Rusti Q Health Coaching

Rusti Q Health Coaching

Health and life coach. Passionate about helping others accelerate their learning and struggle less You want to make sustainable progress and get unstuck.

I can help! Through private one-on-one coaching (via Zoom or by phone) I'll guide you to self-discovering the answers that lie dormant within, teach you how to unlearn the garbage that's held you back for too long and give you proven practices and strategies you can put into action now. You won't walk the road alone - I'll be there with you. If you're ready to put in the most rewarding hard work y


Making conscious choices moment to moment throughout is work. No doubt about it.

Auto-pilot isn't work.

When nothing changes, nothing changes.

Want to work to create the life you crave or continue down the path of auto-pilotville?

Start in small ways and build from there. Choose one thing you'll be present, intentional and choose to bring forth your best, whatever that might look like in that moment.

Want to drink more water? Wake up and choose to make it the first thing to cross your lips.

Want more movement in your day? Rise from bed and do 2-3 stretches...heck, if that's daunting, do some bed stretches before rising.

Want to have a better attitude at work? Choose a reminder phrase before you get to work and set phone alarms thoughout the day to remind you of your intention. When the alarm goes off, inwardly say the phrase and inwardly smile (seriously, don't miss this second step), then go on about your day. Watch how different your day becomes.

So many ways to live more consciously and choose the life you're building.

What conscious choice will you make today? Leave a comment and let me know.

My conscious choice today is taking 2 minute breath/water breaks between work tasks and I've written out a sticky on my monitor to remind me.

Your turn...


A little cafe americano before todayโ€™s tour to Montserrat ๐ŸŽ‰


Barcelona greeted us this morning with this gorgeous sunrise ๐ŸŒ…

Photos from Rusti Q Health Coaching's post 22/01/2024

So many great sights to see. Just wandering, no guide, whatever we stumble upon, including a bakery and later a cafe. Sun is out, blue skies, so wonderful! Genoa, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

Photos from Rusti Q Health Coaching's post 20/01/2024

Weโ€™ve set sail ๐Ÿšข onward to Marseille, France ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท


What reminders do you set for yourself to help you stay on track with your goals?

For me and many of my clients, remembering we always have a choice in how we respond to our thoughts and what's happening around us is so powerful.

We can't control a lot in our life, but we can always control how we respond.

May you grow in your power to harness this gift of choice.


I had a counselor ask me this once and it so deeply impacted me that I find myself regularly using the question when I keep replaying something frustrating in my mind.

It creates space for other perspectives and possible solutions.

It opens the door to considering maybe I'm not seeing it accurately or as fully as I could.

It reminds me that I'm creating the meaning I'm giving it. I'm the storyteller and the meaning maker. Which means I have the power to change the meaning and how I view it.

It's a liberating question when put into practice.

What's something you're worried about or ruminating on and can't let go of it? Can you pause and get curious with yourself by asking this question? What comes up for you?


You've been hard on yourself for long enough. How's that been working for you?

If it was going to work, wouldn't it have worked by now?

Maybe try being patient with yourself? Give yourself grace? Offer some compassion to yourself?

You know, be a friend not a foe to yourself.


"I know what to do, I just don't know why I can't get myself to do it" is a common frustration I hear from clients.

I'll tell ya, 9 out of 10 times, when we delve into it, the reason they can't follow through or stick with it has to do with how much is it in focus in their daily life.

We lose focus, not motivation.

Focus means saying no to things that drain our energy and pull our attention away from what's our highest priorities.

How do you start and end your day? Does it include that thing you say you so desperately want to change in your life? If it doesn't, start there. Just writing down your goal and your plan of action (keep it simple) each morning and reviewing what you wrote down before bed will catapult your progress in unimaginable ways.

Try it and find out for yourself.

Keep the main thing in focus and watch your frustration with not following through either disappear or clarify what you really want after all.


The more complex we make things, the sooner we give up.

K.I.S.S. is the way.

Keep it simple sweetheart ๐Ÿ˜


I'm curious what your biggest goal for your health or life is for 2024?

Willing to share in the comments?

For me, my biggest wellness goal is to grow in my consistency with strength training. My biggest life goal is to walk in alignment with my values in all I do.

