Leeds Welfare Fightback - against sanctions, benefit cuts and work misery

Leeds Welfare Fightback - against sanctions, benefit cuts and work misery

Against welfare cuts, JSA and ESA sanctions, workfare, ESA assessments and bedroom tax. Against force These policies are only the thin end of the wedge.

These disgusting attacks on claimants, the sick and disabled are there to help enforce low wages, insecure and zero-hours job contracts, and worsening job conditions. They are backed up by lies and slurs against those who cannot find or are unable to do waged work, or whose work is in the home or community. They are part of a huge, long-term programme of cuts and privatisations which will eventual

Urgent action, long term solutions: climate, cost of living and industrial action 02/10/2022

Urgent action, long term solutions: climate, cost of living and industrial action This summer we have seen huge increases in the price of essential goods, deadly heatwaves and widespread industrial action. With a government that has turned its back on the urgent needs of its citizens, we have to confront these multiple crises and agitate for social, economic and environmental jus...

How gentrification is forcing a former mining community in Leeds out of their homes 23/12/2021

How gentrification is forcing a former mining community in Leeds out of their homes Residents in a historic housing estate are being evicted to make way for a new development of homes for sale