Shadow Work & Soul Healing With Dezaray

Shadow Work & Soul Healing With Dezaray

Spiritual & Transformational Coach, Shadow-Healer. Helping you transform deep rooted pain into divin This is not a "religion" and nothing will be forced.

Welcome to my personal page for getting AUTHENTIC and profound Guidance/Mentor-ship on reaching your spiritual goals. I have a great focus on Shadow Work; healing the great pains of life to transform into your best Self and manifest your best life. I also offer Empathic healing, anxiety and depression management techniques, and true Divine Goddess Intuition Retrieval. I am also a Registered Nurse


[looking for copywriter] Remote location

Hey Copywriter's! I am looking for a kick-ass Conversion Copywriter who I can refer a large project to! This would be for a long-form sales page and 9 email sales sequence (min)

The industry is the finance/stock for a well known person in this trade. If you have proven experience and have the time to add this to your projects, please feel free to send me a DM!

I am completely booked out 10 weeks and cannot take this project on so I really need someone I can trust to do this project. I look forward to talking with you! :)

3 Reasons Why "New Year, New Me" BS Doesn't Last! 08/12/2019

Check out my new article now!

Warning: I say some controversial things in this article (what can I say, that's me lol) about my beliefs on why the "New Year, New Me" BS doesn't last!

Plus 3 easy daily practices to make real transformations in the new year. Read the full article and you will NOT be disappointed in the amount of value and insight you get!

Click below to read it now, and start taking BIG action to changing your life πŸ–€

3 Reasons Why "New Year, New Me" BS Doesn't Last! And 3 easy practices to do NOW, to make real change and transformations this year!


Dear Warrior Woman,

Do you tend to let your emotions get the best of you, and talk yourself into the absolute WORSE possible outcome, that then causes you greater fear, pain and doubt?!

Creating the "outcome" of a situation completely based on your emotions and spiraling negative thoughts instead of the facts...will cause you MUCH unnecessary pain and anxiety.

I know my ability to immediately think worse-case scenario is AMAZING ha ha

Try to remain logical, even in your emotional state and remind yourself of the facts of what you KNOW. Not what you feel or think.

If you think back to a moment when you did this spiraling "worse-case" thinking, was the actual outcome as bad as you had created it to be with your thoughts?

More often than not, most likely no :-) πŸ–€

~ Dezaray

P.S...yes sometimes it DOES end up being the worse-case we thought it to be. BUT, do not allow the pain to come until you have all the facts first! You deal with enough pain already, no need to cause more than is needed.


Create Every Day!

What did you create today that fed your Soul? ~Dezaray


πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€ Share and tag a fellow Warrior Sister who needs to hear this too!


Warriors! Check out my latest article, "Why JUST Thinking Positive Doesn't Work!", plus the #1 secret that helped me finally learn how to heal past wounds and transform negative thoughts....

When nothing else really did! *BONUS* I include your free weekly Shadow-Healing Assignment, for you to implement right away to start taking control of your healing and spiritual growth :)

If you have any questions, or are interested in scheduling a complimentary Shadow Assessment session, just direct message me and I will get back to you right away :)


Whatever we avoid DOMINATES us. Healing and Transformation truly happens when you go through your darkness.

When we learn the lessons hidden beneath all the s**t we try to use to avoid the pain...

We can begin to integrate the Shadow-Self and bring her to the light. That is the definition of living authentically whole.

Walk your Healing Journey Warrior Woman, and remember exactly who you are!
~Dezaray, The Shadow-Healer πŸ–€


Say Goodbye to the old you and welcome in the Divine Warrior you were created to be πŸ–€


"When we continuously ignore our intuition, She becomes harder to hear. When we constantly go against what feels right to our Soul, we end up causing ourselves greater pain than needed". ~ Dezaray, The Shadow-Healer


" is being OVERDRAWN that causes the loss of the Soul Skin, and the paling and dulling of one's most acute instincts. It is lack of further deposits of energy, knowledge, acknowledgment, ideas, and excitement that causes a woman to feel she is psychically dying". - Women Who Run With The Wolves

~ It is very natural to feel this psychic death during the Dark Time of the year. We retreat, turn inward, and need to recharge...

It is ESSENTIAL to deposit Soul food, consistently, and authentically so you do not feel overdrawn.

Give your Soul the medicine She needs to Honor the Warrior Woman within to prevent this psychic death...

Do not rely on others for this medicine and must always do this for yourself. This is the highest form of Self-Love and Self-Care you can do. πŸ–€ ~ Dezaray


Hey lovely Ladies :-)

I am SO excited to announce I have created an exclusive way for you to get Shadow-Healing tips, practices, Guidance, and so much more....absolutely free!

Welcome to Warrior Woman Weekly πŸ–€ an online healing guide, delivered to your inbox every single week! Every Sunday, receive easy to follow techniques that can be implemented right away!

Techniques and Practices to help begin healing past wounds....fears...and negative thoughts! While also growing your Spiritual practice and honoring the Warrior Woman you are.

If you would like to join, just head right on over to this page to join the Warrior Woman Tribe now :-)

Again, completely complimentary and receive healing guidance and techniques I teach in my premium 1:1 programs!


Curious to know if anyone is feeling or has felt....that you keep going around and around in the dark cycle, unable to break it?

Even though you feel like you are trying different options to get a different result, but nothing changes? To put it simpler...just feel stuck.

