ReefLife is my Etsy store that I make coral reef sculptures found ashore on Fort Lauderdale Beach Fla. I will be adding jewelry and digital downloads soon!
I know the website URL is horrible! However; I am new with Etsy and cannot seam to figure out how to change it. I live in Fort Lauderdale Florida about five minutes away from the beach. After hurricane Irma I went to the beach and was heartbroken at the damage that had been ripped from our
coral reefs. Global warming has been destroying our coral reefs just in the past couple years at an alarming rate! After the shock of all the destruction that surrounded me, I had an idea of how to make them alive again in art. I searched up and down for weeks collecting bags upon bags of everything that I could. Took them home cleaned them up and sorted them out. After trial and very many errors I have made something that I think is beautiful, and hope you will see the beauty in them as well. I plan to include more to my sight including more sculptures, jewelry and some digital download pictures. I am honored to share with you and would love to here feedback. One last further comment if I haven't made it clear. I DO NOT believe in the harming of our coral reefs, or ANY living thing. NOTHING was taken from any reef everything I have was washed ashore. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Erin Nicole