Excel with Coach Monica

Excel with Coach Monica

Mom to two young boys and two active small dogs. Very passionate about helping others reach their nutrition and fitness goals.


What the 4 Week Gut Protocol is about? When I did it and what helped me loose 9 pounds was the 4 Rs. The first one is basic Remove. Eliminate from your diet gluten, dairy, corn, highly processed Soy, Alcohol, and Artificial Sweetneers.

Which one of these items you would have trouble removing from your daily consumption?
Me: gluten food.


And just like that, we are preparing for Back to School.

Summer flew and it felt like a short movie with the title:
****Not today, tomorrow****

That’s what I keep telling myself about committing to a healthier nutritional habits for the summer.

Actually, it has been a couple of years of me restarting and stopping; planning meals and not cooking; sticking to balanced breakfast and lunch while overeating my dinners.

The only instance any plan worked for me during these two years was when I followed the 4-week Gut Protocol. It was the plan I needed and when I saw my stomach shrink, have less gases, and even enjoy better sleep.

Check Your Gut Quiz to learn more what gut health can do in addressing unnecessary discomfort, and see if this program is right for you.

Team Beachbody® - The 4 Week Protocol: Check Your Gut


I used to tell myself that “I could continue eating everything I want as long as I workout everyday.” But I didn’t see progress and worst I saw my body changing and gaining more pounds. It was clear to me I needed to make change to see a change.

This pas October, I said to myself I needed to commit to change. I made my Health Esteem Declaration: I will reset my ways of eating and commit to a better nutrition plan.

Right before Thanksgiving, I completed the 21 Days eating plan is that gave me the ultimate reset for my body. my energy, my habits. In those 21 days I had lost 10 pounds and best of all I practically eliminated my digestive problems (gas, acid reflux) broke out my bad eating habits (over eating bread and pizza) and learned to rely on better food as the source of my energy.

For this New Year you would like to make your own declaration instead of a Resolution. If you want to stop the shame and blame of what went wrong last year. Instead let’s declare what we want from life going forward. From a resolution of what oI can’t do, to a declaration of what I can do, and how I want to feel in the new year.


It's not enough just to work out and eat right. So for my birthday I decided that to reach my goal of getting in shape on the outside, i had to be healthy on the inside.

And what a great gift that my girlfriends also decided to do the same and that it was time for a Reset.

Follow our 21 days journey with to improve our by restoring our body to its original "factory settings.”

If you want to learn more details, do not hesitate to 📧 me at [email protected]


Today is but I think it should be celebrated everyday. It’s that walking is for everyone. We have being doing it since we were little.

Think of walking not just by scheduling a walk in your neighborhood park. Or beyond walking in the thread mill. Think and count every step you take even in your own home.

If you use one of the Apps on your smartphone you can see and track so many steps you take a day that make your app to send you a congrats message for walking.

So either you go walking to market, brisk walk in the park or walk up and down to take the dog out to his business, enjoy the wonders of walking.


I am proud to share tonight’s dinner and that my stomach is no bloated anymore!

It’s that for the past two weeks I have been:
- removing all dairy from all my meals
- Reducing my sugar, caffeine and processed carbs, and
- adding more vegetables to all my meals.

I owe this to following a very simple nutrition plan to help with gut issues.

Would you like to learn more about this plan that can help gas, bloating, indigestion and other sensitivities issues affecting you? I am here to share more of what I’ve learned and experienced.


Sharing my schedule for this week. I’m still trying to figure out what schedule to follow after I completed my 30 days of Job1.

Cannot go wrong with more stretching, elongating and relief moves for my back during nights. Tell Me what you are doing to meet your daily movement goals.

9 Stretches to Relieve Hip and Lower Back Pain 03/01/2022

Sharing these quick and easy stretch moves which you can do at home if you are a for most of the work week.

I know is a privilege to work from home during these days but this means we are sitting down longer than ever before. In my experience, my lower back has been hurting more than ever. My two physical therapy sessions a week are not enough. So these very doable stretch moves that you can do in less than 10 minutes will alleviate our bodies.

I add the tip that I place a yoga mat in the middle of the living room to remind me to take a break and stretch with these moves before and after any meeting.


9 Stretches to Relieve Hip and Lower Back Pain These nine gentle stretches can help relieve lower back pain by stretching out your tight muscles. Get the moves.


I’m celebrating one good thing I did for my health. I completed Day 1 of 80 Days all around body Program. At Beachbody On Demand. I enjoyed it more this second round. I guess my mind was focus on those core moves.


My first workout in a month. Yay!! All thanks to my commitment to the premium Meal Plan got my my first month of BODi (Beachbody On Demand Interactive) and I loved it!

It was a Yoga session and like my son said it was a virtual class! I could see other people who attended the class. Vita’s, the trainer, giving cues to class, and the time flew by.

I can’t wait for tomorrows class. I think I will pick a Barre Blend class with Elise!

Get Your Groove On for These Dance Workout Benefits | Beachbody Blog 15/05/2021

Having fun and putting a smile on your face are good reasons. See benefits of dancing here


Get Your Groove On for These Dance Workout Benefits | Beachbody Blog A dance workout is a fun alternative when you're not in the mood for push-ups and burpees. Here are 6 dance workout benefits you won't want to miss out on.

8 Tips On How to Start Working Out Again | Beachbody Blog 08/04/2021

My favorite tip is #4. What’s yours?


8 Tips On How to Start Working Out Again | Beachbody Blog Your goals, your schedule and your habit all have an impact on how you might start working out again after a break. Follow these tips to make it easier.


She is the greatest! Isn’t this video inspiring?
I am pumped to grow up a bit like her 🙌🏽💪🏽


Excited to share my first day of the running/strength program, yay!! It is a running training program which i modified with walking and intervals of my fastest walk on a brisk 45 cold degrees.

In this program one day you have 30 minutes strengthening moves which I chose to do when I came back home. The outdoors are mostly every other day and will encourage you to walk or run a 5K on day 30.

I will try to share my progress because my goal is to actually run. But anytime let me know if you would have ever considered running and listening to a master trainer on your mobile.


Sunday nights are great for planning and writing your to do for the new week. Tonight I am writing down even the meals I plan to eat. Good thing I found an empty journal.

Do you like to write down your plans or your to dos? Or do you prefer to journal your thoughts at the end of your day?


The hardest thing after not working out in awhile is the first day back. It’s that I had to choose very careful what workout to do at home.

You see, I tested positive with Covid-19 and suffered almost all of publicly listed symptoms. Then, after all those symptoms are gone it feels still scare that my body was not the same. My doctor said it was normal to continue without tastebuds. But then feeling the shortness of breath even after 3 weeks, affected my mental state. What if I developed something else. God answered with “Be patient” and everything will be okay.

So I clicked on my digital library and continued with my schedule workout of Week 4 Day 1 of Barre Blend I was aware I could not do my normal push-ups and even use the 2lbs dumbbells for most of the moves.

So I will continue to modify moves, do my errands carrying lighter bags and do more outside walks not run. Oh and now I will try more low-impact workouts at . I want to do tai Cheng and do more Tai-chi inspired moves on my weekends and take it slow.