Shift Ministry

Shift Ministry

SHiFT is a place where God is worshipped, Jesus is lifted up and Holy Ghost is welcomed. Be Free....
From sin, condemnation, and deception.

SHIFT Ministry is a place that provides safety and sanctuary to ALL brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ through full acceptance of who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going. Be Healed...
Emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually through the Word and prayer. Be Going....
To others beyond the structure of a building

What is our vision? To be ALL that God created us to be
To use ALL that God has us
To reach ALL people that God puts in our lives


SHiFT cookout tonight!
51 Middle Jam Rd
Bring a side dish & dessert
burgers, hot dogs, chips and drink all provided...


YOU belong at SHiFT! If you are searching for a place to worship God, join your faith with other believers in Jesus to see the impossible become possible and receive spiritual nourishment from the WORD of GOD, SHiFT is where you belong!

JOIN us tonight @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham at 5:30 pm...

Tonight we will be receiving our mission offering for Maria's Safe House in Peru. I will also be sharing some pretty awesome news with you about MSH.

We will also be praying for our nation tonight as today marks 100 days until the presidential election. We need a mighty move of GOD in our land and HIS word says, IF MY people which are called by MY name will humble themselves and pray....SO pray specifically for our nation and the upcoming election is what we're going to do for the next 100 days, corporately when we gather and in our homes! See YOU tonight!


"Can We Fix It? pt.2"

I'm excited to return to Isaiah 58:12 and continue with this message. It has been an eventful week to say the least. We ended last Saturday night with prayer for Donald Trump and our country. As we were ending service news broke that there were shots fired at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. There were, and still are, a lot of questions and not many answers. Where do we turn in times like this? Where can we get some firm footing and not feel like we are slipping and sliding everywhere. The cry of many Americans this week, for a lot of different reasons, is, "we want answers!". I know where I go, and encourage anyone to go, to the B-I-B-L-E....

Join us tonight, 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham.


"Can We Fix It?"
Isaiah 58:12

The answer to the above question is YES! YES WE CAN!

One of my drill sergeants in boot camp put it like this, "There are 3 kinds of people in this world; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who say 'What in the world just happened ?!?!'" As God's people, we for way too long have been a part of the last 2 groupings. In our nation, I think it's fair to say many of us over the past few years are saying, "WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED?!?!?" Not to say there aren't leaders, Godly leaders, who are making things happen, but it cannot be relegated to only those who have a broad platform. We ALL have a role to play. There are firstly things in our individual lives that need to be fixed and that can only happen through surrender to Jesus, completely! Secondly, whether we be many or few, through our surrender, GOD can and will use us.

The good ol' Gospel ship is in need of repair. The Gospel bridge that crosses the great divide has been broadly neglected and lay in ruins. It reminds me of the altar Elijah repaired after gathering all the people together on Mount Carmel in 1 Kings 18. The word 'repaired' = to make whole of something seized or plucked; to restore hurts of a nation...OH MY, MY, MY! I feel a word for somebody! I feel a word for a family! I feel a word for the church! I feel a word for our nation! CAN WE FIX IT? Can this altar, this bridge be fixed? Can the favor of GOD be restored to our nation? CAN WE FIX IT? YES! YES! YES! WE CAN!

SHiFT starts at 5:30 this evening! We meet at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham! PLEASE do not miss this time of worship and the WORD!


"No Longer Tolerant"

Revelation 2:20-29 tells of the church at Thyatira. As with other churches mentioned in chapter 2 & 3, there are some things the Lord has against them, "Because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel..." is where HE begins.

The spirit of the church of Thyatira is as alive today as it was when this letter was written to them. The spirit of Thyatira is a spirit of sufferest which means tolerance or tolerating. Here's the definition of tolerate = allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference. It means to permit, condone or turn a blind eye to.

We have become a society, from the church house, to our private house to the White House, that tolerates SIN, evil, deception, thievery, manipulation, perversion and everything else that spews from the enemies bag of vile, filthy trickery. It's time to recognize who, what and where it comes from that we are dealing with and tolerate it no longer!

It's time to stop plucking off leaves and lay the axe to the root!

Join us tonight at 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham!



