

Graphic Design Studio

Photos from Capslock_art's post 31/08/2023

Membangun Nuansa Keanggunan

Cerita di Balik Logo San Perro ✨🎨 Kami memulai dari garis tipis sampai detil rumit, setiap elemen dalam logo, kami buat untuk memberikan kesan sentuhan simpel yang mewah.

Ini nih hasil perjalanan eksplorasi identitas brand San Perro. Gimana menurutmu?


Don't fall in love with your first sketch, because if you can find a good symbol on the first sketch, then maybe you can find a much better concept on your tenth or even twentieth sketch.

We open for new project DM or hit link button

Photos from Capslock_art's post 11/02/2023

Sebuah project rebranding logo untuk esport Hero Zero menjadi Hero Esport, sebuah style desain logo yang tidak umum untuk sebuah team esport yang biasnya menggunakan ilustrasi style yang detail

Logo Hero Esport dibuat lebih simple dan modern dengan warna emas yang tidak biasa untuk tim esport, selain prestasi salah satu yang mendukung sebuah tim esport dapat di kenal lebih luas adalah konten dengan identitas visual yang konsisten.

kami terbuka untuk proyek baru dengan .std hubungi kami di DM

Photos from Capslock_art's post 10/01/2023

A logo project for the Eleganzo brand Eleganzo, a men's casual clothing brand that applies the concept of sustainable & regenerative fashion.

As a brand that implements sustainability, minimize the use of carbon emissions and use environmentally friendly clothing materials that can be recycled.

we make the mark modern and simple so it's still clearly visible even though the size is small on the clothes tag


Stationary design from the Uscape project is an application where users of The app's purpose is to motivate, inspire and help users track challenges that they take upon themselves. we use a squirrel animal as an icon, simplifying complex object shapes and combining the initial brand ( Letter U )

we are open for a new project with .std hit us on DM

Photos from Capslock_art's post 02/01/2023

One of the concepts from the Uscape logo project is an application where users of The app's purpose is to motivate, inspire and help users track challenges that they take upon themselves. we use a squirrel animal as an icon, simplifying complex object shapes and combining the initial brand ( Letter U )

we are open for a new project with .std hit us on DM

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Tidak ada langkah pasti dalam mendesain sebuah logo brand, itulah penting ya mencari dan menggali informasi sebanyak mun...
