

. Hometown Domination is NOW... MulsonMedia. Now, we are still willing to help create a website or structure a YouTube channel or page, sure.

(read about the beginnings below)

July 2019: Our purpose in this transition is a simple and practical one - to get away from the techie side of things and focus more on the art of messaging and storytelling. Those are useful and necessary. However, as most things do, the Internet has evolved and has brought the world with it. And assets like websites, though still crucial to business today, are n


ATTN: Solopreneurs & Business Owners📣

I'm preparing to launch my own software platform. I've got a few businesses running on it with great feedback so far, and I'm looking for a few more.

It puts almost everything you need to digitally manage a business today, under one umbrella; digital tools that work independently or collectively to accomplish a variety of tasks like website building/hosting, online review management and automation, responding to and following up with Facebook/Instagram comments and DMs, creating automation "Zaps" like Zapier, or scheduling content like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Later across social media platforms.

It's what I wish I had 14+ years ago. Man, it would've been a game-changer for me! 😱

You'll be hearing me talk about it ad nauseam, very soon. 😂


👉 IF YOU think this might be helpful to your business* and would like to peek under the hood to see if it'd be a benefit to your business or project*, contact me privately and we can chat.

PS - You must have a legit business or project that you're running or preparing to launch. (there are fees involved)

Creating Conversations At Scale

Hometown Domination is NOW... MulsonMedia. (read about the beginnings below)

July 2019: Our purpose in this transition is a simple and practical one - to get away from the techie side of things and focus more on the art of communication, messaging and storytelling. Now, we’re still willing to help you create a website or structure a YouTube channel or page, sure. Those are useful and very necessary. However, as most things do, the Internet has evolved and has brought the world with it. And assets like websites, though still crucial to business today, are not as important as creating MEDIA; broadcasting your story and helpful information to the world, and starting conversations.

❤️👉Our focus moving forward will be all about messaging - helping you create, produce and amplify your message across the ever-changing landscape of our online world. And we’ll also be creating some of our own brands and media channels under the MulsonMedia umbrella as well, just like HEART of Clarksville.

Some history on where things started, back with Hometown Domination...

Videos (show all)

Supporting Others Takes A Micro-second
5 'Almost Secret' Facebook Advertising Features You MUST Know ...
The SMB Facebook Conundrum: Facebook Me-Monsters vs Relevance
Open Production Time Waitlist For Brand Marketing Commercials
How Will People See My Video On Google If It's "Over On YouTube"?