By definition, "renewal" means the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken. Let's be honest, there are somethings in our lives that need renewal. I'll go first, my knees! Oh how I need my knees, based on the aforementioned mentioned definition, repaired or replaced with new ones. It happens. Never overnight, but little by little, day by day, year after year until ONE day, we notice we don't move as quickly as we used to, we can't run like we used to, our range of motion has become limited. Spiritually speaking, if we don't attend to "renewal" of our spiritual man, our spiritual walk, we will set ourselves up to the wear and tear of life and it's struggles only to find ONE day, we don't move as we used to, our walk is encumbered and our range of motion becomes limited.

The word "renew" is found throughout scripture, both Old and New Testaments. Our mind, strength, a right spirit and our inward man are all things that we need to have renewed day by day. Similar words associated with renewal=restore, rebuild, reestablish, repair, revive.

SHiFT meets tonight at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham @ 5:30...


"All Knotted Up"

Tonight's message is necessary for the church today. It's necessary for SHiFT and necessary for YOU!

The Lord showed me a picture this week and began to speak some things to me about being ALL KNOTTED UP! Often times we think we are restricted by the devil through chains, weights and locks. Although that may be true, there seems to be something that we may have overlooked; ropes all knotted up. Our spiritual walk is restricted. Our steps are shortened and we are no longer running the race. We're all knotted up! Just a closer walk with thee is no longer an option, we're all KNOTTED UP and the best we can do is crawl. We can be knotted up by many things. Sin, hurt, frustration, being unequally yoked, trying to please people and/or stress just to name a few. All of these "KNOTS" are screaming "YOU'LL NEVER GET UNTANGLED"!

Lies, lies, lies from the mouth of satan himself! Do you know when you listen to him, you're listening to lies?!?! He wants you to be ALL KNOTTED UP!

There is freedom from the KNOTS of sin and all the other things I mentioned. This freedom is yours! To live and move and have your being in JESUS through the power of the HOLY GHOST!! LIFE AND LIFE ABUNDANTLY!

Join us tonight at SHFT @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham @ 5:30 pm!


"Be Ye Separate"

I believe there is, what some would call, an ancient cry coming from heaven. It is considered by many modernist Christians an old and outdated word/subject. Nonetheless, as I reflect back to my youth, days of experiencing great moves of Holy Ghost; as I read and study the revivals of old, there are multiple commonalities, one in particular is SANCTIFICATION. Sanctification has been called man-made legalism. Sanctification, more often times than not, emphasized on the outward appearance, or adornment(s), mostly concerning women. Hairstyle, jewelry, make up and clothing were all used to judge a persons sanctification.A person could look holy and sanctified outwardly and be full of the devil inwardly, yet still perceived holy and sanctified based upon what they saw with their eyes. 1 Samuel 16:7, "For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

I am fully prepared to dig from the ancient well of sanctification. There is a water that we need to rediscover. In Numbers 19:20 it's called the water of separation. Too much of the world has bled into the church. Once again, there is a cry from heaven, a cry from our Father, "be ye holy as I am holy!"

Join us tonight at 5:30 @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham!



We have been on a journey for the past 2 weeks. Holy Ghost presence has been tangible. I have felt a definitive SHiFT the moment I step up to preach. I feel consumed, not able to contain what is inside of me. Isaiah 61:1 " The spirit of the Lord is upon me because HE has anointed me to preach good news..." begins to manifest itself in real time. I cannot explain it or describe it adequately. All I know is this, when we, not just the preacher/pastor, submit ourselves, COMPLETELY, to HIM, HE shows up. And do we ever need HIM to show up!

I have stated many times the past few months about the darkness that is increasing in the day and time we are living in, describing it as accelerating and becoming gross darkness. In Isaiah 60:1 we read, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee." Before you read the entirety of this one verse, focus on that very first word, ARISE. Hear HOLY GHOST say to YOU, ARISE __________ (insert your name). That word ARISE = to come on the scene. ARISE also means = to rise up out of a place of comfort eg; bed, sofa, chair (I think of a recliner/easy chair) and show up on the scene. We are not to run from the darkness! We are to show up on the scene and release the dove within us and SHINE! WHY? Because the darkness cannot overtake THE LIGHT! Do we fully understand the power of LIGHT? Have you ever stepped into a dark room and turn the light on? Does the darkness recognize the light and overtake it by getting darker so that the light can no longer be seen? NO! Darkness cannot, CANNOT, overtake LIGHT!

