Your Heart Energy/Quantum Touch Healing Energy

Your Heart Energy/Quantum Touch Healing Energy

“I choose love, joy and freedom, I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.” Healing Meditations, Manifest Your Life Coaching.

Be Your Best Self...Energy Healing, Quantum Touch, Chakra Balancing, Positive Thoughts...Positive Outcomes. Self Created Health Practitioner / Instructor, Distant Healing, Focus with attention and intention. Theta and Alpha Healing Meditations. Workshops - In the United States, Quantum-Touch offers CE Hours for Massage Therapists.Quantum-Touch is approved by the National Certification Board for T

13/11/2015 a new way of sending your love and healing to a person. Co-Founder with Stormi and I, Krismas. Checkout the website.
Healing Harmonic Vibrations straight from Source.

Source Harmonies - Healing Harmonic Vibrations. Vibrational Healing Harmonies, Source Harmonies, Healing Harmonies, Energetic Harmonies, Energy Healing.


Soft Heart Tool - Take Some Time To Recuperate and Reenergize HeartMath Institute - Live a heartbased life.
Krismas - HeartMath Coach

Are you depleting your energy or charging your inner energy?
Take out time to recharge!

Following an exhausting day working, taking care of the house and family or laboring over final exams, most of us want to relax and recover.† Recuperating and re-energizing is important not only for the remainder of the day, but the next as well, and especially before the start of a new week.

All of us have access to a variety of interventions for physical discomfort or pain, including massage, sauna, yoga, topical applications or pain relievers. What about the emotional stress and imbalance that builds up some days and sometimes seems overwhelming? Those days when we experience negative emotions like anger and anxiety can be especially exhausting and draining.

It is as important to regenerate and find renewed emotional balance as it is to care for physical injury and pain. The symptoms of emotional stress and imbalance may not be alarming initially: slight irritability and anxiousness over little things, uncharacteristic inattentiveness to family, friends or work, less-than-normal clarity in decision-making. Eventually, however, the effects on performance, relationships and even health become more noticeable and frequent.

Is there an effective strategy for addressing emotional stress and imbalance?

The Institute of HeartMath has developed a number of techniques and one of the most effective and popular is the Soft Heart Tool.

Your "soft heart" is an easygoing, warm place of compassion for you, a place of ease and self-care, like a warm blanket or bath. Practicing HeartMath’s Soft Heart Tool 2 or 3 times a week can help you recuperate and reenergize from the emotional stress of daily life.

Why not try it right now –

Soft Heart Tool

1. Recognize that you are feeling disturbed, overwhelmed, depressed or some other depleting or negative emotion.
2. Acknowledge that it is not these or other emotions that cause you to feel drained or out of sorts as much as it is the significance you give them.
3. Find your Soft Heart attitude by intentionally feeling love, care or appreciation for a person, pet or something you truly care about. This helps take you to a soft place in your heart and increases your ability to feel care and compassion for yourself.
4. Soak and relax any unwanted feelings in the compassion of your heart, letting the significance dissolve a little at a time. Take your time.
My wish is that you will take some time to regenerate and find renewed emotional balance by going into your soft heart.

From HeartMath - Krismas is a HeartMath Coach


Some Simple Steps for Enhancing Self-Care

Self-reflection is important, yet many times we can be over critical and quite harsh towards ourselves. Be aware of negative inner chatter and practice replacing negative self-talk with care, compassion and kindness towards yourself.

Step One: Breathe in the attitude of self-care and hold this intention in your heart. On the out breath, release any old negative perceptions of yourself.

Step Two: Treat yourself with the same compassion and care you would give to someone you love. Being kind to yourself is as important as being kind to others.

I am joining HeartMath as a Coach/Mentor. Learn how to recharge your battery instead of consistently depleting it due to stresses of the day. Learn to recognize your emotions, acknowledge them and reset them for greater resilience and heart mind coherence. Learn and bring tools for you to use to have a healthy mind, body, spirit and emotions.
Many Blessings,


A change of HEART ... Can change your life.