Your turn, what's on the top of your list and how will you keep it in focus when life gets busy or the challenge to persevere is daunting?


I get asked what I do and when I say I'm a Wellness and Life Coach, the next question is "what is that?"

It's a fair question.

First, what it isn't. Wellness and Life Coaching is not therapy where you dig into your past hurts, traumas or wounds and then diagnose a condition and/or treat a condition.

What it is: Wellness and Life Coaching focuses on whatโ€™s happening right now, what you want next for your health and life, and then, work in partnership with your coach to co-create how close the gap.

The gap is that space between how you're currently living life vs. what you're wanting life to be.

The cool thing about having a coach - you get a true ally who will help you harness your strengths, offer new ways to explore getting what you want and every step of the way be focused solely on what works for you and your life.

There's no pre-set formula to "fix" you because you're not broken. You may have some outdated beliefs and unhelpful patterns of navigating life, but why you do what you do has a perfectly good explanation and it's not because you're lazy, stupid, unlucky or can never catch a break.

Wellness and Life Coaching can profoundly change how you see yourself, increase your confidence and serve as a guiding light or pathway to lasting progress towards your goals.

If you want to know more, scan the QR code in this image or go to the link in my Bio and schedule a free Discovery Call to get all your questions answered.


I have an inside joke with one of my friends when one of us says something with such sincerity, but it's almost like 'duh, yeah that's kind of the elephant in the room'...we find ourselves saying "well, when you say it out loud!" ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿง

It's those lightbulb moments that really stick with you, but they're only impactful when you're saying it to another person who is genuinely kind, supportive, non-judgemental and will call you out on your BS if you head that direction after giving voice to the thing.

Some don't have those safe, encouraging people in their lives and that's where coaching or counseling are so incredibly transformational.

Believe me when I say, some of the biggest growth and healing moments in my life have been when I've spoken something out loud to another person who's capable of hearing it and being present for me. Sometimes that's been with fr'amily, other times in therapy or with a coach.

If you've not yet had this experience, or not enough of them because you don't have the safe and supportive people around you to say it out loud, reach out to me for wellness and life coaching (link in Bio) or for a recommendation to someone else.


Hate to be the buzzkill just as you're kicking off your 2024 goals, but what's true is true.

We don't change things in our life out of should's, have to's and need to's. The underlying reason why we seek change or something different must come from an inward motivation that you deeply want for yourself.

Inward motivators might still seem daunting and have you filled with thoughts of uncertainty, but there's still a drive within to strive for it no matter the end result. The process of attempting the change or doing it differently is enough to move through your fears and doubts.

So watch out for those goal zapping words, spoken out loud or inside your noggin - if it's 'I have to' or 'I should' or 'I need to' - begin again and re-evaluate you reasons why you seek change.

2024 could be your best year yet, the one where you make the most meaningful progress towards having the health and life you want. To get there, you must know why you seek it so badly.

Trust your inner knowing and believe you're worth it!


What's on your list?

How will you create it?

Want a brainstorming workbook to help get some clarity?

Leave a comment letting me know what one thing you'd like to improve or change in your health and life and I'll contact you to send my 2024 Wellbeing & Life Clarity Workbook, no strings attached!

You can make this year be whatever you want it to be - it's a blank canvass right now. May you create a masterpiece, one day, one step at a time.


Happy New Year!! It's 2024 and a time where our mind visualizes unlimited potential for our future.

What sorts of life ambitions or wellness goals are on your mind?

Do you have a plan? Support? Proven strategies tailored to meet your needs and your daily life?

Could you use some help from a trained, trusted and qualified coach?

It's hard enough to change lifestyle habits, it's even harder when you go about it on your own.

If you want to make lasting progress in an accelerated way, having a coach by your side each step of the way it's the greatest investment you can make.

Make 2024 the year you ask for help and get a coach. I'd love to be that coach for you or help you find a coach that's the right fit. Reach out to me for a free Discovery Call using the link in my BIO and together we'll explore your goals and the support you could use to thrive and start living your best life.


Tomorrow, millions will wake up and make their New Year's Resolutions. Will that be you?