I've got to go before I just can't stop! With that, I encourage you to join us tonight at 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham! I promise you will leave saying, "IT'S BEEN GOOD TO BE IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD"


"Release The Dove pt. 2"

Cessationism is a doctrine that states that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and heeling ceased with the Apostolic age. Cessationist believe that these gifts are no longer available to the church today. The opposite of Cessationism is Continuationism. Continuationism believes that the spiritual gifts that were available to the early believers and apostles are readily available to all believers today. I AM A CONTINUATIONIST. I believe the Holy Ghost is for the church today! We need the Holy Ghost poured out in great measure, not little spatterings every now and again. Ephesians 5:18 says it like this, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;" FILLED means= daily, continually, to the brim. If something, a coffee cup say, is filled to the brim, we are careful in how we walk with it so as not to spill any of the contents of said coffee cup. We don't want to lose one drop! I'm gonna leave that right there and simply invite YOU to join us tonight at SHiFT Ministry at 5:30 @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham! You'll be glad you did!


I wish I had a catchy title to give you concerning the message tonight. I don't. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday. A day of acknowledgement and recognizing the event that took place in Acts 2; the outpouring of Holy Ghost in the upper room. Man, I have had so many things, thoughts, words, statements that God has dropped in my spirit this week. It has been a challenge to put them all in some sensible order that will make sense. Herein is where I take my hands off the wheel and say, "Holy Ghost, I NEED YOU!" Honestly, WE ALL NEED HIM! What Holy Ghost can do for you, for us all, no-one else can do. No position, platform or pastor can do for you what Holy Ghost can do!

That being said, I leave you with this...I am on a quest for revival. For myself, my flock, for Maine, for our country and for the world, I am desperately hungry for a mighty move of God. Some call it the 3rd great awakening, others call it revival. No matter how it is labeled, what it boils down to is this, WE, GOD'S people, need to have a genuine upper room, Pentecost experience like we read of in Acts 2. PLAIN VANILLA!

Join us tonight @ 5:30 at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham...



Tonight we celebrate and recognize our mothers. It is an honor to honor each and every one of them. Guys, let's be honest, we have no clue what it's like to carry a small human inside of us for 9 months, then give birth to said human. THEN to care for, protect, nurture, feed, train up, teach & discipline said human. All the while always wanting the very best and success for them. All the while, at times, stepping back as you know they make choices you may not support, they may get hurt or fail. Yeah, guys, we have NO clue what it's like to be a mom!

I am truly excited to share some things God dropped in my spirit about one of my favorite women in the Bible, Hannah. Hannah did not start out as a mom. Matter of fact, the Bible says "the Lord had shut up her womb". BUT, 1 Samuel 1:15 tells us, in her own words, "I have poured out my soul before the Lord." Verse 19 is where it's at, 5 words describes how incredibly faithful our God is; "and the Lord remembered her". Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son named Samuel and the rest is history...OR IS IT??? How many of you knowGod does exceedingly, abundantly above ALL that we ask or think?!?!? Hannah gave birth to 3 more sons and 2 daughters AFTER God blessed her with Samuel. All she wanted was ONE son! 5 more kids! 5 is the number of grace. God's goodness and favor. WHOA this gets me excited for many reasons but for one in particular. The holy anointing oil used in the OT tabernacle consisted of 5 ingredient...olive oil, pure myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus and cassia... The spirit of the lord is upon me because HE has anointed me...

Oh my, my, my am I looking forward to tonight... Guys don't think for a minute God doesn't have something for you tonight! Come on out to SHiFT at 5;30 tonight @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham!


"The Lord Will Roar From Zion"

It would be one thing if it was just a thought. I could very easily dismiss it and think of something else. But it's not a thought, it's a burden. It's the voice of God within my spirit, not something rattling around in my mind. Those times being wakened in the night, not because I can't sleep or because I ate pizza before bed. It's a burden. It's a message, a word, a warning for Gods people. No longer is God tolerating mediocrity among HIS people. His voice is ROARING from Zion, and HIS voice utters from Jerusalem, the city of our great KING, the holy place of worship. Not from entertainment, talent or ability, but from a heart that is fully devoted to serving HIM and obeying HIS word. Sounds radical doesn't it? RADICAL is what other groups around our country/world have become and are exhibiting. Where are the radical Christians? Have they become chameleons? Blending in to whatever spares them any type of confrontation?

