Confer Corporation

Confer Corporation

Confer Corporation


Start a tutoring service
Private tutors get paid seriously good money. Naturally, you can market yourself as a tutor for school students in whichever subject you're studying at uni, but don't limit yourself. If you're studying English but did well in Maths at school, offer to help kids with this, too.As we explain in our guide to becoming a tutor, you can also tutor online to expand your customer base. Be a sports coach for local or uni teamsPretty simple. If you're good at a sport, or just have a knack for teaching it, get paid to be a coach for one of the local teams (or the uni team, if they pay).


Start your own travel exchange
Put together packages of budget flights, accommodation and events and coordinate them between your own university and one based abroad. If it's easier, try starting with a uni that yours is already affiliated with. For example, one of the universities offering a year studying abroad.


Start an essay or thesis proofreading business
Ok, maybe the last thing you'd want to do after writing your own essays is proofread other people's. But think of it this way: you'll get loads of exposure on how you should (or shouldn't) structure an essay. And, unlike when you're doing your own work, you'll be getting paid for your time. Hit up some freelancing sites to start offering your services. There are thousands of people out there desperate for someone to give their writing the once over.


Sell smoothies or sandwiches to local businesses
Call local businesses first thing in the morning and get them to place some orders for later in the day. Then, make the smoothies and sandwiches at home (we've got some great sandwich ideas) and deliver them to their door at lunchtime. Like Deliveroo, but much, much cheaper.