Most will make the 'go big or go home' type declarations.

Or maybe they'll go back to past year's plans and strategies telling themselves 'this time it'll be different...I'm serious this time'!

By the end of January, the vast majority will have quickly gone back to living life as they always have and those grandiose resolutions long forgotten.

It's doesn't have to be that way though.

2024 really can be YOUR year, especially if you want it to start and end radically different than you imagine and can do on your own.

I'm a certified wellness and life coach and even I still get coaching or seek counseling. We aren't meant to go about making lasting change, especially transformative change, on our own. It's too daunting and the obstacles too difficult as a solo journey.

That's why in 2024, I hope you're explore a new way of getting the health and quality of life you crave by seeking coaching- either from me or other highly skilled coaches.

To learn more, schedule a free Discovery Call with me and let's find out if Wellness & Life Coaching is the key to 2024 being your best year yet! Click the link in my BIO or DM me.


You know how some phrases just stick with you? This one, 'more will be revealed' was spoken to me several years back when I was going through a really dark time in my life and it filled me with hope.

It has become an anchor phrase in my life, not just in dark time, but in a myriad of times, like when I'm restless, confused, excited, filled with questions, anticipating, etc.

It settles me, like a long, warm hug would.

I can lean on it and trust it to be true each an every time.

It reminds me not to force situations and to be patient...yes, do what I can that's within my control, but all those other things outside my control, allow them to come into view and reveal themselves to me.

All I have to do is stay open to receive what's revealed. It's at that choice point that I can choose my next step.

What's a phrase or wisdom teaching you use that's powerful in your life?

Willing to share it in the comments? I'd love to hear it.


In yesterday's post, I shared how to use your smartphone alarms to help you create simple, easy action steps that will improve your well-being and life.

Today, I'd encourage you to use your Reminder function on your smartphone.

Speak words of faith, encouragement, belief into your day.

Write like you speak in to yourself in your head - don't filter it or care about spelling/punctuation.

When the reminder pops up, take one full breath to fully take it in, choose to affirm it, then breathe out and swipe "okay" and move on with your day.

Will it make a difference in your life? Yes

Does it take time to create the reminders? Yes, and it's priceless time you're spending.

Will you try this?

I hope so.

Wishing you better health and more fulfillment in 2024, focusing first on simple, easy steps of action that increase your confidence and motivation.


Are you using technology to support your physical and mental health?

You don't need some fancy app or gizmo to remind you of important self-care habits.

Alarms are built into every smartphone and they can become your best accountability buddy!!

The trick is to not just swipe them away or turn off and get back to what you were doing without actually pausing to take the action.

Start small, like ridiculously tiny in your action steps.

Set an alarm to stand up, breathe and take a sip of water (or gulp). This would take less than 10 seconds!! Imagine though if over time you built a habit to stand up, breathe and drink water multiple times a day. Think your mind an body would thank you? Umm, that's a hell yes!!

If a 2-minute stretch is WAY too long because you're so busy and got more important stuff to do...create an alarm reminder to stretch while seated for 10 seconds! If that's too much, try 5 seconds...seriously, in building new habits, the act of doing the action is more important than duration and intensity when you're getting started.

You want to build consistency because it tells your brain you actually do care and are willing (motivated) to step outside your routines and traditional comfort zone to experiment and create something new.

Consistency is your super power!

Reminder alarms are your BFF ๐Ÿคฉ

It doesn't have to be complex to be impactful and transformative. Actually, the simpler and easy to begin the better.

In 2024, may you use your smartphone to help you create the well-being and life you crave.

And if you could use some help, try wellness and life coaching with Rusti. Click on the link in my BIO to schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more and get started.


How often do you take time to celebrate your wins each day?

Is that even a thing in your life?

If not, why not?

Remember back when you were an itty bitty kid and you got a fun sticker in pre-school or a high five from some adult for doing something seemingly simple, but you mastered it and it was worthy of celebrating?

How'd that sticker or high five make you feel? Great right?!!

Just because you're an adult now with adult responsibilities doesn't mean you can't celebrate your wins throughout the day. And it will make a HUGE difference in your health and quality of life when you do.