My heart is heavy...My mind is made up....As unpopular and unappealing as it is to some, my mouth will speak and declare what God has spoken to me...HIS VOICE IS ROARING! It's time we, HIS people, attend to HIS voice.

Join us tonight at SHiFT, 5:30 pm, @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham.



Without an anchor, a vessel need do nothing to drift away. Think about it. Departure from the faith, your faith, usually comes from slow drifting, not a sudden departure. I can personally attest to that fact. Whether in secret or openly to others around us, drifting happens when we are not firmly anchored in our faith. I often wonder how much people remember what they have heard spoken in a message at church. I wonder if people remember the song they sang about "God's faithfulness" or "His goodness, mercy and grace" half way through the week. Just some things I ponder. Just somethings God has to remind me of from time to time personally. I hear him say, "Don't you remember what you heard? Weren't you paying attention?". OUCH!

The writer of Hebrews said it like this, "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip/drift away."

Grew weary a long time ago, firstly, of seeing myself drift, secondly seeing others drift away from the Lord. Why was this so? Because I/we fail to really "give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard". So often we neglect to allow the word of God to anchor us in the worst of times and sadly, in the best of times.

Join us tonight at Shift Ministry 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham.


"Life Begins With A Cry"

The first cry of a baby at birth is critical for many reasons. That is the sound moms dads and doctors wait to hear in the delivery room. The cry = LIFE!

Moms know that for their baby, crying is their way of communicating. It may be that they are in pain, sick or hungry. A baby crying could mean they need to feel the embrace of the one who loves them or it could be that they are sitting in a mess from soiling themselves. The sound of a baby crying says, "I need HELP!".

I've met people who claim they don't cry. I don't believe that. A cry is not always seen externally. A cry can come from with in.
In Ps 61:2 David said this...
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed:

In Psalm 3:4 he put it like this...
I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.

Crying is not a sign of weakness as some would say. The baby crying at birth shows LIFE; it shows strength, signifying I'm ready for LIFE and all it entails. Throughout life there will continually be moments that will cause a cry to come from us that will communicate I NEED HELP!

People of God, we need help! And I am afraid we have lost our cry. We have come to rely on too many sources outside of GOD. What it boils down to is this, we all need to cry out to GOD. Each one of us individually, because we all need help. We all experience, just like a baby does, pain, sickness, hunger, the embrace of the ONE who loves us and for certain we all find ourselves at times, sitting in a mess! All spiritual applications! All valid reasons for us to cry out to GOD!

There needs to be a sign of LIFE coming from the people of GOD!

Tonight we will gather, not only to hear from GOD, but for GOD to hear our cry!

We gather together for worship, the WORD and to cry out to HIM, tonight at 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham...


Getting ready to head home from Bangor. Looking forward to SHiFT tonight. The Old Town youth rally last night was epic with 200+ teens in attendance. From start to finish, God had an agenda and, I believe, it was fulfilled! I spoke with dozens of teens after who confirmed that the message was exactly what they needed. I spoke with youth pastors, leaders and pastors alike who feel like they're fighting a losing battle with this generation. My response was NOOOO! Revival in THIS generation of teens IS coming! Revival is in every youth service, every youth group and in every teen, they just need solid, consistent, I'm in love with Jesus, pure, clean, willing surrendered leaders who won't be swayed by the enemy!

It was such an honor to be a part of this event and an even greater honor to be able to minister with my family Johnathan and Abby Frodahl! Abby knocked worship out of the park. She is a gem! Getting to be with them both in this was incredible! I love them so much!

Tonight I'm going to be sharing the same message I shared last night. This is a message God gave me a few months ago and it's go time now...

Come on out tonight at 5:30 to Shift Ministry. We meet at the Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham...


