Zyviz.com Videos

Videos by Zyviz.com. 🎥KOL Video Background Marketing 🚀Cost-effective influencer marketing

Zyviz.com 恭祝大家萬事興龍、龍馬精神、龍年行大運!

#zyvizcom #kol #influencer #youtuber
#videobackgroundmarketing #influencermarketing #youtubemarketing #digitalmarketing #cny #yearofthedragon

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Zyviz.com 恭祝大家萬事興龍、龍馬精神、龍年行大運! #zyvizcom #kol #influencer #youtuber #videobackgroundmarketing #influencermarketing #youtubemarketing #digitalmarketing #cny #yearofthedragon

Zyviz.com祝大家聖誕新年快樂,新一年流量暴漲,粉絲暴升! #zyvizcom #kol #influencer #youtuber #videobackgroundmarketing #influencermarketing #youtubemarketing #digitalmarketing

KOL流量刺客來了! 刺客檔案: 名稱:視外Zyviz 定位:KOL視頻背景營銷 以快、狠、準現身海外流量江湖,讓流量江湖的風雲驟變,成為出海品牌流量快速增長的全新方式,亦可為網紅賺取額外廣告收入的新模式。 快來現場找我們,一起決戰江湖! #zyvizcom #kol #influencer #youtuber #videobackgroundmarketing #influencermarketing #youtubemarketing #digitalmarketing #gtc2023

Zyviz.com全體仝人同各位KOL祝大家新年快樂,大吉大利!🐰年大家兔氣揚眉,大展宏兔! 特別鳴謝下列KOL(按頻道名稱順序): @carrieluk26 @kikitamkiki @kylieccm_ @###iydolem @oppserve @peiijing__ @jay_yhw @wachon115 @wengian.22 @english.with.maggie @damilifehk #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #branding #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #brand #brands #hk #vlog #ChineseNewYear #cny2023 #cny #新年快樂

[Zyviz 試音一波] YouTube啲Ads成效唔大? 擔心俾人skip ads? Zyviz就係你嘅好幫手!Call我哋啦~ - Tel: +852 6618 9829 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zyviz.com Instagram: @zyvizcom #zyvizcom #zyvizuniverse #kol #influencer #youtuber #AI #artificialintelligence #videobackgroundmarketing #influencermarketing #digitalmarketing

Join Zyviz.com to start generating NEW revenue with your UNSPONSORED videos! And if you join before Father's Day, you will even be able to WIN an iPhone 13 mini!!! How to join? 1. Visit zyviz.com 2. Sign up as a partnering influencer 3. Once you have an account, upload videos to zyviz.com 4. After your video is published on YouTube, you will automatically get a chance to win an iPhone 13 mini, and you will also receive our normal profit share for the corresponding videos! 5. On 19th June 2022, screenshot the view count of the videos with our ad inserted (The view count and the advertisement must be clearly visible in the screenshot)+. How to win? 1. Send us the screenshots via your Zyviz WhatsApp Group (You will have your dedicated WhatsApp group once you join us) 2. Finally, using the following formula, the KOL who achieves a number closest to 5,201,314 will win the prize^: Score = [total view count of (one or more)* eligible videos] × [an integer between 1 and 10000]^^ .........(1) + To ensure that the screenshot is captured on 19th June, 2022, we will validate your view counts on 20th of June from YouTube, and the view count shown in the screenshot should have a discrepancy of less than 20% compared to our validated view count to be eligible. ^Your Score given by formula (1) can be above or below 5,201,314. Our winning criteria is to obtain a number closest to 5,201,314. *You can submit one or more of your eligible videos that will give a Score closest to 5,201,314. ^^You may choose any integer between 1 and 10000 to be multiplied to your total view count from your submitted videos to get a Score that is closest to 5,201,314. (For full details and terms of the campaign, please refer to our campaign website: https://www.zyviz.com/singaporekol2022) #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #digitalmarketing #brand #sg #giveaway #sggiveaway #giveawaysg

