All The Wrong Roads

All The Wrong Roads

Veteran, Retired General Contractor, and Author

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento 17/03/2024

It's funny but because I have a weak Heart Aorta that could burst if I get too excited and kill me when women ask if I would like to hook up. I have to ask myself, is she worth dying for and I haven't found one yet. But the funniest part is as she gets undressed, I would probably drop dead when her panties hit the floor. I just wish someone would have told me about this when I was younger because I would have taken a lot better care of myself.

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento


For the past 2 months, I've posted about my book 12 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week, and have too talked to hundreds and hundreds If not a thousand people, replied to 1,200 messages, blogged to 50 different book blogs, had 50 people try to scam me, had another 100 indecent proposals form men and women. And all I was trying to do was promote my book. And after all that I sold around 40 books. that equals to about 1,000 hours to make 160.00 dollars which equals to, .06 cents an hour. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, then out of the blue something said don't worry just put it in God's hands. So that's what I'm doing.


So I get a call from this guy who says he wants to make my book into a screenplay to submit to movie producers. and they would cover all costs. So I told him to send me the info about the company so I could research it. and he did. Has anyone heard of DREAMBOOKS MEDIA PROFESSIONALS before? If you have please let me know. Thanks


I accept all friend requests and a lot have a picture of themselves in some sexy outfit asking if I want to meet up, And I always say no thank you and tell them about my book and send them a photo of the cover, and some would just say no and block me. And then I figured it out when I read my cover ALL THE WRONG ROADS with Jesus christs photo in the corner and they took my book the wrong way I was laughing so hard. Because the books about me not them.

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento 10/03/2024

I finally answered all 2,000 messages, I't took 2 months and most deleted the message or blocked me when I didn't answer. But I had no idea what to say or how to say it but now after writing my book and answering over 3,000 messages, I must admit I still put my humor into each post and they either get it or don't and if they don't, why would I want to spend the rest of my life with someone that doesn't have sense of humor like me. Plus they all know my book was just released on Amazon if you're interested lol.

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento


I get a lot of friend request and I accept them all and this young woman asked for a picture, after I sen't it she said, I bet you were handsome when you were younger. I was laughing so hard because I knew she was right. This was the photo I sent lol.


many years ago I went to work for a small construction company and my boss was this little old man, when I got to his place there was a pot of coffee styrofoam cups, and a spoon so for the next 2 years that was the routine. Make my coffee with cream and sugar and go to work then we got a job farther away so I had to be there an hour early for the First time I watched him make his coffee and after he stirred his coffee, he then sucked the spoon clean and put it back down on the napkin and I almost threw up. it's funny now but every time he got sick so did I. Needless to say I Always got a clean spoon out of the drawer after that. lol


I get these messages from some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and when I check out their photos of them in the most beautiful places, eating extravagant meals, and asking if I would like to meet up and I can barely afford Mcdonalds lol, I always say, let me think about that, no. But I'm working very hard to change all that and turn my life around. My book is just the beginning, I'm like an iceberg with just the tip showing but underneath. Lookout world I'm coming and nothing is going to stop me.


I started my page when I started writing my book 2 years ago and I started getting hundreds of friend requests a day. I friended anyone who asked but I was so busy writing that I very seldom answered back except to ask why they wanted to be my friend, and they all said Facebook recommended me. I thought that was weird but I was just happy to have friends. After my book was released I went to my messages and I had at least a thousand or more and 1 by 1 I told them about my book, but because I didn't answer them a lot blocked me so I lost 500 friends, but I still have 4,500 that didn't give up on me and I will be there friend for as long as they want me.


So I have been talking to this woman for about a month and she said she loved me and wanted to become my wife. But she didn't like talking on Facebook which seemed kind of strange, so as a test I sent her my phone # and said let's face chat on the phone, she refused and I realized she wasn't who she said she was lol. So we are not friends anymore and I'm really sad about it. I hate losing friends.


I had a dream of doing TED talks and speaking to hundreds if not thousands of people about addiction and how I turned my life around. But it was dashed against the rocks yesterday. After my first and last podcast. Even my mother asked what happened to you're neck because it looked like my head was sitting on my shoulders lol, I spoke so fast it was hard to even understand me, and I was talking with my hands so much that even I thought I was gay lol. but trust me I'm not, I only talk that way. You have to keep a sense of humor no matter what. It's only 1 dream of many, that I won't waste my time pursuing, LESSON LEARNED

Anyone Can Write An Inspiring Book (Interview with Paul Armento) 28/02/2024

Well I did my first podcast and it was an hour long but it seemed like 10 minutes

Anyone Can Write An Inspiring Book (Interview with Paul Armento) Paul Armento was an atheist who was addicted to drugs. When his doctor told him he was going to die, Paul gave up the drugs and decided to write a book about...


40 years ago I had a bartender tell me a God joke, but when I told it people jumped back expecting me to get struck by lightning lol. I explained that we were created in his image so he has to have a sense of humor because we do. But after writing my book and realizing that God has been with me throughout my life. I can't remember the joke It's just gone out of my mind. It's the weirdest thing, but I know I would never tell it again, even If I could remember it lol. Praise the Lord


I had a friend who had just gotten out of prison 6'-2" and carried a 9mm in his boot, he would actually rob drug dealers lol, When we went somewhere he drove Like a maniac,120 mph and in and out of traffic within a few feet of cars, after about a month he looks over at and said, you're the first person that has never said anything about my driving. I just smiled and said If we get in an accident I'm going to crawl over to you and snap your neck like a fn twig, he just laughed and said fair enough. True story lol


I decided to post about my book to all 5,000 friends, but I could only post to a hundred people a day for 2 weeks, about 1,500 people, and the O, I, M, and A, have worn off the keys lol. I send a photo of me with each post to better relate to the book. And a lot of women post back that they want to get to know me better. So I always tell them to read the description on the back of the book where it says I wasted my entire life away, and most never text me again lol. I always tell them I wouldn't even date me right now. My favorite one is I'm old enough to be your grandfather except one wrote back OK DADDY I was laughing so hard because it took me off guard. we're just friends now because she had such a good sense of humor.