SHiFT is on tonight, 4/6/2024, 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham...We have power! YES WE DO!
Come out and worship and receive a message from God's Word that will challenge you, encourage you, uplift you and bring a SHiFT to your life...
The past few days have been difficult for sure...BUT we serve a GOD who is worthy and deserving of our praise no matter if we have electricity powering our homes or not...Here's why, we have power flowing through us that no snowstorm, weather event or devil can shut off...Our lights still shine in the darkness...TONIGHT is an opportunity for you to stick your tongue out at the devil, tell him "nah nah, I'm still thankful, I'm still gonna worship my Jesus! He's been good to me these past 2 days and I'm going to SHiFt and praise HIM with all I got tonight!" While you're at it, tell him to go sit on a tack...Give him a boot in the hind side of his britches and determine he's not going to get you down or keep you home tonight!



Out of an abundance of caution, SHiFT will be canceled this evening 3/23/2024....Please be in prayer for our service next Saturday as we will be partaking of holy communion together and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus! Invite some one to come along with you!


VS. know the "vs" that names opponents who are going to face each other to win a victory? Yeah, so every day as a Christian it's YOU "vs" satan. In order to defeat him, you have to position yourself to be a contender, not a pretender. We are told in the book of JUDE verse 3, the writer states "it was needful" for him to write and "exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith".

When all around us false teachers are emerging, twisting and perverting the gospel, causing people to desert the faith, it's time to fight. Here is where the battle is being lost for the church today, we have too many pretenders. There will be some who say that is pretty strong and even offensive. For those words I will not apologize. A.W. Tozer said this, "If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95% of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95% of what they did would STOP, and everybody would know the difference."

There it is in plain vanilla folks. We have dismissed the Holy Spirit, stiff armed HIS presence, and have relied on the arm of the flesh and our own understanding. We claim freedom and deliverance one week and excuse our sin the next week. We continue to seesaw with our sin, up and down, up and down; constantly fighting with things in the flesh.

The words of JUDE echo in my spirit, IT IS NEEDFUL, there was such an aching in the writers spirit, that he could say nothing else in the moment except YOU have got to be a contender. It's truth vs lies. Darkness vs light. It's ungodliness vs Godliness. Unrighteousness vs righteousness. Pretenders vs Contenders.

Are you a contender? Truly fit to defend the truth in a world that hates it? Or are you just hype? You have all the outward appearance, the mask, make up, all the costuming, all pretend...

Our time is too short for me to remain quiet on what I know God has placed in my heart. You know where you stand. God is once again, this week at Shift Ministry, sounding an alarm for HIS people to get in right position for HIS soon return. Contenders may get pinned every now and again, but they know where their strength comes from, and they'll get up to contend once again. Pretenders, stragglers, those who are too lazy to tend the fire within, will be destroyed by the one, who as a roaring lion, roams about, seeking whom he may devour...

I hope to see you tonight for worship and the WORD.
The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham @ 5:30 is where and when we meet...


"Seeking To Devour"

As this verse may be familiar to many, it is not to be dismissed as a common ho hum scripture. It is a very real, clear and loud warning not only Christians, but to all of humanity. Make no mistake, satan is nobody's friend. As I preached last week, he is the epitome of deception. He came into the earths a deceiver and that is how he is going out; into the lake of fire and brimstone, and shall be tormented day and night (REV 20:10). Is it no wonder that he, especially in the hour we live in, cast himself on the earths stage in some mighty, conquering image such as a lion. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us "our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Two little words give us a clear picture of who he truly is.. AS A roaring lion. AS A means "in like manner; a counterfeit/copy cat". Take note friend, he is treading all around, occupied with looking for opportunities to cash in on an easy kill...Ephesians 4:27, "Neither give place to the devil." Makes a little more sense now doesn't it?

I am looking forward to sharing with you this message, "SEEKING TO DEVOUR" tonight at Shift Ministry...I think your eyes will be opened as I share with you where this copy cat/fake/counterfeit lion may be roaming around...

Join us tonight at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham @ 5:30 pm...You'll be glad you did!


God, "I'm Warning You." Part 2

Harry Houdini is known as one of the world's greatest magicians. There are those that argue that the "tricks" Houdini did had nothing magical about them. Rather what he did was create an "illusion" for those who were watching him perform his feats. The word illusion means "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses; a deceptive impression or appearance".

