

We search your Family History in Montenegro. Bosnia and Hezegovina, Serbia and Croatia. Genealogy research and boots on the ground search.

Newest Features on Ancestry: June 2024 26/06/2024

New features on www.ancestry.com


Newest Features on Ancestry: June 2024 Discover the latest updates and features from Ancestry in June 2024! Stay up to date with the newest tools and enhancements to help you uncover more about yo...

Oaza ep.67 - Gornja Lastva 22/04/2024

Tivat and Gornja Lastva,Montenegro

Oaza ep.67 - Gornja Lastva Tivatske prirodne oaze.


Humorous map of Europe dates from 1914 by the well-known Portuguese modernist painter and illustrator António Soares (1894-1978). The map can be seen as a condemnation of the powers of Europe, engaged as they were at that time in plunging the continent of Europe into the great conflagration that became World War I. https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_18967/?st=image&r=-0.127,-0.044,1.289,0.765,0


Did you know that the first Yugoslavs in California came in the mid-1800s from Dalmatia and Montenegro?


Greetings everyone here at Salt Lake Community College. It's a pleasure to be here for this occasion.

I want to start by thanking:
Stan Watts and Andrey Sledkov
Jerry Taylor
Salt Lake Community College President Deneece Huftalin,
The College's Art Committee,
Dean of Science Math & Engineering Craig Caldwell,
and the school's Executive Cabinet

Thank you to everyone who made it possible to get a Tesla monument here in this beautiful place.

Some 80 years since he left this life, Tesla is slowly but surely claiming the spot in world history that his life and work deserve.

I am especially excited when I see this happening at schools and colleges, and among young, smart people who will continue the work he started and improve the quality of life on our planet.

My name is Nikola Lonchar, and I am the President and Founder of the Tesla Science Foundation. In 2004, I started an organization devoted to promoting the life and legacy of Nikola Tesla. It turns out there were thousands of people who wanted to see that happen. Many people have worked hard to bring light to the man who brought light to the world. And for those of us who remember, 20+ years ago, it was rare to come across people who even knew who Tesla was.

Tesla was, and still is a huge inspiration for me, and for many across the world.
He was so ahead of his time, even ahead of our time now.

Some of his work remains unfinished - the world wasn't ready to accept it. But continuing his work and completing his vision is something that future generations will do to solve our energy problems, as well as the wars they and problems they cause.

Tesla fought for free energy, but also for free and equal access to that energy. And for free communication, also accessible to everyone. He wanted to see an end to wars.

Unfortunately, we do still see a lot of problems, conflict, scarcity, inequality, pollution. It is now up to the next generation to come up with solutions for our planet.

I wish that generations before me would have done better, that my generation would have done less damage. But I have no doubt in a brighter future led by the young people I meet today.

TSF has helped start Tesla Clubs at schools and colleges across the world. On January 13, we are opening up a platform/portal for these Tesla clubs to work together with us and with each other. With common goals and interests, and each other's help, the community of Tesla enthusiasts has done so much already, but the best is yet to come. I hope that Salt Lake Community College will also form a Tesla club and join us, and even lead us to new heights.

Thank you.


Dinaric Alps is a mountain chain that runs in many separate mountain ranges, from the southern edges of the Eastern Alps in Slovenia and Italy, where the Julian Alps end, stretching further across the western side of the Balkan peninsula.
Almost all the islands in the eastern Adriatic (as well as all the mountains rising behind well-indented coasts of Croatia and Montenegro) belong to this mountain system.


Montenegro Travel Blog - Kotor, Budva & Beyond | Chasing the Donkey 24/10/2023

Here is one amusing travel blog about the Balkans.

Montenegro Travel Blog - Kotor, Budva & Beyond | Chasing the Donkey We travel Montenegro seeking out Montenegrin food, wine, the best things to do in Montenegro, & accommodation in Montenegro for you.

Photos from Yugoslavroots's post 17/10/2023

It happened this October another family reunion in Montenegro. Rob Stanich brought his father, his wife, and kids, as well as his sister and her family, to Ljuta, Boka Kotorska, to meet the closest cousins. Rob's grandfather, Filip, whose mother was from an eminent Radomiri family, immigrated to the US in the 40s and, along the line, lost the connection with family in Boka.
We feel so privileged to be part of this family reunion, and we are thankful for the photos and endorsement of our service.

Home | Aрхив Југославије 18/09/2023

Here is the updated site of the archive of Yugoslavia

Home | Aрхив Југославије a

Budva, Montenegro 14/09/2023


Budva, Montenegro description: Town of Budva, Montenegro on the Adriatic Sea. Scanning and access made possible by a grant from NEH.

Montenegro. 14/09/2023

William Denton ( 1815-1888 ) was a British reverend and writer of several books. Here is a digital copy of the book about Montenegro
published in London 1877.


finding my croatian ancestry 01/08/2023

There are not many stories published about searching for Yugoslav roots. Here is one from a decade ago.

finding my croatian ancestry   With old faded documents from almost a 100 years ago, we started an amazing journey that took us 5,000 miles from home in search of my family.