Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


To prepare for the upcoming semester, my whole store is 10% January 1st-4th!


Group Contributions & Treatment Essay - WWII

Students will summarize their learning in an essay answering the questions: How did various groups contribute to the war effort? How were various groups treated during and after WWII? Students will use primary and secondary sources to curate their essay. The students will be scored on the content of their essay using a 4-point rubric and on the claims of their essay using a 4-point rubric.

Resource Components:
● Lesson Plan
● Google Slides
● Student Essay Sheet
● Rubrics
● Exemplary Response

This lesson is aligned with Louisiana States Standards for 8th Grade Social Studies.


Weekly Plan Google Slides Template

This is a simple Google Slides template to outline your class for the week and present to students. The template is fully editable and can be duplicated for multiple weeks.


Day Plan Google Slides Template

This is a simple Google Slides template to outline your class for the day and present to students. The template is fully editable and can be duplicated for multiple days.


Morning Check-In Slips

Students will arrive in your classroom with any number of feelings, concerns, and situations. This check-in slip will help you get a quick look at where your students are mentally before you start the day’s activities. Use the information they give you to guide how you navigate the day. They may not open up completely at first, but over time, you’ll build an amazing relationship and understanding of how students’ daily moods affect their learning.

Resource Components:
● Morning Check-In Slip
● Optional Documentation Form