Don't believe me? Ok then, how about you simply give it a try and find out first hand?

Here's a 2-day experiment where you can test it out. Pause just 3 times during each of the two days (mid-morning, mid-afternoon and just before bed) and when you pause, think of one unique thing you're proud of or can acknowledge you did well (hint: you're not perfection hunting). Bonus points if you write them down or do a happy dance of sorts as you think of it.

Most people will just dismiss this as either being too silly or too simple to make any sort of difference.

Don't be most people!

If you need an added push - think about what happens when you criticize yourself and the impact that has on you...think if you had more moments of celebrating yourself to counter those criticisms you'd have a happier life?

Hmmmm, I'm betting BIG money you would. I know my life is infinitely healthier and happier with daily self-acknowledgement celebrations.

I wish that for you in 2024 and beyond!!


Would you answer this call?

If you got this call 1-year from now, what would future you say?

We have more power than we give ourselves credit for when it comes to creating the life we want instead of simply accepting whatever it turns out to be.

If you want to get back into the driver's seat and choose your future destination, now is the time to start navigating and designing how you'll get there.

There's so much you can do.

There's so much within your control.

There's a lot to unlearn and replace with more helpful, nourishing and inspiring ideas and strategies to get where you're trying to go.

It's not too late - don't believe those lies!

Yes, you really can turn things around.

Maybe going it alone is what's preventing you from making progress in lasting ways?

Wellness and Life Coaching can be the difference maker.

Want to learn more? Reach out and schedule a free Discovery Call with Coach Rusti.

Wishing you well today and may you enthusiastically want to take that call from your future self.


If you were to pull out a pen and paper and write a letter to yourself today describing all the things you did to elevate your health and life in 2024, what would it say?

Imagine writing that letter, then dropping it in the mail - addressed to yourself and the date you intend to open it written somewhere on the outside of the envelope - then opening it on that date, i.e. Dec. 21, 2024?

Would you find that motivating?

You might not know until you try it out. Want to?

I have some clients who've used this writing a letter to themselves practice and they'll do it in even shorter intervals, like 6-weeks from now or 3-months from now. They find it brings greater clarity to what they're working on and more motivating to bring it to life so that when they open the letter on the pre-determined date, they anticipate how great they'll feel having accomplished what they said was so important.


As we inch closer and closer to the new year, many of us are planning how we'll live differently in 2024.

For the people pleasers out there, what would life be like if each day in 2024 you began with the mantra "I choose me"?

It might seem radical to include yourself in the list of high-priority tasks and what not, but isn't about time you're not last on your list?

Wouldn't everyone around you benefit from you putting time and energy into your needs, wants and health? (HINT: the answer is an emphatic YES!!)

If you could use some help prioritizing your self-care so that you and others benefit, schedule a wellness and coaching session with Coach Rusti now by clicking on the scheduling link in the Bio or leaving a comment or DM'ing now.


Have you ever wanted to write a book? Sounds daunting huh? I hear ya!

But what about writing a short story - that seems doable, ya think?

Just for the fun of it. If I were to write a fictional short story I think it would be futuristic where people could fly and go on adventures together.

What about you? Leave a comment and share what you'd write about. C'mon, don't be shy, this is just for fun and to help others get their creative juices going - you never know what your comment might inspire in another.


If you've never experienced Wellness and Life Coaching but have goals in 2024 that you've historically struggled to stick with, consider scheduling your first coaching session with Coach Rusti and finally make lasting progress.

Click on the link in the Bio or DM to get more information.


Have you ever practiced Metta meditation (aka Loving Kindness)?

It's a really powerful practice especially if you struggle with a harsh inner critic and/or deal with difficult people regularly. It can also cultivate a sense of safety in a world that seems chaotic and unpredictable.

There are great resources available to look into, especially those by Sharon Salzberg, but if I can be of help - reach out to me and I'd be happy to point you in the right direction, or sign up for private guided meditation using the Bio link and I could teach you the practice.


What change do you seek in 2024?

Could working with a wellness and life coach accelerate your progress and lead to greater success?

Find out by scheduling a Right-Fit consultation with Coach Rusti - click on the bio link or DM her to schedule.

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