Colorlite farveblindheds-korrigerende briller DK

Colorlite farveblindheds-korrigerende briller DK

Farveblindheds-korrigerende briller:


We are pleased to announce that Colorlite has won the Business Excellence Award in 2024 from Acquisition International as the Best Colorblind Correction Lenses Provider 2024 in USA.
We are grateful for the recognition and we will continue to make the best color correction glasses for our customers!

About The Award
Acquisition International is happy to announce the return of the Business Excellence Awards. This annual award exclusively showcases top-performing companies from across the world. Business Excellence Awards will boast a competitive selection process and a variety of categories. By examining various industries in detail, the Business Excellence Awards 2024 acknowledges and honors the most outstanding performers. Ranging from start-ups to family-run firms, to larger conglomerates, this award showcases their achievements in attaining excellence within their respective industries. Regardless of your area of expertise, the Business Excellence Awards 2024 is an excellent method to recognize and celebrate industry leaders.


HRR (Hardy Rand og Rittler) Farveblindhedstest

Begrænset udgave af HHR-testen, er meget præcis i diagnosticeringen af forskellige typer og alvorlighedsgrader af farveblindhed, og er en vigtig screening-test for vigtige erhverv som luftfart og militær. Du skal genkende simple former som findes på forskellige placeringer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Colorlite color vision correction glasses 06/12/2023

Glædelig jul og godt nytår!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Colorlite color vision correction glasses Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Colorlite color vision correction glasses


Velkommen til vores nye partneroptik i Danmark!
Blikfang Optik
Erritsø Bygade 97, 7000, Denmark
[email protected]
Phone number:0045-75929535


Collection of the best online color blind tests with useful background information!

Colorlite red-green color blind test

The fastest and most accurate online color blind test. The test is to find the gap in a ‘C shape’. In addition the test can determine the type and severity of the protan and deutan type of color blindness.

Colorlite Tritan (blue) color blind test

Very sensitive and fast online color blind test to determine Tritan type of color blindness. The test is to find the gap in a ‘C shape’.

Mosaic color blind test

Modern and accurate online color blind test. the test can determine the type and severity of the protan and deutan type of color blindness.The test is to click on the small square in the mosaic! It takes about 1-3 minutes.

Ishihara Color Blind Test

This is the online version of the traditional Ishihara test, which is most well-known color blind test, with over a century of recognition. You need to enter the numbers for each plate you can see.

Lantern color blind test

This is the online version of the Lantern test, which was developed to identify signal lights at night. The test shows pairs of vertically oriented lights (red, green, yellow). Identify the colors!

Farnsworth D-15 color blind test
This is the online version of the Farnsworth D-15 color blind test, which Farnsworth introduced in 1947. Arrange the colors in the correct order, starting the reference color.

Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test

This is the online version of the Farnsworth Munsel 100 Hue color blind test, limited to 40 colors. Arrange the colors by hue.

Color blind test for kids with basic shapes

The best online color blind test for kids. Draw shapes by tracing basic color shapes across the plates using your finger (mobile/tablet) or your mouse (PC). Kids don't have to know or name the geometric shapes, just follow the colored line.

Color blind test for kids with animals

Funny online color blind test for kids. Animals hide in the dots. Choose from the animals shown below that you recognize in the dotted pattern or find as many animals as possible in one picture.

Here's how I see colors

Based on your specific color blind test result, a spectrum is generated as you see it. You can then show others how you see color compared to others. It is also the fastest and most accurate online color blind test.

Pseudoisochromatic Plates (PIP) Color Blind Test
The test consists of colored pseudoisochromatic plates, contains a circle of dots appearing randomized in color and size. Within the pattern are dots, which form a number, difficult to see with a red-green color blindness.

Online Anomaloscope

Online demonstration (test) of the most accurate and standard gold color blindness test instrument used by eye specialists all around the world, called anomaloscope. Match 7 pairs of colors using the slider!

Minimal Motion Color Blind Test

A very interesting color blind test method, based on relative luminance measurement with minimal motion technique. It takes about 1 minute. You should stop the rotation of the wheel, or just find where the direction of rotation reverses.

Secret of Ishihara – Hidden plates

The hidden digit plates of Ishihara color blind test, that normal color vision observer don't see! Only individuals with color blindness could recognize the figure. The more severe color blindness, the more frequently read these plates.

Ishihara tracing color blind and hidden plates

An easy to use, accurate online color blind test. Trace a visible line across the plates using your mouse (PC) or your finger (mobile). Only individuals with color blindness could recognize the last two plates and normal color vision observer don't see!

Real-life Situation online Color Blind Test

Can I see the colors well? Name the colors from real life situations! You have to correctly name 36 colors in 6 images.

Color matching test

The test is to match seven fundamental colors, with increasing difficulty. One difficulty level takes about one or two minutes to complete, with the full game taking about five minutes. Can you complete the game?

Colored Scrabble

Test your English and color vision at the same time. A 5 letters
English word must be found in the color blind test.


The best collection of color-blind tests with useful background information!

Colorlite Farveblindhed korrigerende briller og Farveblindhed test

Colorlite har udviklet linser til forbedring af farvesyn for at korrigere rødgrønne farvesynsmangel og farveblindhed baseret på mere end 25 års videnskabelig forskning. Med individuel farvesynsdiagnostik anvender vi farvesynskorrigerende linser for at hjælpe mennesker med farvesynsmangel og farveblindhed til at opdage flere farver og nuancer, der ikke blev genkendt før. Farveblindhed har forskellige grad og type, så den kan korrigeres med personlige briller. Find en partner optiker, der vil hjælpe dig med at vælge de mest passende synskorrigerende biller.

Videos (show all)

Farveblindhedstest som farveblinde mennesker ser den
Farve matching spil
Farve tilpasning til synskorrigerende briller
Tritan (blå) farveblindhed test
Colorlite Farveblindhed korrigerende briller
Colorlite farvesynsdiagnostik og korrektion til optikere
Colorlite Farveblindhed korrektion
Colorlite color blindness diagnosticerings- og korrektionssystem til optik
Professor Wenzel Farveblindhed korrigerende briller
Farveblindhed korrigerende briller