Deception is the tool the antichrist will use to fool people around the globe into thinking he is the one who will save the world. For 42 months, 3 1/2 years, he will be heralded as the one who brings peace, prosperity and unity to the world. Deception has been lurking in the shadows since the Garden of Eden but one day, with thundering hoof beats, will ride onto the world stage and deceive many, perpetrating the greatest illusion the world has ever witnessed. Far greater than anything Houdini ever pulled off, leaving many dumfounded and wondering how they fell for such deception.

A deceptive impression or appearance....sound familiar?

Join us tonight at Shift Ministry, at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail @ 5:30 pm in Windham...


God, "I'm Warning You."

I heard from a number of people throughout this week, and even as people were walking out the door after SHiFT last Saturday, how good it was to hear a message from The Book of Revelation. I agree 110%. I have come to the realization that this book in the Bible is not one to shy away from, but rather one that we need to ask, what is GOD saying to me, HIS church today? Don't be a fool and ask the question, then refuse to hear and accept the answer.

I saw a sign this week that I found funny. Here's what it read, "WARNING THIN ICE PLEASE KEEP OFF" . What I found funny was that this sign was placed where just a few feet beyond it was all open water...You know what came to my mind? Some knucklehead is going to ride their 4 wheeler, snow machine or even their pick up truck as close to that edge as they can so they can ice fish. THE SIGN didn't have it written on it, but it was screaming DANGER! If you don't pay attention to the warning the sign is giving you, you're going to suffer.

Tonight at 5:30, I'll be sharing this message...GOD, "I'm warning you".

Join us at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham @ 5:30 for Shift Ministry worship and the W-O-R-D!



Many of you may recognize this as a song we sing during worship. It is indeed a worship song AND it is found in the book of Revelation. The very first words of this song are, "WORTHY is the lamb who was slain". These words are also found in Revelation 5:12. WORTHY is a word that is used more than once throughout this chapter so it's worth looking at. WORTHY is used in many different ways, here it speaks to having a value above all others. It also means to lead with a bright light. So my question to you is the same as the question the strong angel asked in Rev. 5:2 (albeit a bit condensed) "WHO is WORTHY?". WHO, in your life has value above all others? Above everything else? Who is it that leads you with a bright light? WHO IS WORTHY (vs 9-12) to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing? The question is answered in worship. We find the answer in The Revelation Song.

There's so much more to share and my spirit is soaring to share this message with you. PLEASE JOIN US TONIGHT FOR WORSHIP AND THE WORD @ Shift Ministry , 5:30 pm, at The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham!

Come expecting God to SHiFT your life!


"A Love Story"

The message tonight does not come from the script of a Hallmark channel movie. It won't leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling of 2 people who eventually find what they've been searching for in each other. This message will leave you with an overwhelming sense of thanksgiving and gratitude that you are loved despite your faults and failures. John 3:16 sums it up in so many ways. No contract...It actually tells us of Gods LOVE for us, not our love for HIM. I asked myself often, what would my scripture read of MY love for GOD? Try and write one for yourself, it's not as easy as it sounds.

As we head into the upcoming week, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of hundreds of $$$'s will be spent on flowers, candy, jewelry, stuffed animals and countless other extravagant gifts to show our love to someone. God gave the greatest gift of all, HIS SON. This is not like the bachelor/bachelorette. This gift of love has nothing to do with competition to see if you're worthy to be with someone. The gift is there for you to receive. Don't over think it, no one is truly worthy of it in and of themselves, but it is given freely, even to the least of all mankind.

Join us tonight at Shift Ministry for "THE PROPHET AND THE PR******TE" at 5:30 pm @ The Little Meeting House, 719 Roosevelt Trail in Windham...

Videos (show all)

“NOAH PREPARED AN ARK”Shift Ministry9/2/2023
A Second Ruah8/26/2023Shift Ministry
“What Happened Today”08/19/2023 Shift Ministry
I Wanna Hold Your HandShift Ministry8/12/2023
We HIS People pt47/29/2023Shift Ministry
We HIS People 2July 15, 2023
Lord Of The Flies6/24/2023SHiFT
THE FATHERS HOUSE6/17/2023Shift Ministry
“Straighten Up”Mother’s Day 5/13/2023

Opening Hours

17:30 - 20:00