Sue's Matebeto
We prepare and deliver traditional, Matebeto and standard restaurant foods to our customers
Lunch is Ĺ•eady. Cal 0777218638
Lunch is ready. Cal 0777218638 for deliveries
Come through for your MATEBEO lunch. For deliveries cal 0770180429
Come through for your Sunday family MATEBEO lunch. For deliveries cal 0770180429
Matebeto lunch is ready. Cal us on 0777218638
Lunch is ready. Cal 0777218638 for deliveries
Sunday lunch is ready. Come through or cal 0974076700
Lunch is ready. Cal 0777218638
Very important to start your weekend with a good heavy meal. Come through or order your meal on 0777218638. Comes with 4 different vegetables
Ka charcoal grilled fish and village chicken filya
Lunch is ready... village chicken
Cal 0777218638 for deliveries
We are Hiring.
We are looking for 5 young woman between the age 20 to 35 who can work in the kitchen, and as waitresses. Preferably those with catering qualifications.Cal 0777218638
Lunch is ready. Cal 0777218638 for deliveries
Come and nurse your HUNGOVER with us. Sue's matebeto is open today and food is ready
Matebeto Lunch is ready. Come join us or for deliveries cal 0777218638
Lunch is ready, join us. We are in woodllands behind the stadium opposite tms clinic. Or cal 0777218638 for orders
Sues matebeto SUNDAY FAMILY meals are almost ready. Come through or cal 0777218638 for orders.
Perfect meal to end the long weekend. Visit us or for orders cal 0777218638
Sues matebeto shoka nyama is open today. Worry not about preparation of home food during load shedding. Come through and feast with us. For deliveries call 0777218638
Lunch is ready
Lunch is ready.
Sues matebo is open today and the food will be ready soon. Come through or cal 0777218638 for orders.
Matebeto meals are ready to be served