Expat Therapist

Expat Therapist

Wherever you happen to be, and whatever you are going though - we're here for you.


🌿 Your Self-Care Checklist 🌿

Today's checklist is a gentle reminder to nurture your well-being, one step at a time. 💖

✅ Moved my body
✅ Ate something nutritious
✅ Took a deep breath
✅ Practiced gratitude
✅ Connected with loved ones

Self-care isn't about perfection; it's about small, intentional acts of love and kindness towards yourself. Celebrate these moments of self-nurturing and remember, you're worth every effort! 🌱💫


🧠 The Deceptive Nature of Anxiety 🧠
"Your anxiety is lying to you."
Anxiety can be a master of deception, weaving intricate stories of doubt, fear, and worst-case scenarios. It thrives on creating a false narrative that convinces us of impending doom. 🌪️
But here's the truth: Anxiety is not your most reliable source of information. It distorts reality and inflates our worries beyond proportion. It's like wearing anxiety-tinted glasses that filter out the vibrant colours of reality and leave us with a bleak, distorted view. 🌆
It's important to recognise that your anxious thoughts and feelings are not an accurate representation of the situation. Challenge those thoughts and remind yourself that you have the inner strength to navigate through the uncertainty. 💪
Next time your anxiety starts spinning its web of deception, take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, "Is this a fact, or is it my anxiety talking?" 🌟


🚧 Boundary Struggles 🚧
"Reminder: No is a complete sentence."
Setting boundaries can be tough, especially when you're just starting out. It's perfectly normal to face some pushback. 🤝
Your journey to healthy boundaries is a process, and it's okay to take it one step at a time. 💪 Embrace the challenges, because they lead to growth! 🌱