I posted on Book Lovers, about my book and sent my picture so they had a face to go with my book and they refused my post so I just BLOCKED THEM LOL.

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento 19/02/2024

Being raised an Athiest all my life and had never even walked into a church until the age of 22 to remodel one. But I never expected to find God while writing my book, but there he was over and over again. My doctors said I wasn't going to make it another 3 months, all due to too many bad choices in my life. But yet again two years later my book was just released on Amazon and by the grace of God I turned it all around. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento All The Wrong Roads by Paul Armento


So I'm on Facebook talking to someone about my book when my mother walks in and says, I lost my YouTube channel and don't know how to sign back in, so I have to stop and figure out her Google account and password. After about 15 min. and 4 tries with the remote clicking on each letter I started to get really agitated but caught myself before I showed my anger because she had been through enough in her life, so I just went to my computer and pulled up her account and password and went back smiling and joking and she never knew I was even angry lol I can actually control my temper now, who knew.


Do you ever get tired of trying, I do, so every night I ask god to take me in my sleep or make me a billionaire, so I guess I'm going to be a billionaire lol. No matter how difficult life gets never lose your sense of humor, sometimes it was the only thing I had left.


So I went to 2 colleges this week to see if they wanted to partner up with me. On an app, I want to design. But they just gave me the run around like I was some Idiot and I walked out of both American River College and Sac State feeling like an Idiot lol. But that just makes me push myself that much harder. So now I'm going to sign up for an online course on app design and build it myself. I was getting bored anyway, so might as well learn something new.


should I change this photo, that I send with the info on my book. So they have a photo to go with the story.


when women ask how I make a living. I tell them, I'm retired and living on 1,300 a month, and 9 out of 10 stop talking to me, but I can't blame them. It just makes me laugh because I know who I am and what I will accomplish in the next few years, but I love when people judge me. Because I take rejection and turn it into determination, I do it on purpose to help keep me focused on my goals. Like when I told people I wanted to be an Author and they laughed at me. That laughter is what kept me pushing forward, even when I wanted to quit, I wouldn't. I went back and showed them my published book and the surprised expression on their faces were priceless. You can accomplish anything, especially if you have nothing to lose. lol


My entire life my eyes have been dark brown, but when I went to get a new driver's license I noticed my eyes were changing color, and when I asked the woman behind the counter, she said they looked hazel to her. So now on my eye color, it says hazel. On a YouTube video that just popped up today called Changing Eye Color, It said it is due to a Spiritual Awakening, it's as if God is trying to tell me something.


So I posted that story about the gas station on narcotics anonymous and some guy posts What a f**ken piece of s**t I was bragging about my new car and I got so angry, I was about to release the old Paul and post back F. U. Let's meet up. But then I thought about my mother and putting her in danger, so I just blocked him lol. It took me three hours to calm down, but I'm all right now.


I stopped to get gas yesterday and as I got out of my new car in a suit, I saw an old man get out of an old beat-up pickup truck that you could tell he lived in, and he had M**h addict written all over him. It takes one to know one lol, he reaches into a plastic bag pulls out 65 cents, and hands it to the cashier I had just given the cashier my last 40 dollars but I had 4 dollars left so I just smiled and handed it to him they both looked at me strangely and I just smiled and said I was you 2 years ago. they were very surprised. I went and got my book out of the car to show them, and explained how my doctors said they didn't think I would live another three months. So I didn't know if I'd live long enough to finish the book. I told them how in the blink of an eye I had wasted an entire lifetime. but 2 years later I had turned it all around, and explained if I could do it so could they, they both were so appreciative of the story and thanked me and I walked away with a feeling that I could actually make a difference in this world.


well I'm going to dress in a suite and tie and go to a few colleges and see if they want to partner up with me on building an app. and a game. Sacramento State has a program for that so keep your fingers crossed. I'm tired of just of sitting and posting all day. It's time to start another project. I want to build a bed and breakfast rehab center in the desert Like a little Oasis. But it will cost 5 million to build. but anything is possible if you put your mind to it. With Determination and Gods help anythings possibe.


This week I've had 2 people contact me to do a podcast about my book. They said it was an amazing story. To say I was surprised is an understatement. My doctors said they didn't think I would live another three months So when I sat down to write my book I didn't think I would live long enough to finish it, but by the Grace of God I completed it and It was an amazing journey. but it was written to show people that you don't have to follow in someone's footsteps, you can create your own path. And do things you didn't even believe are possible. just find something you're passionate about, and everything just falls into place like magic.


It's funny but if I don't answer some women they block me, not even understanding that I'm working very hard to turn my life around just so I can talk to them without sounding like some loser. But it works for me because I block them and now I can have a real friend. lol


Some women posted me saying, good morning babe, so I posted Hello doll because I thought she was cute as a doll and she was offended. So they either get offended or want to show you a video of them. So I'm done answering posts.


I have asked so many promoters to help me, for 10% of the sales of my book, because they want thousands of dollars for their programs but they always say no, but all that does is make me more determined to succeed. they send me all kinds of emails and when I go to a marketing conference, in the very near future and they realize I'm their competition lol. How many times have I heard I want to give back and they ask for thousands. That I just don't have. I never want to be that greedy.