Would love to hear from you! If you feel comfortable commenting, or would like to send a private message instead...I would truly appreciate your feedback :)

Timeline photos 14/10/2019

Take the step to begin your Healing and Spiritual Journey with Shadow-Work! πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€

Real Awakenings are Not Elegantβ€”they are Messy, Ugly, Shattered & Raw. 07/10/2019

Yes! So very very true. The answers, the transformations, the healing....are all found in the dark and the hidden πŸ–€

Real Awakenings are Not Elegantβ€”they are Messy, Ugly, Shattered & Raw. Awakenings tear us open.


Yessss!! Let's transform pain into power and be the Warrior Woman we were created to be πŸ–€


β€œOne does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” (Carl Jung) On the Shadow-Self and Integration πŸ–€


When we learn how to face our own inner demons and learn the lessons that are hidden beneath all the chaos and pain...we learn what it means to become truly whole and authentic. This is the power of Shadow-WorkπŸ–€


Self-Love tip for the day....

Listen to what your body is telling you it needs πŸ–€

I understand that we all live in the real world, and have responsibilities. However, it is very important to take even 15 minutes to do, or not do, what your body needs! Need to rest? Lay down for 15 min after work and just relax and breathe.

Need to turn inward and do Self-Reflection? Honor yourself and do this! It is natural for women in particular, to ebb and flow with the Seasons and the Moon cycles.

It is important to align with this natural cycle of the world. Autumn and Winter is the time to turn inward and slow down. Spring and Fall has the energy of action and creative ideas.

When you align with the natural energy of the Universe, you feel more balanced and in control of your emotions :)

Whatever you need, you deserve 15 minutes out of 24 hours!


Shadow-Healing not dive head first into ALL of the wounds and traumas at once! If you have had multiple traumas (experiences that hurt you on a core level), please do not try to heal and grow through all of them at once!

This can cause you to get severely overwhelmed, and could lead you to feel lost/depressed/stuck in the darkness! Be gentle with yourself and go slow. Listen to yourself on when you are ready to begin to work on healing another wound.πŸ–€


I hope everyone is enjoying their start to the weekend! I will be busy with a lot of work but loving every minute of it :)

When you live your purpose, it honestly, never feels like workπŸ–€

Timeline photos 18/09/2019

Watch how she bleeds πŸ–€


Eyes looking exhausted at work lol but I am keeping a smile on my face πŸ˜ŠπŸ–€


Everything is created with both Light and Dark. The key is balancing the Shadows with the Light for what speaks true for YOU. Living from your True and Authentic Self, requires you to walk into your own darkness and learn the lessons for growth and transformation that are buried under all the pain and fear. πŸ–€

FREE Online Course! 08/09/2019

If you are tired of blaming yourself for the pain other's have caused you, and are fed up with having your past wounds, pain, and fears negatively affect your daily life and relationships....I have an amazing but limited, opportunity for you to learn how to start healing these wounds and negative patterns!

For a very small group of ladies, I am offering my first online course absolutely free! This course will help you begin to heal the wounds and pain of the past and offer you guidance on how to learn the lessons for growth so you can begin to live from your True-Self! Learn how to stop blaming yourself! Learn how to stop living in pain and fear! Learn how to believe and trust in yourself again!

So if you are ready to stop living in your darkness and re-claim your Authentic Self, click below for the details! :)

FREE Online Course! I am offering a VERY SMALL group of women this special offer, as a thank you for providing me with your feedback, opinions and answers to short surveys. This will help me to research the most beneficial way I can help women heal the wounds that are causing them the most pain in their relationships a...


Fellow Warrior Women! If you feel called to do so, please check out my private group and see if we may just be the tribe you have been looking for πŸ–€πŸ˜Š


Oh yes you do πŸ–€




When you live your purpose and your truth, everything begins to align for your highest good πŸ–€


To all the Women who right now may be feeling that you are not good enough, strong enough, or brave enough...let me just say ARE so much more than what they have taught you to believe! You are Creators of the world and nothing is more powerful then that! You have a fire burning inside you and its time to let it roar! You are a Warrior Woman and it is time to re-claim your voice and truth! I know how difficult it can feel when you are in your darkest times. I was there for 20+ years and I know what it feels like to feel alone. Isolated. Controlled. Neglected, and Abandoned. You CAN transform your life. How do I know? Because I am just like you and if I could do it, so can you! It all starts with just a belief. A belief that it is possible. If you can find that belief, your Journey of transformation will begin πŸ–€

Our Story

Welcome Warrior Women! Here you will receive AUTHENTIC and profound Coaching and Guidance on reaching your spiritual and personal goals. I have a great focus on Shadow Work; healing the great pains of life to transform into your True Self and manifest your best life. I also offer Empathic healing, anxiety and depression management techniques, and Relationship Guidance. I am a Certified Registered Nurse with a focus in Behavioral and Community Health, and have always known I am a healer and spiritual Guide, both for the physical body, as well as Spiritual Self. All requests can be messaged directly to me and I will reach out to you within 24 hrs to speak with you about your personal goals. This is not a "religion" and nothing will be forced. Whatever you personally believe in, is how I will guide the Coaching and Healing. You can also follow me on IG @DezarayCaraballo. Thank you for allowing me to walk with you on your journey and help guide you to finding the inner peace and healing you are seeking.

While positive thinking helps, it is important to heal the underlying issues that effect our thinking and actions. All of our wounds, traumas, fears (Shadows) that are at the fore-front of our daily lives, are preventing us from truly manifesting and creating the life we want. It takes great pain to make great change, and I help Women heal the great pains and deep-rooted wounds that are blocking them from their blessings. I offer Online Courses, Webinars and Workshops, Worksheets, Self-paced Shadow Assignments, Group Guidance calls, and one on one Coaching. Join me as we begin to go deep into our fears and pain to transform them into power!

Videos (show all)

Stop living in Fear & Pain! FREE Shadow-Healing Session!