疫境之時,zyviz.com 連同一眾KOL partners與大家一起共度時艱。祝大家身體健康、百毒不侵,願香港早日戰勝這場疫戰! In the midst of the epidemic, zyviz.com and our KOL partners are here to tide you over. Wishing you all good health, and may Hong Kong win this war against the virus soon! #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #branding #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #brand #brands #hk #vlog Our information: Facebook: @zyviz.com // https://www.facebook.com/Zyvizcom Instagram: @zyvizcom // https://www.instagram.com/zyvizcom/ MeWe: @zyviz.com // https://mewe.com/p/zyviz Linkedin: @zyviz.com // https://www.linkedin.com/company/zyviz WeChat: 帥紅網小助手

大家情人節快樂~💐 單身嘅朋友早日出pool,未嫁就早日出嫁,結咗婚就繼續恩愛🥰 We wish everyone a sweet Valentines Day! 💐 #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #branding #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #brand #brands #hk #vlog #ValentinesDay #情人節 Our information: Facebook: @zyviz.com // https://www.facebook.com/Zyvizcom Instagram: @zyvizcom // https://www.instagram.com/zyvizcom/ MeWe: @zyviz.com // https://mewe.com/p/zyviz Linkedin: @zyviz.com // https://www.linkedin.com/company/zyviz WeChat: 帥紅網小助手

農曆新年又差唔多到!🐯希望大家來年百毒不侵,出入平安,可以快啲周圍去、周圍玩~~😍🧧🎊 Lunar New Year is around the corner! 🐯Wishing everyone great health and a joyful Chinese New Year. Stay safe and have fun!😍🧧🎊 #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #branding #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #brand #brands #hk #vlog #ChineseNewYear #cny2022 #cny #新年快樂 Our information: Facebook: @zyviz.com // https://www.facebook.com/Zyvizcom Instagram: @zyvizcom // https://www.instagram.com/zyvizcom/ MeWe: @zyviz.com // https://mewe.com/p/zyviz Linkedin: @zyviz.com // https://www.linkedin.com/company/zyviz WeChat: 帥紅網小助手

吼!吼!吼!🐯🐯🐯Zyviz.com仝人仲有各位KOL一齊祝賀各位新年快樂!虎年大家虎虎生威、龍精虎猛!🐅🐯 特別鳴謝下列KOL(排名不分先後): Oppserve CC Getaway Caca Lam 林伽遙 Wallace電腦工作室 時代地產 Times Property Carrie Luk 明輝 Sir 阿肥x阿呆-緣食慢活 財富自由學 Wealth Easy Talk Nicholas 尼古樂思 宅旅孩 - 番外篇 ROAR!🐯🐯🐯 @Zyviz.com and all our KOL partners wish you a fruitful year of tiger! May you forge ahead with the vigor and vitality of the tiger! 🐅🐯 #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kol #influencer #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #brandbuilding #branding #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #brand #brands #hk #vlog #ChineseNewYear #cny2022 #cny #新年快樂 Our information: Facebook: @zyviz.com // https://www.facebook.com/Zyvizcom Instagram: @zyvizcom // https://www.instagram.com/zyvizcom/ MeWe: @zyviz.com // https://mewe.com/p/zyviz Linkedin: @zyviz.com // https://www.linkedin.com/company/zyviz WeChat: 帥紅網小助手

ZyViz.com 祝大家新年快樂!
農曆新年快樂!🎉🎊ZyViz.com仝人及各KOL,恭祝大家🐮年身體健康、心想事成、萬事如意!🧧❤️ Happy Chinese New Year! 🎉🎊ZyViz.com and KOLs wish you good health, all wishes come true and everything goes well in the year of Ox!🐮❤️ #zyvizcom #AI #influencermarketing #kolmarketing #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #Chinesenewyear